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A Life Debt Repaid

Chapter 907
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Chapter 907

Cordy was stunned, but she couldn't stop the fight when she was lying on the floor.

And the fight was a brutal one, with Patrick punching John repeatedly as if he had lost his mind.

John was still injured, and clearly couldn’t withstand Patrick's assault.

"Patrick, stop! Stop hitting him!" Cordy called out anxiously.

However, Patrick was too furious to listen, and kept punching John in the face.

That was the face that bewitched Cordy, was it?! n.ove.lx.o Then he would break it!

John could sense Patrick's flaring madness.

He had been holding back earlier, since what he was doing now deserved that much...but his temper

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flared as well while Patrick kept hitting him.

He began to punch back at Patrick viciously, putting in more strength with the next punch.

Patrick was naturally incensed by the retaliation, and they continued their scuffle.

Beside them, Cordy was absolutely flustered. However, they ignored her even though she shouted

herself hoarse.

Feeling that someone would get killed, Cordy finally remembered her phone, and quickly called Sean.

Sean arrived with Dicky in a couple of minutes, xo and immediately pulled Patrick away from

John. "Stop!'

Patrick couldn't stop at all, and shoved Sean away to keep hitting John.

John wasn't afraid either, and continued wrestling against Patrick.

Patrick swung another punch at John when Sean quickly stepped between them; Patrick saw it, but it

was too late to stop-he punched Sean squarely in the face.

Sean immediately bled from both nostrils, leaving Patrick stunned.

John had been defending himself in the first place, xo and stopped since Patrick paused.

"Had enough?" Sean asked Patrick coldly, not bothered to wipe away his blood.

Patrick pursed his lips-both him and John were outrageously bruised and battered on the face.

"Had enough?!” Sean repeated, .xo more sternly this time since he wasn't getting an answer from


"No," Patrick growled, a little indignant from Sean’s yelling.

This wasn’t his fault-would he have come to blows if John wasn’t hurting Cordy?

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"Then hit my face,’ Sean spat back icily.

Already a little guilty from punching Sean, Patrick's eyes widened at that."' Why would I do that? You

didn't do anything to me."

"Do adults resolve everything with violence?"

"Fine, whatever," Patrick growled impatiently. .xo "Don't reason with me, either.

I refuse to listen."

Wheeling on John then, he snapped, "You’ll regret this."

And with that, he entered the ward, finally remembering to pick Cordy off the floor.

John watched as Patrick carefully carried Cordy up to her wheelchair, pursing his lips as he watched

them leave.

Only Dicky turned to glance at John as the others left, with a clear look of worry in the boy’s eyes.

John was going to smile and tell him that it was fine, but his lips stung when he tried to move it.