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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 188
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Chapter 188

Noah came to Madeline with a bunch of sunflowers. He looked like the angel she had looked forward to

five years ago. Madeline looked at Noah in a daze for a moment.

"These sunflowers..."

"I prepared them for you. Do you like them?"

"How do you know that I like sunflowers?" Madeline was surprised. She subconsciously glanced at

Thomas. He was sitting at the dining table in the back and watching them silently.

Thomas shook his head honestly when Madeline gazed at him with scrutiny. He was sure that he had

not provided this information to Noah before. He was also shocked by those sunflowers when he came


"Do you want to know how I know about it?"


"Fine. Let's eat first!" Noah handed the bouquet to Madeline and took her to the dining table.

Madeline felt it was fate again as she happened to be sitting in the old seat she had been sitting in five

years ago. As long as she raised her head slightly, she could see the building of the Quinton

Corporation gleaming in the sun.

After sitting down, Madeline subconsciously raised her head. However, this time, she saw Noah. The

person who had once hidden far away in the Quinton Corporation. He was no longer invisible and


Madeline was slightly stunned. Looking at Noah, she suddenly smiled. But soon, she started crying.

Noah was frightened instantly.

"Madeline, what happened? Are you dislike this place? How about we go to another restaurant?" Noah

was a little nervous.

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"Mommy, why are you unhappy? Let me hug you!" Thomas was worried when he saw Madeline crying.

He immediately leaned over to hug her.

"I'm fine. It's just that I got sand in my eyes." Feeling the warmth from Thomas, Madeline came back to

her senses. She restrained her emotions and comforted Thomas.

"Is that so? Let me blow your eyes." Thomas believed her words and carefully blew her eyes.

"I'm okay now. Thank you, Thomas."

"Really?" Thomas was still worried and looked at Madeline with some confusion.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm hungry now. Let's choose the dishes!"

Madeline and Thomas began to choose dishes seriously. Everything seemed to be back in harmony

and happiness again.

Madeline did not notice that Noah, who was looking at her at this moment, was holding his hands

tightly. His veins were bulging, and he was trying his best to suppress his sadness silently.

When Madeline lowered her head, Noah quietly turned around and faced a window of the glittering

building across the road. He could vaguely see the faint red light reflected from the telescope there.

Noah used to stand there and quietly look at Madeline for hours.

"Daddy, what do you want to eat?" Thomas pulled Noah back from the sadness in an instant.

When Noah turned around again, he showed a shallow and gentle smile on his delicately carved face.

He was about to answer Thomas, but Madeline interrupted, "He has no choice!"

"I like to eat whatever you choose." Noah leaned over Madeline. He did not sit opposite her this time

but directly sat next to her.

"Me too!" Thomas agreed with Noah.

"Why are you two sitting around me? The opposite seat is spacious." Madeline could not help

complaining. She even felt a little hard to use a fork now in such a narrow space.

"It's cold on the terrace, but it's warm next to you. I feel good sitting together."

"Daddy is right!" Thomas supported Noah's view.

"Why were you two still choosing to sit here even though you know it's cold? Can't we just sit indoors?"

Madeline asked.

"But you want to date me to show affection. How do others secretly take photos if we don't sit outside?"

Noah asked her back.

Madeline was speechless. Alright, just forget it. I also feel warm sitting together.


After Bruno was scolded miserably in the live broadcast, many netizens wanted to find him. He was so

frightened that he hastily unplugged the device and fled. However, the power of netizens was great.

Before Bruno could run out of the villa area, the netizens discovered him.

"He's here! Come hit this shameless scum!"

"Protect people from harm!"

"You're so evil to sell unknown products!"

The netizens blocked Bruno and crazily threw rotten eggs and vegetables at him. Bruno was so scared

that he ran away under Kingsley's protection. Unfortunately, the villa area was originally sparsely

populated, and Bruno was getting older. He could not outrun those young people at all. In the end, the

netizens stripped all of his clothes. Then, they tied Bruno up and threw him into the trash. Some

netizens even recorded a video of their righteous actions and posted it anonymously on the internet.

Soon, the news of "Bruno got punishment" immediately rushed into the top trending searches. Bruno

was miserable compared to before. Netizens criticized him one after another. They even designed the

place where Bruno was thrown into the trash as a scum market.

Bruno was naked in the trash. He felt so angry. The people living in the villa area were famous and

knew about him. Now that these brain-dead netizens made trouble for him. He felt shame to face

others in the future!

"Kingsley, remember all these people! I'm going to sue them! I..." Bruno roared hysterically. Before he

could finish speaking, someone stuffed a pair of stinky socks into his mouth.

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Immediately afterward, those online users threw rubbish at Bruno again. Bruno tried his best to squat in

the trash. He felt ashamed and desperate. He had already scolded Madeline thousands of times in his


It's all Madeline's fault! She's so ungrateful! I've raised her for many years but gained nothing from her!

She even made trouble for me! I'll cut her into pieces soon!

Those netizens finally dispersed when they heard the sound of sirens. Only then was Bruno

successfully rescued. It was just that the netizens who had thrown him into the trash were all wearing

doll costumes, either Ultraman or Iron Man. When the police asked Bruno about the criminals, he did

not even know how to describe their appearance. Therefore, even if Bruno wanted to sue the other

party, he could not find anyone. Bruno was angry at this result.

"Damn it! It's all that bitch Madeline's fault!" Bruno started to clean the rotten vegetable leaves on his

body, but it seemed he could not finish cleaning them all. He felt his whole body stink to death, and he

could not help cursing Madeline angrily.

"Sir, about Ms. Madeline, she seems to have broken up with Mr. Quincy." Kingsley was also

embarrassed but patiently cleaned the vegetables on Bruno's body.

"What?! When did it happen?"

"It happened just now. Someone spread this rumor on Facebook that Ms. Madeline and Mr. Quincy

have broken up and found a new love. There are pictures about the truth..." After wiping his hands,

Kingsley took out his phone and showed Bruno the Facebook screenshots. Seeing those screenshots,

Bruno was instantly happy.

"Haha, this ungrateful bitch! I knew her wealth would not last long. She deserved to be dumped by

Noah! Come on, let's find her!"


"The Quincy family is wealthful. Even though that bitch was dumped by Noah, she might have gotten a

breakup fee. I was tricked so badly by her. So, I should get compensation from that bitch!"