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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 550
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Chapter 550 Explain It to Me Now

"Huh?" Noah knew how to deal with a woman like Wilda; he could distract her by just saying one word.

After all, love is blind, and sometimes women tend to be less smart when they are in love.

Wilda got captivated by his low and sexy voice, and she said shyly, "Mr. Quincy, would you make the

same choice as my uncle by leaving your wife and children behind?"

Shane told the Harvey family about what happened between Richard and Eliza. Eliza was dumped by

Richard and she hid herself. After a while, she could not take the breakup and committed suicide by

jumping off a cliff.

"Of course not." He frowned and answered her. It seemed like Wilda only knew the superficial story of

Elize; if this was the case, they would be clueless now.

"What if you really don't like her anymore and meet someone that you love?" Wilda could not contain

her eagerness; she wanted to get confirmation from Noah before making her next move.

His face darkened. Please stop talking about this kind of nonsense, okay? My wife is my true one love,

in this life and in the next, forever.

"A… Ah!" There was a scream from across the peach grove.

As soon as Wilda turned to look in that direction, a black shadow flashed in front of her eyes; Noah was

not with her anymore.

'Mr. Quincy, wait for me!" She chased after him in her high heels.

When they arrived, she saw the maid being hugged by Henry, and three of the kids were standing at

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the sides; all of them were soaking wet. Noah was staring dead-on at them.

Wlida felt flustered and uneasy; she felt like she was missing something important, but she did not

know what it was.

As she was deep in her thoughts, she accidentally twisted her ankle, and she fell hard to the ground.

Before falling down, she also exclaimed, and then she saw Noah striding toward her. She breathed a

sigh of relief.

He heard the children calling for help, so he rushed here, right? And he was angry because the

children were wet, right?

This must be it.

She was trying to convince herself.

"How are you?" He helped her up, and he saw a small ornament falling out of her neckline. It was an

old-fashioned pocket watch; it looked delicate.

He was alerted, and he merely took a step back when she pretended to fall into his arms.

She felt disappointed that he moved away from her, but she was overjoyed when he did not push her


She idolized Noah, so she knew that he hated people getting near him; he once broke a woman's arm

for leaning near him.

She was betting just now, hoping that he would be ruthless to her. She held her breath when she got

closer to him.

"I'm fine. Thank you, Mr. Quincy." She tried to move her feet and stand up, but she ended up falling to

him again.

This time, her whole body was almost being hugged by him; it was way more intimate than before.

Noah wanted to take the opportunity to put the jewelry around her neck, but just as he was about to do

it, Winova and the rest had arrived.

"Wow, it's been a long time since I saw Wilda throwing herself at men."

Winova did not need to think about her words; she could easily insult Wilda.

Canary wanted to fumble out his phone to broadcast live; Noah hugging Wilda would surely make the

headlines, and he could definitely get millions of followers!"

"Winova, no matter how dissatisfied you are with me, you can't simply slander me. I accidentally

sprained my ankle just now, and Mr. Quincy kindly helped me. Don't you know you're ruining his

reputation by making such a comment?"

Wilda was trying to create bad blood between Noah and Winova.

Winova snorted coldly. She used to think highly of Noah, but recently he was getting closer to Wilda;

she suspected that he staged his affection for his wife.

"Mr. Quincy is not afraid if he hasn't done anything wrong, am I right?"

Noah was not interested in their fight; he turned and looked at Wilda, then walked toward Madeline.

You guys are hugging for so long; do you have a death wish?

"What are you doing?"

His yell startled the Lone Wolf and Madeline; the children were taken aback, as well as the siblings of

the Harvey Family.

Madeline inserted a silver needle into his wrist when he turned around, and she broke free from his

hug. She tried to say calmly, "Mr. Quincy, don't be worried. The kids accidentally slipped into the river,

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but they're alright with only soaked clothes."

Colton looked at Noah. Okay, it seems like I worried for nothing... Daddy didn't even look at us...

The three of them looked at each other and silently lowered their heads to pray for Madeline.

Madeline signaled Noah with a look. Wildlda is coming our w;y; hold yourself tight.a is coming our way,

hold yourself… I'll explain it to you later!"

"What happened?"

Before Madeline could answer, she went straight to Colton. She knew Noah raised him all by himself,

so he should be his favorite child.

Colton tilted his head to avoid her hand, so she could only turn to Mackenzie. But Mackenzie sneezed,

and her saliva spilled all over Wilda's hands.

She was obsessive about cleanliness. At that moment, she wanted to kill people.

Hearing Mackenzie's sneeze, Noah quickly took off his suit jacket and wrapped her up. He carried her

and walked out.

Madeline gave Mackenzie a thumbs up. You're my lifesaver; thanks for saving my life.

"You, come and explain to me now." Noah turned around halfway and pointed at Madeline angrily.

Madeline stood closest to the children just now, so it made sense for her to explain.

But Wilda was not willing to let her go; she smiled and said, "I think it's better to take the children to

change clothes first; they might get a cold from the soaking clothes."

Thomas rolled his eyes at her. Auntie, it's over thirty degrees celsius now; our clothes are almost dry

under the sun. This was nothing compared to our training abroad.

But Madeline signaled for him to bring Colton along and change their clothes.

He quickly grabbed Colton and told him to run.