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Aku Seorang Kuadriliuner by Xiruo Huang

Bab 1402
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Bab 1402

Sungguh luar biasa .

Bahkan dua ras kuat dengan Soulbound Weapons di Beast Galaxy terkejut pada saat itu . _ _ _

Senjata Soulbound yang mereka miliki tidak memiliki kekuatan semacam ini untuk melintasi dua alam kecil untuk

membantu penggunanya memenangkan pertempuran . _ _ _ _

Itu hanya bisa melewati satu level paling banyak .

Senjata Soulbound di tangan David jelas jauh lebih kuat daripada yang ada di tangan mereka . _ _

Penonton yang tak terhitung jumlahnya menunjukkan ekspresi serakah .

Serpentine memandangi cahaya pedang merah yang menghentikan pukulan penuhnya dan terus bergerak ke

arahnya . _ _

Dia juga sedikit bingung . _ _

Terakhir kali David memenggal salah satu kepalanya dengan pedang , dia mengira itu karena dia terburu – buru

dan tidak punya waktu untuk mengumpulkan tenaga . _

This time, he acted first. Nine of his heads gathered energy at the same time and unleashed his strongest attack.

He was determined to avenge himself for the last blow David caused him.

Unexpectedly, he still met the same result.

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For a moment, he could not accept this.

Half of the red sword light’s energy that David swung was consumed after breaking Serpentine’s super- large

energy ball, hence it no longer moved as fast as it did at the beginning.

Despite this, it still reached Serpentine in an instant.

Just when the red sword light was about to cut Serpentine’s Eternal Golden Body in two in one fell swoop, a beam of

light suddenly appeared. It blocked Serpentine’s body and collided with the approaching red sword light.


The reaction caused by this collision was much larger.

A deafening sound resounded through the void.

The shockwave of the collision spread and sent Serpentine flying.

Boom boom boom!

The aftermath even shattered many planets in the distance.

Brilliant fireworks were set off in the void.

Since Serpentine was closest to the collision, the damage done to him was also quite substantial.

At this moment, his Eternal Golden Body was already half–crippled.

David’s blow caused too much damage to the Nine–Headed Serpent Clan.

This was their territory, and it was surrounded by planets inhabited by the Nine–Headed Serpent Clan’s


This blow not only hurt Serpentine, but it also destroyed many living planets where the Nine–Headed Serpent Clan

lived, causing them heavy losses.

Lucius saw all of this.

The anger in his heart went straight to his head.

No one expected such a result.

Obviously, David was still at a disadvantage at the beginning and should have been utterly crushed by Serpentine.

In the end, it was David who almost took out Serpentine with one blow.

The tables turned so quickly that it shocked the well–informed Amadi from a high–level civilization.

Even if David was using a Soulbound Weapon, he did not think that David would defeat Serpentine, a late Ruler

Ranker, in such an overwhelming way.

Originally, he thought that the two sides would be stuck in a tie at most.

It seemed that he still underestimated David.

David won.

Of course, the happiest people were none other than Celia and the others.

When David was being attacked, they were all so worried for David.

Now that David had won, they were all happy for him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Lorraine was hiding the monstrous waves under her calm expression.

This was the first time she had seen this kind of terrifying battle between Eternals.

In the aftermath of this battle, planets would only become fireworks, and they had no effect other than adding a

little brightness to the dark void.

‘Was this the David who once refused to marry me?

‘He became so scary.

‘No wonder he didn’t even want to look at me at the beginning.

‘Perhaps in his heart, cultivation was the most important thing!

‘Otherwise, he wouldn’t have such strength.

Lorraine looked at Celia and the others who were elated because of David’s victory.

‘If I had just humbled myself back then, would I be one of them now?


‘Who am I?

‘I am Lorraine Lovewood!‘ 1

Kesombongannya tidak akan pernah mengizinkannya melakukan hal yang memalukan .

Hanya pria yang pernah tergila – gila padanya .

Tidak mungkin dia tergila – gila dengan pria mana pun .

Meskipun dia sangat mengagumi David sekarang , dia tidak akan pernah membuang segalanya untuk bersamanya

. _ _ _