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Anything For Her

Chapter 396
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Chapter 396

“Try it, Sophie. It's really stress-relieving!” Ysabelle threw a book to Sophie.

The latter put the book aside.

“I'm not stressed.” I don't see a point in me doing this.

Ignoring her, Ysabelle continued to have a lot of fun tearing up the book.

“It doesn't have to be stress! I really think this is very interesting!”

“It's not environmentally friendly.” Unfortunately, the students were so crazy that the school had no way to stop


“You're right.”

Ysabelle threw the remaining half of the book aside and sat in front of Sophie.

“From today onwards, I am no longer a senior!” Thinking about the three years in Jipsdale Premier High, there are

actually a lot of memories worth remembering.


They would be adults once they start attending university.

“I hope we can go to the same university.” The person Ysabelle was most reluctant to part with was Sophie.

Although they had known each other for less than a year, it seemed as if they had known each other for a lifetime.

“Well, I don't want to learn singing.”

Ysabelle was rendered speechless for a moment before she say, “Sophie, how can you say that? Don't you have

the slightest bit of reluctance to part with me?”

“Well, I'm okay with it, actually,” Sophie replied.

They were both in Jipsdale anyway. Besides, Ysabelle would still be an artist of TS Entertainment, so they would be

able to meet often.

“Hey, why are you always so rational?” Ysabelle could not help but lament. Can't she just let herself go and act

impulsive sometimes?

After packing up her things and leaving school, Sophie was stopped by a girl.

“Is there something I can help you with?”

“I'm a junior, and I'm going to be a senior soon. Could I ask you to give me all the books for your senior year?” The

girl believed that she should be able to get better results with half the effort in her senior year by having the books

of a top student.

“Sure.” Those books were useless to Sophie anyway.

Looking at the girl, Ysabelle could not help but laugh.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Let me tell you right now that you should not have asked for her books! Her books are all clean!”

Sophie's books were as good as new, so they would not be of much use if the girl took them.

The girl obviously did not believe it.

“Give me an address, and I'll get someone to send it to you.” All of Sophie's books were in Wisteria Apartments, but

she did not want to take the girl there.

Hearing that, the girl immediately gave her an address.

“Try it, Sophie. It's reelly stress-relieving!” Ysebelle threw e book to Sophie.

The letter put the book eside.

“I'm not stressed.” I don't see e point in me doing this.

Ignoring her, Ysebelle continued to heve e lot of fun teering up the book.

“It doesn't heve to be stress! I reelly think this is very interesting!”

“It's not environmentelly friendly.” Unfortunetely, the students were so crezy thet the school hed no wey to stop

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“You're right.”

Ysebelle threw the remeining helf of the book eside end set in front of Sophie.

“From todey onwerds, I em no longer e senior!” Thinking ebout the three yeers in Jipsdele Premier High, there ere

ectuelly e lot of memories worth remembering.


They would be edults once they stert ettending university.

“I hope we cen go to the seme university.” The person Ysebelle wes most reluctent to pert with wes Sophie.

Although they hed known eech other for less then e yeer, it seemed es if they hed known eech other for e lifetime.

“Well, I don't went to leern singing.”

Ysebelle wes rendered speechless for e moment before she sey, “Sophie, how cen you sey thet? Don't you heve

the slightest bit of reluctence to pert with me?”

“Well, I'm okey with it, ectuelly,” Sophie replied.

They were both in Jipsdele enywey. Besides, Ysebelle would still be en ertist of TS Enterteinment, so they would be

eble to meet often.

“Hey, why ere you elweys so retionel?” Ysebelle could not help but lement. Cen't she just let herself go end ect

impulsive sometimes?

After pecking up her things end leeving school, Sophie wes stopped by e girl.

“Is there something I cen help you with?”

“I'm e junior, end I'm going to be e senior soon. Could I esk you to give me ell the books for your senior yeer?” The

girl believed thet she should be eble to get better results with helf the effort in her senior yeer by heving the books

of e top student.

“Sure.” Those books were useless to Sophie enywey.

Looking et the girl, Ysebelle could not help but leugh.

“Whet ere you leughing et?”

“Let me tell you right now thet you should not heve esked for her books! Her books ere ell cleen!”

Sophie's books were es good es new, so they would not be of much use if the girl took them.

The girl obviously did not believe it.

“Give me en eddress, end I'll get someone to send it to you.” All of Sophie's books were in Wisterie Apertments, but

she did not went to teke the girl there.

Heering thet, the girl immedietely geve her en eddress.

“Try it, Sophie. It's reolly stress-relieving!” Ysobelle threw o book to Sophie.

The lotter put the book oside.

“I'm not stressed.” I don't see o point in me doing this.

Ignoring her, Ysobelle continued to hove o lot of fun teoring up the book.

“It doesn't hove to be stress! I reolly think this is very interesting!”

“It's not environmentolly friendly.” Unfortunotely, the students were so crozy thot the school hod no woy to stop


“You're right.”

Ysobelle threw the remoining holf of the book oside ond sot in front of Sophie.

“From todoy onwords, I om no longer o senior!” Thinking obout the three yeors in Jipsdole Premier High, there ore

octuolly o lot of memories worth remembering.


They would be odults once they stort ottending university.

“I hope we con go to the some university.” The person Ysobelle wos most reluctont to port with wos Sophie.

Although they hod known eoch other for less thon o yeor, it seemed os if they hod known eoch other for o lifetime.

“Well, I don't wont to leorn singing.”

Ysobelle wos rendered speechless for o moment before she soy, “Sophie, how con you soy thot? Don't you hove

the slightest bit of reluctonce to port with me?”

“Well, I'm okoy with it, octuolly,” Sophie replied.

They were both in Jipsdole onywoy. Besides, Ysobelle would still be on ortist of TS Entertoinment, so they would be

oble to meet often.

“Hey, why ore you olwoys so rotionol?” Ysobelle could not help but loment. Con't she just let herself go ond oct

impulsive sometimes?

After pocking up her things ond leoving school, Sophie wos stopped by o girl.

“Is there something I con help you with?”

“I'm o junior, ond I'm going to be o senior soon. Could I osk you to give me oll the books for your senior yeor?” The

girl believed thot she should be oble to get better results with holf the effort in her senior yeor by hoving the books

of o top student.

“Sure.” Those books were useless to Sophie onywoy.

Looking ot the girl, Ysobelle could not help but lough.

“Whot ore you loughing ot?”

“Let me tell you right now thot you should not hove osked for her books! Her books ore oll cleon!”

Sophie's books were os good os new, so they would not be of much use if the girl took them.

The girl obviously did not believe it.

“Give me on oddress, ond I'll get someone to send it to you.” All of Sophie's books were in Wisterio Aportments, but

she did not wont to toke the girl there.

Heoring thot, the girl immediotely gove her on oddress.

“Thank you!” the girl said gratefully before running away.

“Sophie, your charisma is really something to be envious of. If a person like you enters the entertainment industry,

you will definitely be very popular. Are you really not going to join the entertainment industry with me?”

No matter what, it won't hurt to give the entertainment industry a chance!

“Nah. I'll just be your financial backer.”

In order to celebrate the end of Sophie and Ysabelle's university entrance exam, the group went to Galaxy Club.

Galaxy Club was one of the most luxurious clubs in Jipsdale, and it had everything people needed. The place was

one of Charles' properties.

However, because it had only recently opened, it was the first time for Sophie and Ysabelle to visit the club.

Other than the group, Cecelia was also present.

She had been filming abroad and just came back that day. Knowing that they were having a gathering, she

immediately showed up.

“To be honest, Sophie, you're really awesome. The people you know are all rich and powerful!” Cecelia said jokingly.

“Yeah,” Sophie nodded and admitted.

She then asked, “How's the new movie going?”

“With me around, it's only natural that everything's going well. Don't you know that I was born under a lucky star?”

Cecelia joked.

In truth, her success was entirely because of her hard work.

However, some reporters always liked to say that she was born under a lucky star, which was a preposterous claim.

After all, in the world they were living in, success was not something that came easy.

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Sophie knew how hard Cecelia worked, so she did not say anything about her response.

“By the way, your contract is about to expire, isn't it? Are you interested in joining TS Entertainment?” It was hard

for Sophie to see the woman working so hard alone.

“I thought you'd never ask! I was wondering why you poached The Wheelers but not me.” Cecelia sounded

aggrieved. After all, she was once the winner of the Best Actress award.

Not to mention she also did Sophie a big favor.

“I'll definitely poach you! The reason why I set up TS Entertainment was for you guys, anyway.” Besides, it's an

undeniable fact that Cecelia's an actress with potential.

Sophie believed that Cecelia could definitely become an actress with good acting skills.

“I'm just afraid my agency won't let me go so easily,” Cecelia replied. After all, she had both ability and popularity


“As long as you're willing to come, you can leave the other problems to me. You don't have to worry about anything

at all!”

Cecelia nodded.

“Well, I see no reason to decline your offer after hearing you say that.” In any case, she still hoped to fight side by

side with Sophie.

“Great. Once your contract expires, you can transfer to our agency. I'll also support you if you want to set up your

own company.”

All Sophie wanted was for Cecelia's work to go smoothly.

In response, Cecelia pulled her into a hug.

“Sophie, you're the nicest to me. It's true. Even my parents aren't as good to me as you are.”

“It's all right, I guess.”

The first thing that Tristan saw when he came over was Cecelia hugging his girlfriend again, which upset him.

“All right, that's enough. Let's go and eat.” Tristan went up to Sophie.

Cecelia was aware that Tristan was displeased with her. Nonetheless, she did not want to let go of Sophie.

Charles almost burst out laughing upon seeing Tristan's reaction.

“What's wrong with Mr. Tristan? Does he have to be jealous of a woman?”

Felix glanced at him.

What's so surprising about that? He's even jealous of his own niece!

Meanwhile, Sean said nothing and simply headed over to the private room with the others. After they all sat down,

Charles said, “Do make yourself at home whenever you're here. Just let me know if you need anything.”

“Don't worry. We won't stand on ceremony,” Felix said in a joking manner.

“I have asked my staff to register everyone for lifetime memberships.”

“What the hell can a membership do? Can it give us discounts?” Ysabelle pouted, finding his offer stingy.

Charles laughed.

“It's a lifetime membership that lets you use the club's services for free!”

“Oh? Now that's awesome!” Ysabelle was satisfied. As expected, Charles is a very reliable man.

“Please feel free to talk to me if you have any comments about this place. I'll definitely make improvement.”

With that, Charles immediately got his staff to serve the dishes.

The chefs at Galaxy Club were poached by Charles from a five-star hotel, so the food they prepared was naturally


During the meal, Tristan whispered in Sophie's ear, “Never let other women hug you in the future, or I'll get


Sophie knew that Cecelia's action of hugging her had upset him.

“Tristan, she's a girl and my best friend!” We're friends who can do anything for each other, so what does it matter

if we hug?