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Bogus Billionaire by Shining Riviera

Chapter 701
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Chapter 701


Caroline wanted to shield Kirk behind her, but she wasn’t tall enough to do any good. She could

only clutch kirk’s hand tighter to broadcast her ownership.

“That’s right.”

Aurora said sarcastically, “He’s quite the looker. Too bad being handsome can’t pay the rent.

Her words dragged Yvonne back to earth. She immediately looked away and said, “I heard your

husband relies on you financially. Is that right?” She cast her taunting gaze on Caroline.

It was only by saying this that Yvonne felt like she could make herself feel better. Otherwise, she

would be too enraged whenever she saw Caroline’s face.

She could admit that Caroline was pretty, but why did Adrian like her and not Yvonne?

Displeased, Caroline put on a sullen expression. Although Marietta had organized this dinner, and

she was happy to behave because of that, no one was allowed to talk about Kirk negatively.

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“How do you know so much about my affairs? Do you hide under my bed or something?”

With that, Yvonne’s face turned scarlet.

Marietta also thought Yvonne had gone overboard. “Yvonne, that is a matter of Caroline’s family.

You’re an outsider and don’t know anything about them, so don’t talk about it.”

Yvonne was just about to retort when Aurora stopped her with a look.

“Today is a happy day, so let’s all cool it.” Aur

stood up and filled everyone’s glasses. If she

wasn’t trying to butter Marietta up, she wouldn’t be doing a waitress‘ job.

“Here, have a drink.”

Only then did Caroline and Kirk take their seats.

After the two sat down, Marietta lifted her glass and said, “I’d like first to thank Carrie that I can be

reunited with my daughter here today. If it weren’t for the way Caroline worked so hard to find

her, I don’t know if I would have found Yvonne. So, this toast is to thank you, Carrie.”

Caroline raised her glass, too. “Mom, that’s what I should be doing. I’ve learned a lot in the time I’ve

been by your side. Thank you.”


Seeing how intimate Manetta and Caroline were. Yvonne felt very uncomfortable. She especially

disliked the way Caroline kept calling Marietta “Mom“, as if Manetta really was her mother

Caroline had already stolen Adrian’s love, and Yvonne wouldn’t allow her to steal Manetta away as


“Mom,” Yvonne suddenly said, “why does Caroline also call you Mom? Could she be your biological

daughter, too?”

“Oh, she’s not. I get along especially well with Carrie, so I took her as my goddaughter.”

“But since I’m back, shouldn’t you…” Yvonne tugged Marietta’s arm and whined, “Mom, I don’t

want to share you with someone else, okay?”

Finally, Yvonne was calling her Mom. This made countless emotions surge to the forefront within

Marietta. However…

Marietta looked at Caroline. She really did like this person. Besides, doing this would be simply

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too cruel.

Meanwhile, Yvonne looked at Caroline victoriously. She would first get Marietta back. Then, she

would get Adrian back as well.

Caroline saw through Yvonne’s intentions. To prevent Marietta from getting torn between them, she said, “Mom, no,

Aunt Mary. Since you’ve already found your daughter, I think I should go back

to calling you Aunt Mary.”


“Let’s eat, Aunt Mary.” Caroline smiled.

Seeing Caroline’s painstaking show of fortitude, Marietta felt her heart skip a beat. She wanted to

say something, but Caroline secretly held her hand.

“Carrie…” Marietta’s lips moved, but no sound came out.

Caroline shook her head lightly.

It had taken a lot for Yvonne to finally acknowledge Marietta as her mother. Caroline didn’t want to be the barrier

that came between them.