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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 395
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Chapter 395

Bella’s POV:

After Emma left, Joey comforted me. “She’s just a piece of sh*t. Don’t listen to her nonsense.”

“I know.” I nodded and then left with Joey.

What Emma said today had indeed stabbed my heart, and my heart was still in pain.

And her words lingered in my mind for a long time. After parting with Joey, I lingered on the street for a

long time before returning home. “Miss Stepanek, you’re back?” As soon as I entered the door, Gary

walked up to me with Lucky in his arms.

“Yes.” I nodded and forced a smile. I had never paid much attention to how they always called me Miss

Stepanek, and I thought it sounded fine.

But now, I felt that this title was a little sarcastic. After all, I was the mother of the two children. I slept

and lived together with Herbert every day. This title once again reminded me that I was just Herbert’s

sex partner,

Just a partner for him to have sex with!

If there was a parent-teacher conference in our children’s school in the future.

How should I describe my relationship with the children’s father?

After all, I was not his wife.

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Could I tell others that we were just sex partners? Oh god! It was so terrible.

“Miss Stepanek, just now, Mr. Wharton came back. He said he would be going to New York. After he

waited for you for a while, you were still not home, so he left. He asked me to inform you that he would

be back in a few days.” Gary said.

“I got it.” I nodded. Then I reached out to touch Lucky’s face and walked up the stairs Gary hurriedly

took two steps forward and said, “Miss Stepanek, you don’t look very well. Are you feeling unwell?”

Hearing this, I turned my head and tried to smile. “No, I’m just a little tired. I want to have a rest.” “Then

please go and have a rest. I’ll take Lucky out to have a look” Gary said. “Okay.” I nodded and went


I shook off the slippers on my feet and threw myself onto the soft bed,

I covered my head with the quilt, and then I suddenly pushed the quilt away. Looking at the ceiling. I

made a decision. “I must get to the bottom of it when Herbert comes back.” If he didn’t want to get

married again, I would move out with Lucky. I couldn’t live with him in such an unclear way anymore!

But it would sound like I was forcing him to marry me. I wanted him to be willing to marry me. I didn’t

want him to be forced.

I was in a dilemma all of a sudden. What should I do? Early the next morning, Joey and I went to A

City’s Business Office to get my business license.

The staff in the hall told me, “Miss, because you’re registered in a special industry, you need to go to

New York to do a filing procedure.”

I took the license and asked curiously, “Do I have to go to New York?”

“Yes.” The staff nodded.

I had no choice but to take the process introduced by the staff and walked out of the business bureau

together with Joey. “Why is it so troublesome that we have to go to New York for the procedure?” Joey

complained. “We’re in a special industry. We should just go as instructed. Otherwise, we can’t start a

business,” ! said. “Then I’ll go. You still have two children to take care of.” Joey volunteered. “I’m the

legal representative. I’d better go. I’ll be back in two days. I won’t be worried as I have Miranda and

Gary at home to take care of Lucas and Lucky.” I said with a smile. “Well, I can relax for two days,”

Joey said. I glanced at her and said, “In the next two days, you have to go shop for the necessities in

the office. Remember to compare the prices. Jot them down one by one. Wait for me to come back and

buy them together. Do you understand?” “Ah? It’s so troublesome.” Joey could not help but pout.

I chuckled and said, “Of course, we need to save some money in the beginning. Well, it’s tiring to be a

boss. We just had to do our own tasks when we worked for others. Now that we’ve started our own

business, we naturally need to pay attention to everything. It seems that it’s not that easy to be a boss.”

“So I’d better work for you,” Joey said with a flattering smile.

“We will reap what we sow.” I shook iny head.

The next morning. I got on the train to New York.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

On the train, I wanted to call Herbert, but I hesitated whether I should call him or not. After all, he was

at his parents’ house, and his parents might not welcome me. I think I’d better finish my business first

before considering other things. The purpose of my coming. to New York was just for the completion of

the filing process. I had been busy for more than half a day. I finaWy walked out of the registration hall

when it was almost time for others to get off work. Everything was finally done.

Looking up at the beautiful sky, I thought that I might not be able to catch up on the train back to A City

tonight, so I decided to stay in New York for one night.

After hesitating for a while, I thought that if Herbert knew that I had suddenly come here, he would be

very surprised. Maybe we lacked romance, so I suddenly wanted to give him a surprise tonight. After

thinking for a while, I dialed Herbert’s number. “Hello?” From the other end came the low, pleasant

voice of Herbert. “Are you busy? Did I disturb you?” I spoke a little cautiously because he seemed to be

very busy in or 20.

New York. He had called twice, and there seemed to be a lot of people talking on the other end. “No,

just go ahead.” I seemed to hear him pull the chair and then step into a relatively quiet place. “What are

you doing?” I asked softly. I had to find a way to find out where he was so that I could go find him and

then suddenly appear in front of him. My mind was imagining how he would look when he suddenly

saw me. “Oh, I came out for dinner with my friend. We just arrived at the restaurant,” Herbert replied.

Hearing this, I asked mischievously, “Friend? A man or a woman?” “Of course, it’s a man,” Herbert

quickly replied. At this time, I smiled and said, “If you say it’s a man, then it’s a man. If you say it’s a

woman, then it’s a woman. Anyway, I can’t see it. I don’t know if you’re lying to me.”