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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 492 * Asked for a good beating *
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He looked at the report, tears rolled out of his eyes, and he felt something stuck in his throat; he never cried since the day he had lost his daughter, not because he was not in pain, Instead, the pain was so great that it froze everything inside; he felt nothing because of his wife; he kept himself together, now finally God blessed him, his daughter had returned to him, Kate was his princess.

His entire being was shaking like he just had a heart attack, but what made him in nine clouds resulted from the DNA test, Only a father could understand what it felt like after knowing that the daughter he thought he had lost finally cback to him.

This made him too happy, so happy that he never could express it with words.

Mr. Allen looked at David with his teary eyes. David felt a little emotional, that man he had never seen cried like this, yet his master had a smile on his lips and tears in his eyes, but the spark in his eyes expressed everything that he was feeling at the moment.

He could understand his feeling; after all, he was a father of three children, he still remembered when he thought they lost their baby when Kate fell in a coma, but he never expressed it in front of anyone, Also, when Destiny had felt sick and had breathing problems, he felt his breath stuck in his throat; he knew how it felt to be a father and how much a father’s heart could bear for his children.

But now he needs to know everything, his wife and children’s safety couldn't be delayed.

“So now that you know Kate is your daughter tellwhat happened 15 years ago? David invited the kidnapping case, but the Allen family hid it from the public, Also, it's been 15 years, so no one knows what exactly happened, so that means the Allen family hid their own granddaughters kidnapping case.

Mr. Allen wiped his tears with his left hand. “I know you will not leave it, David. It's been 15 years; leave the past in the past; if you dig it now, nothing good is going to happen in our life.” That was the last chance; Mr. Allen wanted to know if his son-in-law would give up or not.

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Son in law? This address rang a bell in his head; this stinky boy bechis son-in-law even before he knew it. He looked at David with a furious look.

David, who wanted to scold him, stopped; what's with this look? He thought to himself, the other six were watching a , and no one made any sound.

“You, David Xiver, you. You didn’t ask my permission yet; my daughter almost died and gave birth at such a young age because of you. Are you even human? Mr. Allen's face and tone changed tically.

David and the other six...........? “If I had found my daughter before, | would never have let her marry an old fox like you. “Mr. Allen finally found a chance to scold David, how he could let go of such a golden opportunity.

Only then everyone understood, he was Kate's father and had full rights to scold David; everyone held their laughter in their stomach; no one dared to laugh because they didn’t want to anger David and his father-in-law, father-in-law, such a new word for them, now finally someone got the upper hand on David.

David's mouth twisted with amazement, so this man finally realized that he was her daughter's husband and his son-in-law, son- in-law, father-in-law, such an extra word for David, as an unknown world.

“So what? Do you think my wife will chooseor you, her father, who tumbles from the sky? David knows his place in Kate's heart; it's not his overconfidence or ego; Kate loves him more than anyone.

Hearing David's provoking words, Mr. Allen’s face darkened considerably; he looked at David as if he wanted to beat David black and blue, but he knew his daughter wouldn't like him if he beats her husband, 15 years ago, Mr. Allen used to think whoever would be his father-in-law would have a heart attack. He used to feel pity for that person, but who knew he was not pitying anyone else, instead it was him.

“Stinky boy, | really underestimated your destiny; who knew my daughter would be a poor soul who bounded on your fate” Mr.

Allen couldn't help but complain.

“Do you think my wife thinks like you? David was more arrogant than before because he already knew his wife would choose him over the world.

Mr. Allen’s face twisted with pain; he really wanted to smack his head but couldn't.

“When are you going to tell Kate about this? Mr. Allen looked at David with his hopeful eyes; he yearned to hear dad from her mouth, how he wanted to hug his daughter in his arms and pour out all the tears he hid in his heart for years.

“Before | answer you, you givethe answer | want. Otherwise, my wife and children will never regard you as their elder” David knew this man, who happened to be his father-in-law, was very stubborn, more than his daughter.

Thinking about Kate, he decided to go soft on his father-in-law “tellthe truth, if you keep hiding the truth, my wife and children would be in danger, And | don’t want something dangerous to happen to them; if it does, I'll go for your life, and you know that | mean it,” David said with a great frown on his face.

Mr. Allen lost in thought; he sighed; it seems David would not let it go. “Our daughter was four about to step on 5; we were so happy that | even bought an island in A country, To celebrate her birthday, we went to the Island 1 day ahead of her birthday; she likes peaceful places; she loves animals, like rabbits, deer, birds, so | built a small villa on that Island, also a zoo, we invited around 300 people to that Island, she never stayed in one place, on her 5th birthday, all the guests reached the Island, everyone was happy until my father did something which upset my wife and me, Kayle almost got in a fight with my father, but my old man was too stubborn, the party was in a mess when we cback to our senses, Grace was not around us anymore.” “Grace?? David was confused.

“Kate's childhood name, God, showed the greatest mercy on us giving her in our life, that's why we named her Grace” Mr. Allen gave a painfully proud smile.

David's lips lifted with a peaceful smile “Grace,” he moved his tongue with this name; it seems God also had done the most significant mercy on him, isn’t that why he got his Grace.

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“What had you done that you two even forgot your daughter? David sounded harsh this time; how could they even forget their daughter? If he couldn't see Destiny and his sons for 30 seconds, he would find them immediately; how careless was Mr. Allen as a father? “Hmm, he,” Mr. Allen looked hesitant when he heard David's question. As a father-in-law, he felt a little awkward.

David could tell something was wrong there, but he waited with great patience. Then, finally, Mr. Allen spoke again, “He fixed Grace's engagement with the Astor family’s Eldest grandson.” The silence went through in the whole place; the other six didn’t dare to look at David's face, they looked elsewhere, Mr. Allen’s eyes were on his coffee cup, they heard a noise; they bite their tongue and looked up.

Blood flowed from David's hand, and the coffee cup had shattered into pieces.

Aiden grabbed Alex's hand in tension; Alex was more frightened than him, everyone present knew, other men around Kate was David's sour point, in this world, he hates this most, Others might feel jealousy, but only Alex knows; it's not just simple jealousy; hatred deep to his bones.

“Is your father still alive? David asked; everyone rubbed their hands together nervously.

“Yeah, he is; the last t| heard, he went through an extensive surgery for his heart, and now he retired from business and is now staying at hwith my mother.” Mr. Allen was a little angry because of his father’s hasty decision; he had lost his daughter for five years.

“It seems | need to give him a visit,” David said with a smile. Still, inside he was fuming; if he could, he wanted to strangle that older man, how dare he, he dared to fix his girl with another man, the older man asked for a good beating, if people knew what he was thinking at that moment, they would strangle him, she was not his when they fixed her engagement, but he already staked his claim on her.

Mr. Allen felt a little happy that the older man was his father so that he couldn't do anything to him, but if David taught him a lesson, he would feel satisfied, that older man was stubborn than a rhinoceros, never listen to anyone, at Kate's fifth birthday, the Astor family suddenly asked for Kate’s hand for their grandson, and his old man didn’t bother to ask and even fixed an engagement date, which angered Kylie so much that she broke everything she had near to her reach, she broke things because she could beat neither his father nor old master Astor.

He was busy trying to stop her and taking this chance, someone kidnapped Kate, they searched the entire night, but they didn’t found her, Kylie lost it, she wanted to kill everyone, including his father, that older man was so guilty that he acted invisibly, the Astor family helped them, but nothing worked, After one night, they got a call from that kidnapper; they wanted him to send Kylie alone with 10 billion; he agreed to give the money, but not kylie, he wanted to go himself, but the kidnappers warned him if he didn’t send Kylie with that money, they would kill Grace, he was scared, deep down he knew someone was trying to trap him, but Kylie agreed, helplessly he put sleeping pills in her drink, and she slept for two days, and when she woke up, everything was ruined.

She lost her sense and stopped talking; she beca puppet; he thought she'd be okay, but Mia, that snake provoked Kylie.