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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 504 * Hold me back *
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He received the call. “What happened? “Your mother-in-law is vomiting blood, David. We have no time. Either you or | have to reach Ace Welsh. | need the antidote right now; if you can't, please lethandle it." Kate's father was going crazy; Kylie couldn't hold any more; she needed the antidote before it was too late.

“I'll talk to him soon,” David knows as long as he would use his way, Ace Welsh has to hand over the antidote to him. Thinking about this, he sighed.

“Okay, don't tell Kate about it yet, she will be sad, and the last thing in this world | want to see her hurt, so keep it from her” Nate was not brave enough to face Kate right now; she would be hurt if she sees her mother in that state.

“Okay, don't worry, | have promised you, and you know | won't break my promise.” David said sincerely. He knew what will happen if Kate finds out, but he was not a fool to hide it from her; he needs to get the antidote as soon as possible; after he gets the solution, he will take her to meet her mother there.

“I believe you” at that moment, other than believing David, Nate had no other way. Also, he knows if anyone could get the antidote from Ace, it can only be David. He wanted to do that, But Ace Welsh would never allow him to do it because of his father, so Nate decided not to take the risk. After all, that man also had lost his mother because of the three families.

David hung up and laid back and kissed Kate's hair, feeling her snoring breath. He smiled unconsciously. Since childhood, he and Kate have had a hard life, unlike other rich people. He was the grandson of the Roth family.

But had to work his ass off to support his family and even had to do what he never wanted. She was the princess of her parents, had a glorious life, but people around them couldn’t bear their happiness and ruined their lives.

Yet he would have no complaint against his fate, not he wanted to complain to God because he didn’t want to be ungrateful to God for giving him to her. But, still, her, she was a girl, his precious girl, Who had a hard life since the Waston family had adopted her; why didn’t a good family adopt her and treat her like a princess? Why? That's what always had haunted him.

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Looking at the time, David sighed. It was already 5 in the morning; he had to get up and contact that idiot Mike directly; David was not a fool to believe Mike’s words without evidence. That's why he tried to find out the origin of the poison. If there is a problem, there should be a solution.

but who knew, in the end, his investigation would stop on the Welsh family because it was Ace welsh’s father who had created this poison to help Mia smith and that man would never hand over the antidote, until he wouldn't push to the edge of the Welsh family, but it would take a little time, but now David had only one way, to push Ace Welsh to the edge and give him what he wanted, but not Noah or Nina.

David gently put the girl on the bed even though he didn’t want to; David lowered his head and kissed her gently. Kate shifted her posture and fell asleep hugging Devin’s tiny body. David lowered his head and kissed all of them, and went to the bathroom to change his clothes.

Before leaving, he looked at the four peaceful souls on the bed; the babies were more subdued than before; they used to wake up a few times at night, but now they wake up only when they feel hungry; otherwise, they sleep like their mother.

After a while, the car sound could be heard from outside. David left, he drove the car to Derek's place. He needed to bring forward his plan for now. Derek was in deep sleep when someone rang the doorbell.

He walked to the door in a foul mood, but when he saw David, he frowned. “What are you doing here at this time? Derek was about to fly back to A country. He needed to be there, but David told him to stay in S country for a few days. Derek agreed. He knew David would have never stopped him without a good reason.

“I have something important to do” David walked inside and sat on the couch.

“Giveyour laptop,” David asked.

“Why do you need my laptop? Derek was confused.

“Since | have given you the leader's position, if | want to enter a secret folder of the Black Dragon, | need your fingerprint; otherwise, it will be messy.

And now | don’t have free tto play with the security system of the Black Dragon. Also, that old man will look for trouble if | dare to do this,” David reasoned out with his perfect explanation.

Derek looked at him with a speechless expression, seriously. If he wants to mess with him, why not let him take a sound sleep? Yesterday's party was in a mess, they had to handle everything instead of his place; he cback around 2 am and fell asleep after a long time, now he dared to mess with him so early.

“My mother-in-law is in critical condition,” David uttered when Derek heard him. He fell silent. He also knew about Mrs. Allen.

They knew she would be in danger if something triggered her emotion.

“Why did you announce it publicly? Derek asked; he was a little confused.

“Because | wanted her to avoid being excited. | knew she would be in danger if she got too excited, but in the end, she still got excited like that. We got the sresult which caused everything.” David explained with a sour face when Derek heard it; he nodded; it makes sense.

David thought the crowd would affect Mrs. Allen, and she would try to keep herself calm, but they underestimated her heart because she was the woman who had found everything in a second.

She didn’t hesitate to pour out everything she had in her heart. But, finally, the guilt and the pain she let out of everything and everything was too much for her, and in the end, she gave up on her heart, and now her life is in danger.

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Both sighed deeply. After a long time, David found the file he had in the secret folder, and he transferred the file to his phone.

“Let's go. I'm going to meet Ace Welsh now,” David said.

“So, you can handle him with the thing on your hand, so what do you needto accompany you? Derek asked when he felt David was acting weird.

“Because when | see that bastard, | might lose control over my head and beat him to death, but right now | can’t mess with him; otherwise, he will not hand over the antidote, So | need to keep someone withto holdback and remindwhy | can't beat him right now,” David gritted his teeth and said; he clenched his teeth so tightly that Derek felt his teeth about to break off.

Derek almost rolls to the ground and laughs his teeth off. But, seriously, this man wants to beat Ace Welsh so severely that he needs someone to hold him back.

Wasn't it him who stopped the other five of them when they wanted to find Ace Welsh and beat him? So now he was the one who wanted to hit that man.

“Didn’t you say Noah and Nina have nothing to do with Ace Welsh? Then why do you need to beat him? Derek suddenly found a chance to tease David, and he didn’t want to let it go. Such a chance barely comes to someone's life.

“First brother, | think you're too free after your woman runs away with you, son, don’t you? That's why you have so much tto play with me? David wanted to rub salt on Derek's wound and show him the result of messing with him.

Derek's face was darker than a bottom pit. He had no weakness or a sore spot in his life, but since that woman appeared in his life, she turned his world upside down, and even after being with him, she didn’t learn her lesson.

She ran away from hwith his son, and he hates it too much, no one daring enough to mention this in front, only David from tto tpoke on his nerves, reminding him about that woman, now his throat and lung, everything has turned sour.