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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 568 - His heaven...!!!
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Dr. San and his men walked closer to her with every step. A helicopter flew over their heads when they were closer to grab her.

The air made it impossible for them to look up, and before they knew it, a person jumped from the helicopter and landed between them and Kate.

Kate closed her eyes and waited for them to go near her. But, instead, she gripped the bracket in her hand, the fear in her heart getting harder for her to breathe. Still, she held herself together for her son.

Yeah, she was afraid of death. Why wouldn't I? If she died, someone else would die, and she always wants to protect her own life to protect that life with her might.

She knew they all pointed their guns at her despite her deadly weapon. She could wound one person at a time, but what about the other? What if they shoot her baby when she corners them? But she would if she needed to protect her son the last time.

But suddenly, the helicopter noise came, and someone jumped behind her. But she was daring enough to turn back since she had other plans in her mind.

But before she knew it, she felt someone wrap a pair of hands around her body and hug her tightly. The person didn't even give her the chance to struggle.

Kate wanted to fight back, but when she moved, she froze the next second when she heard a voice that she missed.

"Found you, Wifey," David whispered into Kate's ear. His voice was not right; it was hoarse and shaking; he barely stopped himself from crying out his heart.

His sudden appearance was like a bolt of thunder.

Tstopped at that moment. They felt like it had been years since they touched each other like that.

The hand Kate raised suddenly fell to her side. She felt all her strength leave her body, and she weakly leaned against his body.

She felt his every emotion through the touch.

David felt the storm in his life finally pass, and the girl with his heart and soul eventually returned to him. But, if this were called simple happiness, it would be the wrong definition.

He got heaven in his life. When he noticed her, he knew he had returned to his life.

David inhaled her scent like an antidote to his poison. He tightened his hold on her and felt like melting her in him, and they becone and never separated from each other.

David's aching heart found calmness, yet he felt he couldn't get enough of her, so he turned her toward him.

Their eyes met, their hearts throbbed together, their hearts separated from each other and stopped beating in love, but now they ctogether again.

Kate felt she had seen her entire world in his eyes. "Darling," Kate whispered. She still couldn't believe she was seeing him, even though she had never doubted his being alive.

Seeing him looking with the seyes, where she could only see love for her and pain for her, she felt she was reborn again.

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"Yeah, Wifey," David answered. He couldn't understand how he should express his feelings.

He felt so many emotions in his heart, but all he could do was stare at her with his intense stare. He didn't even dare to blink, as if she would vanish in the next second.

David controlled himself, but Kate couldn't. She sobbed loudly, which broke the last bit of patience David had.

He sobbed with her; both of them cried like babies who found their way back hafter getting lost in a haunted house.

David stroked her hair. He missed every bit of her. The surrounding people were shocked. They thought a bloody war would happen, but they both lost in their own world.

David kissed away her tears. But would it be enough? Even if he kissed her all day, her tears would not end.

"Darling, why are you so late?." Kate couldn't feel it but felt aggressive.

She complained after suffering countless times and finally got the person she didn't need to pretend to be strong.

She poured out her pain in those few words.

She just wanted to believe he was there; he was with her, and she could see him again.

David felt this line hit his gut; he was broken inside.

David hugged her with one hand and raised the other to touch her face. He trailed his hand down to her cheeks and lowered his head.

He didn't hesitate and bit her dirty cheek. He said sorry in his heart millions of times, but he would never say this; otherwise, she would be in more pain.

"Ouch." Kate winced. She didn't even let out a sound when her feet were ripped by countless sharp stones while running for life, Yet the moment she returned to where she belonged, the childish and pampered heart crawled back to her chest.

David finally believed he was not dreaming. He suddenly smiled, but tears betrayed him.

They fell, but this time, he didn't stop them.

Because he couldn't keep them inside anymore, and they cout because his endless misery finally ended.

David kissed her all over her face repeatedly. The poor boy beca smashed potato between his parents.

His father didn't even care to glance at him. All he saw was his wife and had her in his heart.

Poor Daniel, he becthe worst third party between them.

Kate looked at her husband. She didn't even care about the world anymore. He had lost weight; he didn't shave, dark circle around his eyes, Even though he was still breathtakingly handsas always, it tore apart her heart seeing him like that. At first glance, she already knew how he had spent his days without her.

It was a living hell for him, like it had been for her.

Kate raised her empty hand and touched his face. Her small, soft finger touched his face, healing her heart slow.

"Darling, I'm sorry." Kate apologized if she was not stubborn and followed these men when they blackmailed her.

Her darling wouldn't have suffered so much, even if she didn't see with her eyes. But, at one glance, she knew how much pain she gave him.

It beca scar in his heart.

David broke down when he heard her words. He knew she blamed herself for this, but he couldn't bring himself to blher.

How would he? He would do the sif he were in her shoes.

Their children were their life; if Kate was his heart and soul, his children were his life, so as their father, if he could think like this, as a mother, how could she ignore her children? David leaned back and checked her carefully. Then, seeing her distressed appearance, he felt someone stab his gut.

But his heart turned sour; the calm eyes turned into monstrous. He wouldn't even feel so suffocating if someone had strangled him mercilessly.

But seeing her foot covered in bruises, his eyes and expression changed. The earlier calmness turned into fury.

He couldn't bear to hold her tightly, afraid she would feel uncomfortable, yet his wife's beautiful feet were covered with bruises because of them. How could he accept this? Kate saw how his expression changed. "This is nothing. If | have to go through to find a path back to you, every wound is worth it." Kate said with a smile.

She was thrilled. David was smiling, with tears in his eyes.

"Darling, carry me. It hurts." Kate looked at her man with hopeful eyes, like a cute bunny who needed comfort and love from him.

It had ended, and now she didn't need to pretend to be strong anymore.

David swept her from the ground and carried Kate in his arms like a treasure of his life. David's eyes finally fell on his son, and he kissed his son's forehead.

The little boy had been smiling all the tsince he had seen his dad. It was just that he was invisible in front of his father, so he could wait until his father looked at him.

David carried Kate in princess style, while Kate carried Daniel into her arms tightly. This scene would melt anyone's heart.

David Xiver finally found the treasures he had lost.

David turned toward the people, who were still in a daze. They couldn't believe their eyes. A few of them didn't even recognize David Xiver, but Dr. San, how could he not know who this person in front of him was? "You... Are you alive? Dr. San suddenly broke out from his daze. Cold sweat dripped down his back. He couldn't believe his own eyes.

Even David's presence was shocking, and his love for Kate was even more glorious.

This man was supposed to die, so why was he still alive? David's gentleness despaired into the air while facing the enemies; he turned into a monster.

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"Good to see you, Dr. San. It seems you're still like the old days, never finding a good way to live." David knew this man, how he wouldn't.

When people like Dr. San were peanuts, David was a ruler of A country. A country was like a gboard in his palm.

"Master Xiver." Suddenly they heard countless noises, and when they turned back, they saw a group of people that circled them like a team of hunters, and Dr. San and his men were the prey.

Dr. San and his team were worms David's group could crush with their fingers.

Dr. San knew it was over when he saw David Xiver standing between Miss Allen and them.

How could they ignore the man who used to decide the fate of the entire country? Even though their master was ruthless, he could never overturn this man.

"San, you choose your fate. But, you should know, the moment you hurt my wife, I'll cto collect the fate of your master and his dogs'," David said.

He would feed them alive to the shark. But, his merciful character always got his family and love in trouble, so he decided not to show this anymore.

"Master." Jeffery walked forward and bowed in front of his master.

"Madam." He didn't forget to bow to Kate because he knew who this woman was to his master.

His master, who never stepped into A country even after so many things, cto A country running when he found out she could be here. He even gave them control of their secret group.

Aman who didn't blink even when someone died before him, yet shed tears in front of his girl like a helpless man.

Kate nodded. Being with David taught her many things. She stopped being curious about many things.

Even though they looked like secret agents with masks, she didn't even ask why they dressed like that.

"Master, what do you want us to do with them? Jeffery asked politely.

"Skin them alive. Don't do it at once. Let them see the hell | prepared for them; We should reward loyal dogs; keep them alive until their master is not coming to them to accompany them." David said.

When it comes to demons, his secret guards were the best.

"As you wish, master.” Jeffery looked at his men. "Take them away." He ordered them as their leader.

They dragged Dr. San and his men away even before they could make a protesting sound.

Adam finally jumped off the helicopter. Unfortunately, he was not superman like his brother David, so he cdown when the helicopter landed on the ground.

When he saw the scene in front of him, he cried tears. He thought this was false news, but seeing his brother carrying his wife and son in his arms, he finally believed in god.

"Sister-in-law," Adam shouted.