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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 580 - Turned to ashes...!!!
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Now all he wanted was a good night with his wifey.

Because he knew Derek would handle the rest of them, and for Blood king, he had prepared another gift for him.

David walked to the bedroom. He almost tiptoed when he walked closer to the bed. When he got closer, his heart turned cold with fear.

The person sleeping peacefully was now drenched with sweat, and she was curled into a ball; David thought she had a fever.

But when he got closer and was about to scope in his arms, he heard her saying something and crying in her sleep.

When he tried to sort out what she was saying, he heard something which confused him even more.

"Please don't hurt him," Kate murmured, and as if she was seeing something heart-wrenching, she cried painfully that scared the shit out of David.

David grabbed Kate when he felt she resisted his touch, which pained him. However, he still hugged her in his arms.

"Wifey." David softly whispered in Kate's ear., Little did he know the effect he had on her; Kate loosened her grip on the bedsheet and leaned closer to him.

David hugged her while Kate hung on to him as if her life depended on him. Seeing the insignificant life calm down in his arms, he felt relief that only she could give him, no matter how painful it was.

David pressed her little head on his chest, near his heart, where his true heart belonged. He used to feel so lonely and desperate.

He thought his heart had died in his chest, but now that she was back, his heart was beating peacefully.

He looked at her little face in the little light; she used to be a little chubby, her cheeks had lost the color from the past, and she had lost weight.

The moment he carried her in his arms, he knew she was not okay and didn't have a proper meal because he knew his little rabbit more than herself.

He was the same; he went crazy after separating from her, only he knew how painful it was. He felt like someone had sentenced him to a painful death.

He couldn't even get a breath of relief until he finally got the chance to hug her.

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So he could tell how she had spent these days without him. The days he had spent felt like a corpse, so how could he not know what she had gone through? He wanted to ask her if that bastard had mistreated her or not, but he was afraid because he knew she might think he had something else in his mind.

But only he knew. He just wanted to know if that bastard hurt her because a bit of pain in her body was enough to crush his soul.

David trailed his long fingers on her cheeks. The more he looked at her face, the more thirsty he felt. David had a hunger for thousands of years.

His heart always felt no matter how much he looked at her; it would never get to see her enough. His eyes were filled with love and yearning for her.

David lowered his head and sealed her lips with his without thinking much anymore. Kate felt suffocated in her sleep.

But the tiredness was enough to make her feel limp. She also had to bear his stamina after so long, so she was tired hell out of her life.

David laid her body on the bed and threw himself behind her. He hugged her from behind, and David pulled the little thin shirt she had on her body and leaned near to her chest.

He kissed her body with great care. Kate felt hot in her sleep, but she was too busy.

David put his hand under her thin shirt and caressed her half-naked body. Kate felt restless. She slowly opened her eyes in her sleep and turned her face. She saw the face she wanted to see all life.

She forgot the pain she felt in her dream because she knew her reality was in front of her. She smiled when she saw her man was looking at her with a love that almost melted her heart.

"Did | wake you?" David asked when he saw her twilight eyes blinking at him sweetly, which almost made him lose control.

He missed this entire person to death. There was a moment when he had lost control over his brain and almost pushed him to the end.

But when his heart reminded him that if he died, what would happen to his wife? What if she blamed him for not saving her from that monster? With this thought, he could cthis far, so being present at that moment, he felt what he did was right.

Kate looked at his face. He hadn't shaved for months. Kate raised her hand and caressed her hand over his face. She lowered his head and kissed him.

"Darling, let's go home; | want to go home. You can do whatever you want with that man, but | want to go home. I feel suffocated just being away from home.

| miss our children. They don't even lettouch them without you, but you're here. How are they doing? Darling, | missed you, our children, our home. Don't you miss them and our home?" Kate asked. She didn't know why. She just wanted to hear that he missed her as much as she did.

Her question shook his heart. He smiled, but deep down, he hid the truth. He missed nothing or anyone in this world because, without her, this world held no meaning for him, nothing or no one.

He didn't want her to tell the truth that he missed her and almost died when she was gone.

"Wifey." David wanted to call her, but Kate saw the hidden tears that crowded his eyes. She lowered her head and kissed his tears before they could traverse his cheeks.

David hugged her closely; the fear he got after this time, he didn't know if he could ever forget about this or not.

But after this time, he knew what to do since he had two sons; he just needed to prepare them and enjoy his life with his wifey.

"Darling, | missed you and our children; how is Destiny? Is she having any problems with her health? Is Devin okay? Did they miss me?" Kate hadn't the chance to ask him about these since both missed each other to death.

David hugged her waist and put her face on his chest. His heartbeat was like calm music to Kate. So she just hugged his neck and heard what he said.

"| left our children with Adam's family. Grandpa was a senior general and controlled S country's army, even though | could leave them with my men.

| didn't want to trust anyone, so | arranged the best | could, even though | imagined the possibility that | never could go back hbecause, without you, | don't have a home, So how dare | go back just because of our children? Other people might think | don't love children and am incredibly selfish.

Still, you surround my life with your love. | can't even think of living a second without you, so how dare | imagine life without you, so don't blme." David whispered into her ear in a pleading tone.

He didn’t want her to think of him as selfish; he would never even feel guilty if they were not his children; they were the pearl of their hearts.

But when it comes to his heart, he had never thought about anyone because, without Kate David Xiver, there would not be any David Kate Xiver.

Kate heard his words; she could feel every bit of pain and madness from his words. She already knew what he would do without her.

Isn't that why she had taken every risk of returning to him? Kate raised her head and kissed his lips passionately. "Do you think it can ever be possible? Will | blyou for being selfish? Even the world stood aside and toldmy darling had killed someone for our family or me. Do you know what my answer will be?" Kate asked firmly while she waited for a response from him.

David's exceptional eyes stared at her eyes deeply. "What?" "My darling did well because they deserve it," Kate said with a sincere smile; when David saw the love and darkness in her eyes for himself, he couldn't tell if he could express his happiness with words.

David grabbed her by the back of her head and pulled her closer. "Darling, | want you, not once, repeatedly.” He didn't wait for an answer as he pulled the thin dress she had on her.

Kate suddenly was a little afraid; it seemed she had invited a demon herself to eat her clean.

"Wifey, your darling will show you how much | have missed you." David ravished her repeatedly, unknown and bothered about the war that was going on outside their little heaven.

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"Shit." Aiden cursed out in an angry voice.

"That damn bastard is on the verge of death, yet he dared to send his lecher behind us." Aiden didn't hold back, and Derek didn't even bother to stop him.

Nick looked behind them and saw they were still ready to fire on them, but Derek was no fool; he was long prepared when he saw the suspicious movement in the party.

Being unique to others, he could always feel anything strange around him, and he already guessed Oscar knew that if he could not stop them while they were in his den, they might destroy him.

"Aiden, our life is in your hands; | hope you can keep up with our enemy." Derek looked at Robot with a meaningful smile.

Aiden smiled wickedly "since when had | let you down?" Aiden's answer was half severe and half-jokingly.

Besides his talent in the medical field, he was an obsessed racer, so even if someone gave him a broken car, he would surely handle that easily without bothering.

Nothing bothered Nate; all he was thinking was what David had promised to him, so his mind was all over his daughter and wife.

Derek jumped into the backseat and took out an AK-50 under the backseat.

He didn't even bother to tell Aiden about the car's speed and opened the car's roof and stood up.

He looked at the next cars that had rained to their car with bullets, but they didn't know they had just registered their death notice.

Derek took out his shades and looked behind. "Hey losers, when you all go to lord, tell them not to send you all being human on this earth anymore; otherwise, we will crush you again,” he yelled loudly.

The people of Oscar's had confused expressions on their faces since the tDerek stood from the car roof. Aren't they afraid of them firing guns at him? But their minds blasted when they saw the weapon he raised and smiled wickedly; they didn’t even imagine they even kept such a deadly weapon in their car.

They didn't even have the tto react when Derek fired on them with his rifle until their toy gun.

He just blasted three times, and they attacked their car into the air and burnt it until it turned to ashes.

Derek took off three cars; the one last changed their roads and ran away in no time.

Derek felt frustrated; he couldn't finish them all; that's what bothered him the most, "Track them." He didn't want to show mercy and finish them in one go.

Aiden laughed when he saw the expression. "Bro, let them go. Leave them to tell their boss how their partners had fired in the fire you created for them." Aiden's words got Derek's attention.

He got down and closed the roof window and sat calmly with a satisfied expression.

Nate couldn't keep his curiosity anymore and asked Derek, "Why didn't David wreck Oscar Astor? If he showed that evidence, I'm sure it would not take much longer to give him a death sentence; why did he tell us to leave halfway?" Nate couldn't understand why David had changed his mind all of a sudden.

Derek said nothing but just smiled. "If David ruins him with one move, how can this be the revenge of David Xiver? If he wanted, he could, but that's not what he wanted; he wants something else, so we can do nothing until David tells us." MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 mmMwWLLIOfiflO& 1 MMMWWLIIOIfIO&1 MULL TO £2 E1061 mmMwWLIiIOfiflO&1