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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 584 - Demons...!!!
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"They starved him when he refused to take the formula, and he fell sick." She said with tears in her eyes; when she said these words, the entire coward fell into a deep slumber.

Kate couldn't keep his tears from falling like rain; she kissed the little boy's face. She knew no matter how much she spent her love to wipe away the bad memories from this boy's life, the little angel had suffered too much.

And the mark on his cheek would remind her until she lived how much her son had suffered in that bastard's hand.

David couldn't keep his legs in place, so he walked to his son and wife and hugged them tightly as if he was shielding them from the unhappiness and sadness they had to suffer because of one mistake.

"It's okay, wifey; our son is a brave hero." David couldn't find words to comfort her because he knew her heart was in pain.

When no one was seeing, the coldness in his eyes surged because the fire of revenge in his eyes had turned into lava long ago.

Robert fisted his hand on his thighs because he knew the truth; the doctor told him Daniel might suffer from psychological trauma even though he was pretty strong, unlike an ordinary child.

But seeing Kate's condition, He could tell she would not take this matter lightly, and he knew David was already in pain, so he didn't know how to break the news to David. Should he keep it until the right time? But how long? Adam and Aiden had the smurderous expression on their faces because they couldn't wait to tear that bastard apart for hurting their precious nephew and sister-in-law.

Kate cried in the arms of David like a helpless mother because he was the support of her heart and soul.

David carried Kate in his arms, including Daniel, and took them to the nursing room where Kate could feed Daniel.

He waited until his little Wifey stopped crying and fed his son comfortably; only then he walked out; he sat next to his brother.

"l want you to torture that woman until no bone is left unbroken in her body." He said while gritting his teeth in rage.

Robert understood whom his brother wanted to torture, but not himself because he hated someone who used his wife's face, so he already told them to pull off her face's skin.

"Don't worry; what do you want now? | saw the morning news." Robert knew everything, even though he guarded his little nephew.

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"It's nothing for him; this was for the Astor family, now his lightness will fall, and | will kill in darkness as he plays." David said, the coldness in his eyes; it was so dark that the people present there felt he was different from his usual self. But, instead, his eyes were full of vicious brutality, which he only showed when Kate was absent.

The atmosphere was so tight and suffocating; all they felt was fear even though they knew this fear was not for them, "We're going back, Adam; you're leaving with us; Aiden and Robert will stay here." He said, suddenly getting them off guard.

"But brother, you said you want to keep his power limited if you leave now, and he might know about you." Robert was concerned about their dear ones in S country since they couldn't do something dangerous around their loved ones.

"This battle long crossed the line of peace and fear, and you all will stay here as a cover-up.” But David had something else in his mind.

He wanted to keep Blood King's power messed up and play with him as he wanted.

"Okay, but brother, | want to tell you something," Robert said; since he couldn't leave A country with them yet, he had to inform David about Daniel; after all, this matter was no minor issue.

This is about their second prince.

When David saw the seriousness on Robert's face, his heart sat back a little.

"What?" "I took Daniel to the doctor to check up on him, and he said Daniel's mind was filled with memories about the time; even though he is just months old, his mind is filled with fear that he might face difficulty facing strangers in the future, he is happy around us because he feels safe around us, but when the doctor touched him, he screamed most of the time, and the doctor had to inject with a sleeping dose.” when Robert ended his words.

Everyone was shocked, but not David because he knew something was wrong with his son when he saw the little pitiful expression in his eyes; he was a daddy boy, So how could he, as their father, know how he wouldn't know their mind and heart? "I understand, don't worry about it." But, even though he said it informally, he was dead worried; he never thought his son would fall into the shadow of sadness at such a young age.

He wanted his son to never go through any sadness until they were big enough; he thought he could shield them under his wings, but he failed.

Now he changed his mind; he didn't want them to be little angels, but instead, becthe demons who would fear the enemies and live life like a grim reaper of evil.

He would make sure to make them demon because good people are the only sufferers in this world, and influential people rule over the world, like when he was king of Black Dragon.

Everyone didn't even dare to raise their eyes in front of him, yet the moment he left his position, the people bullied his sister, his wife suffered, and they almost killed his wife, now his son.

Adam saw the changing expression on David's face, even though he could tell David barely held himself back from breaking everything in front of him.

"Brother, Daniel will forget about this nightmare soon; we will never let a shadow fall on him." Adam loved that little boy more than himself.

David nodded; he understood why his wife was so uneasy being in this country; this country gave them nothing good, only gave her a horrible childhood, and now the sthing happened to their child.

"We will leave at noon," David announced.

But before he left, he wanted to punish someone who tried to rob his life even before he realized it.

He would make sure no one left untouched who harmed his wife, even if it was in the past.

"Where is the first brother?" David asked them.

He heard the report about what happened to them last night, but he didn't see Derek with them, so he was curious.

"First brother might have found something on them, so he left last night; he will cback soon," Aiden said with a meaningful smile; that man had too tight lips; even if he found something, he would never tell someone about this.

"He is suffering because he was muddle-headed and trusted the wrong person. We can do nothing. We tried to help him, but he was stubborn.

He is not like us, who listened to his heart. If he'd, he would not be where he is right now." David always believed if you love someone, love unconditionally; even if the sky falls on them, hold the sky for the person.

Like him, even if Kate killed someone, he wouldn't even ask her a second twhy she had done it; he would wipe off the reason and the cause.

But Derek didn't, he tried to do things differently, which cost him the precious people in his life, but he still didn't know he was wrong.

Someone pushed open the door, and a person hurriedly entered. "David Xiver, where is my daughter?" Nate walked in excitedly and asked loudly.

David turned his head and looked at him with a sigh; his father-in-law would never listen to him; it seems he again forced his men to bring him to his secret place.

But since they would leave for S country, it seems he could just let his father-in-law be a little willful for a while.

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"Sit down; | will call my Wifey," David said with words with a profound meaning.

Nate sneered at his son-in-law; damn it, that damn kid, if he didn't call his daughter his Wifey, as if he wouldn't know his daughter married this evil creature.

But he bore it since his son-in-law brought his daughter safely as he promised.

David walked into the room and saw Kate had finished feeding Daniel, and the boy was ready to sleep with his closed eyes. He leaned and kissed her forehead.

"Father is here to meet you." He whispered.

The boy felt his dad's presence and opened his eyes widely; seeing his dad, he smiled widely, twisted his body, and bubbled sunfamiliar words, raising his little hands; he wanted his daddy to carry him.

David smiled; his heart melted; this boy's safety would be the second priority in his life after his wife's because if something happened to him, his wife could never accept this since she had seen her son suffer before her eyes.

David carried him in his arms carefully; Daniel grabbed his father's shirt collar and laid his head on David's chest; David's heart was filled with happiness.

Kate stood up; she fixed her dress; David put his hand on her waist and led her outside. When she saw her father sitting in front of her, she felt emotional; this man was her father.

"Dad." When Nate heard his little angel call him so lovingly, he couldn't keep the tears contained in his eyes and let them fall.

He was an unfortunate father; when he had just met his daughter, fate separated them again, and he had to leave, then she had to go through something painful.

He stood up, Kate walked to him, Nate hugged his daughter, and the father and daughter cried in each other's arms.

David felt his heart tingling with pain, but he didn't stop her because he wanted her to let out any sadness she left in her heart.

Daniel raised his head and looked at his mother; when he saw his mother was crying, he suddenly started crying; Nate and Kate returned to their senses.

Seeing the little angel crying so wistfully hurts everyone's heart. David tried to calm his son, but the little boy was struggling in his arms. Kate walked to them and carried the boy.