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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 639 - Foolish women...!!!
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Inside the private room, everyone was seated, but both older men were nowhere to be seen; they said they would be there soon.

It seems they found something interesting to do.

Mrs. Jones asked for drinks and wine as everyone's preference, but David stopped the man and ordered again, “givea glass of honey.” The weather was not good for cold drinks, especially for Kate; since she breastfeeds the babies, it would easily affect them. Also, Kate always has problems with cold beverages.

“Oh god, | almost forgot, sorry dear.” Mrs. Jones apologized when she realized Kate's problem.

“It's okay, aunty.” Kate was not hasty as before; she long forgave Mrs. Jones since she accepted Rose wholeheartedly.

“It's not like Mrs. Xiver is a baby; she can't drink a normal cold drink.” Vivian suddenly spoke out, but it was more like a taunt.

Everyone's eyes fell on Vivian, especially David's; his cold gaze froze Vivian. “Does this miss have any problem?” He asked, knowing this woman had just mocked his wife.

He asked casually, but the people who knew him knew he was not joking or something like this; he was deadly serious.

It was better for the other person if she apologized because David Xiver would rip apart one’s head if they dared to spout nonsense about his wife; that was his red flag line.

“Vivian, stop talking if you don’t know the people in front of you, Kate has to breastfeed her babies, and she has had a cold problem since childhood, so it was better for her to avoid what is bad for her health and her babies.” Mrs. Jones was not blind; she could see Vivian was targeting Kate.

But this naive girl doesn’t even know Kate is even more dangerous than David himself.

Vivian's expression sank when she heard about babies “babies?” What does that mean? Do they already have children? “Yeah, our angels, sister-in-law and brother David have three beautiful and cute angels,” Adam spoke up when he felt this woman's stare was not too good. When she looked at his brother David, she asked for a face slap.

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When Vivian heard the precise answer from Adam, she felt like face slapping, she glared at Kate as if Kate snatched something from her, and now her hatred toward Kate was enough to burn Kate alive.

Vivian grabbed her dress and tightened her fist to control herself, but her eyes slowly turned red, which made her furious that David was so invested in that woman and arrogant to others.

She had seen this man and saw how untouchable he was when they met in M country; she barely allowed a few feet near to him because of his status, that day she realized how status matters in life; these past few years, she tried her best to raise her value on top, in the science world, people call her young genius.

But somehow she always wanted to meet this man, yet he was already out of her reach; she couldn't accept this truth, it was her life's heaviest blow, and she was not ready for it.

Kate casually glanced at the woman and saw a man would never realize until they saw it carefully. Still, Kate was already compassionate about the woman's feelings and knew why this woman was looking at her like that.

“Miss Vivian, people should stay within their limit, don’t look at someone who already belongs to someone else, especially mine; | don't like people who desire to get what's mine; if you still don’t know about me; I tell you, | will gouge their eyes and dig out their hearts.” Kate smiled while saying these words as if she didn’t just expose the woman's thoughts in front of so many people.

Vivian, whose thoughts were exposed by Kate the moment the woman looked at her, was stunned to the point that she was unable to react; only then was she looking at David Xiver; she hurriedly lowered her eyes, afraid her eyes would reveal the hatred she felt for this Mrs. Xiver.

Everyone was stunned; they looked at Vivian with a careful glance and deep stare, only they realized Kate was right, but Olivia, seeing her daughter's reaction, was shocked, but she composed herself and said proudly.

“Mr. Xiver is a man with a famous reputation, also handsome, so it was easy for any girl to get attracted to her; Mrs. Xiver shouldn't just be so jealous.” She knew her daughter's heart; she was an intelligent girl with a brain, so since she got attracted to Mr. Xiver, it was no surprise that she knew him before this meeting.

It was not wrong to like someone, even if he was married. Also, it's not like they knew he was married.

Mrs. Jones, including the people present there, was speechless; her daughter was eyeing a married man. Also, in the first meeting, she tried to humiliate that person's wife, yet as a mother, she just encouraged her daughter's shamelessness.

They couldn't be brave-hearted like her.

“Yeah, | can, and I'm, so what, Mrs. Walker, because this man belongs to me, my being jealous does have nothing to do with you; you should not set the wrong example for your daughter, No matter who your daughter is, she should never look at a married man with bad intentions, especially the man who is mine.” Kate didn’t even spare Liam’s mom, who was Liam's mom, yet who was this aunty and her sudden fallen daughter? Olivia was speechless, she thought Kate would at least show her respect since she was Liam's aunty and their soon-to-be in- laws, but Kate broke this delusion of her.

Seeing his aunty would soon throw herself in boiled oil; he stopped her. “Aunty, don’t spout nonsense. Do you want to stop uncle’s recent contracts?” He knew if he let her continue, she would speak out of her line and make people uncomfortable.

Kate only stopped when Liam interfered; she leaned toward her husband for comfort; David hugged her and kissed her forehead.

“Don't ruin your mood for these disgusted people.” David directly insulted them with one line; if it were other people, he would throw them out of the hotel, but since Mr. Jones was present, he wanted to handle it when he came.

David didn’t even speak a word because he knew his wife wanted to handle this; he was too disgusted to talk to these people; he felt they would stink the air with their foul mouths.

Vivian almost ripped her palms with her nails. She felt like scratching Kate's face, but she was helpless.

Everyone was there for a happy occasion, but the mother-and-daughter duo had spoiled it already.

At that moment, two older men appeared; Mr. Jones and Mrs. Richard walked inside, and when they heard from the bodyguard, their madam Olivia made a mess; he hurriedly came.

He thought she would behave before he came; Liam sent the bodyguard a message and explained the situation; Mr. Jones was speechless.

He didn’t delay and hurriedly cto the private room.

When he saw the stiff atmosphere, Mr. Jones scolded Olivia in his heart.

The waiter served the drinks, and soon they went to do the dishes after Mr. Jones and the old master appeared.

To lighten the atmosphere, Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones started to talk about the wedding. David listened to everything about their arrangement; since they wanted to prepare everything according to Rose and Liam's wishes, he had nothing extra.

“Okay, we will do as you wish, Rose; tell us if you want to change anything.” Mrs. Jones looked at Rose; she had no daughter; she finally accepted Rose as her daughter, so everything she would do for Rose she always wanted to do if she had a daughter, finally her wish ctrue.

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“I have a request; since Liam and Alex agreed, we would like to hold the wedding in our south mansion’s backyard,” Kate spoke up; after the long discussion, they would not hold the wedding in a hotel and keep it private.

Their south mansion’s backyard was more significant than any ten hotels, so arranging two weddings would not be a problem; it would be less tension free and more luxurious.

“Sister-in-law, are you crazy? We only have one son in our Jones family; why do you want to leave this decision to someone else, Mrs. Xiver? Also, how can you suggest we hold our son’s wedding in your family home? It would be so embarrassing, people would think. So, to save money, we arranged it so way.” Olivia was against this idea since she thought the South mansion was just a mansion, nothing else. So how many people could hold in that tiny place? Liam's parents had no problem; it was a privilege to hold the wedding in the south mansion; they knew how big and beautiful that place was; it almost cost David half of his fortune, and wealthy people like them couldn’t even imagine owning such a place.

David selected the best land in the country to build his home; those who knew the worth of the south mansion and saw it looked at Olivia like she was an absolute fool.

Mrs. Jones ignored her sister-in-law’s nonsense and looked at Kate happily. “We agree, as long as Liam and Rose are happy.” She was okay with anything as long as her daughter-in-law and son were happy.

“It seems Mr. Xiver wants his sister to walk out of their family and not to spend too much on her; after all, she is his dad's mistress’s daughter.” Olivia's sister-in-law, who discovered Rose’s origin from her sister-in-law, said mockingly.

“Yeah, after all, he has his sister; why care about someone who was an illegitimate daughter of his dad's.” Olivia had the snarrow thought as her sister-in-law. After all, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Liam's dad and Olivia's husband felt like slapping their foreheads, they have such foolish sisters, and it was enough to make their life hell. But they finished speaking; David's face was like a storm about to cand ruin these two women.

He gripped the glass in his glass, But before he could react, someone reacted, not one but two people. Kate snatched the glass from his hand “don’t hurt your hand, it's too precious for me.” and threw it over their heads, and Olivia and her sister almost screamed in fright.

Nina slapped the table and glared at these foolish women; she slowed down in fear of seeing her sister-in-law’s reaction.

“Don't think | missed the target; | just wanted to wash off sdirt, Mrs. Walker; I think you forgot to wash your foul mouth before you cto meet us, and who the hell are you to insult our family’s daughter, at least our girls know they shouldn't go eyes someone’s man; as for her birth, even though she is not coming from Nora Xiver's womb, that woman protected this girl with her life, so who are you to question this; the moment Nora Xiver and her family accepted Rose, Rose's birth does not matter anymore because she is now David Xiver’s sister and Nora Smith’s other daughter, so if you can’t repeat it to other people, don’t blus if we do the sto you.” Kate wanted to throw this woman from the 20th floor, but after all, she was Liam's aunt.

Rose finally raised her head to look up; she was afraid of this moment; she was worried someone would dig into her wound when she realized Liam's aunt did.

She couldn't help but dig her nails in her palms and lower her head; even if she crossed the death river, this stain would never leave her life page.