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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 655 -
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Ultimately, David drove at full speed and reached the hotel where Kevin was waiting for him. He arranged Miss Lilian’s location and sent her there already.

When Kevin saw David, he couldn't help but want to scold David “damn, brother-in-law, where did you go? | called you so many times, but the call never went through, Dad and the entire family called one by one. | lied to them that you're in a meeting. I'm sure they will skinalive when we get back.” Kevin was not making it up.

Nate called him and scolded David in many ways for not picking up his call and even said his sister was tense about David for not receiving her call, which he never once did.

Kevin explained the situation and told them a white lie to calm them down; when his sister called, he felt he wanted to beat his brother-in-law’s brain out of shit.

He couldn't lie to her and tell her his brother-in-law had gone to meet someone, and when he cback, he would surely inform her.

David looked at Kevin's anxious expression and smiled “l went to meet my master.” He didn’t lie to his brother-in-law.

“Master Black?" When Kevin heard it, his eyes sparked; he listened to the man who was like an absolute legend ever since his wife died during childbirth, but his power in a few countries, including A country, the man might never step into these cities, but they were well aware of his power.

“Yes.” David just briefly nodded and went to freshen up, and when he returned, Kevin was sitting in relaxed mode “do you have anything to do? Why are you sitting here? Go pack the bag.” David said and walked to the closet.

He put his watch on and put it on; he didn’t carry his hand watch to the mountain because his master would allow nothing that could connect a person from mountain to city, he never changed his rule for anyone, nor did anyone have the guts to go against the old man’s wish and make a new rule.

But who knew 20 years later that a man would cand change everything and even turn everything into something even impossible? “We're leaving already?” Kevin couldn't help but ask when he saw the ton the watch; he thought they would leave in the morning, but who knew his brother would look at him with a strange expression? “I thought | already told you.” David looked at his brother and asked.

Kevin was speechless; they just cto A country in the morning, and now his brother-in-law already wanted to leave. Weren't they in such a hurry, Kevin was no fool to ask about this since he knew his brother-in-law was doing it for his sister, which was very heartstring for him, and he would follow it with closed eyes.

Kevin did as he was told and gathered their things, and followed David to the airport.

When they reached the airport, David received an important call; after hearing everything, David's face fell, but he didn’t keep this expression for long and walked to the other side of the corner and talked for a while over the phone.

It took him 10 minutes before he cback, Kevin looked at his brother-in-law suspiciously and wanted to ask, but his brother- in-law didn’t give him enough time, “we're not talking about the plane anymore." David changed his path and walked backward.

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Kevin was speechless; at least his brother-in-law should tell him what he was doing. At first, he wanted to leave, but now he decided not to take the plane after coming to the airport. He surely lost his mind today.

David walked back and waited for at least 20 minutes when Kevin saw a military airforce jet land in front of them with a loud noise; Kevin looked at his brother “what's going on, brother-in-law?” seeing the preparation, he felt something was wrong because his brother-in-law suddenly changed his mind.

“A war is waiting for us, so we should go with preparation,” David smirked as he walked toward the aircraft. Kevin felt being with his brother-in-law needed a lot of patience.

Who knows what he would do next second, and yet suddenly gives shocks, but since he followed his cunning mind brother-in- law, he would surely follow him until the end.

Both of them jumped in the jet without looking back.

Back to S county, In the evening, everyone was still alive when the news cAunty Lin's condition is not good, and family members should head there to meet her last time.

When Kate, Nina, and Rose heard it, they felt the world spinning, and all they could feel was sadness. Kate looked at Nina and Rose; Alex called them to inform them he would pick them up, so they didn't need to worry about it.

After 30 minutes, Alex reached the south mansion, Adam and Liam tagged along, each other drove their cars, and they drove to the hospital; Nate wanted to tag along, but seeing the children and Kate was alone at home, Kate refused “No need, stay with mom; if David returns, inform him about this matter.” She called David, but that damn man didn’t even receive her call, so she reluctantly left with Alex and the others.

Adam helped Nina and Liam take Rose with him, Kate went with Alex, and the bodyguards followed them closely with complete protection, and Kate looked at Alex with an angry stare.

“Alex, where is your master? | called him so many times, but he didn’t receive my calls. Tellwhere he is and why he went out telling no one?” Kate was already angry and worried.

Alex looked at his madam with profound consciousness and explained everything in detail, after hearing everything, a dark line appeared on her face, but she said nothing and looked outside the window.

Things were getting darker as the night fell. Kate looked calm from the outside, but she didn’t know if she was really quiet as she looked or if something was happening inside her heart.

When they were about to cross a red signal, the front cars somehow crossed the red light; Liam and Adam's car drove ahead without stopping, while Alex and the other bodyguard's car from behind fell behind and had to wait for the green light.

Inside the hospital room, everyone looked at Aunty Lin, whose face was pale, and they felt how her life slowly slipped away from the world, there was barely anything left in her, and it seemed like the soul would leave anything, yet they wouldn't be able to realize it.

Rose and Nina were sobbing like a little girls; how could they not? This woman raised them and stayed with them for over 20 years. Even a human raised a dog.

There was attachment beyond love and affection; Aunty Lin was a human and a mother figure to them which caused them great pain.

They knew she was leaving, yet they felt they couldn't do anything other than watch silently; they couldn't even say bye for a lifetbecause she was in a coma, and her sudden disappearance left everything unsaid.

Liam grabbed Rose and hugged her; he knew how much she loved this woman; after Noah and David, this woman was everything to her from childhood till now and protected her from society.

Suddenly there was a blackout; Liam and Aiden frowned, while Nina and Rose had no idea why there was suddenly a blackout.

Before they could understand what was going on, there was a thunder of footsteps. Nina and Rose panicked “what's going on? Where are the bodyguards?” Rose asked in a severe tone.

The footsteps got closer and almost stopped in front of them; a sudden dizziness made everything blackout. One by one, everyone lost consciousness before they could call for their bodyguards, already in unconscious states.

While Liam and Aiden tried to fight with their minds but failed and fell to the ground, the light returned as they lost sense. The people who cthrough darkness looked at the people in front of them, and they picked each of them one by one.

These people had black masks on their faces, and only their fierce eyes were visible through their strange masks; they looked at each other and picked each of them one by one.

One of them picked up the phone and called a familiar phone number. “Sir, we have them,” he informedwith simple words.

On the other side, the man heard it and a smirk appeared on his face “good work.” “Master, what should we do with the one in the coma?” he looked inside the VIP room and asked in a deep voice.

“Cut off the life support.” He would not leave a single one of them alive.

“Okay, master.” The man walked in and looked at Aunty Lin with a dangerous stare. He slowly walked to the bed and looked at the oxygen mask and other life support systems connected to her body.

He grabbed the oxygen mask from her mouth, pulled it down, and used a small sharp knife to cut all the cable connected to aunty Lin’s body; soon, everything turned noisy.

The man didn't stop there after he finished his task and left silently.

On the other side of the road, Alex looked at the cars which blocked their path from going forward. They separated their car from their bodyguard's cars and surrounded them from all sides.

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They even blocked their bodyguards’ cars.

Their bodyguards had no choice but to fire guns; the enemy's side also cprepared.

Their target was Alex's car, so they didn’t care about the bodyguards and focused on Alex's side.

When Alex tried to go backward, a few more cars surrounded them from behind.

Alex panicked; he looked at Kate, whose expression was no better than his “Madam, sit tightly.” Alex announced.

“I'm starting to speed up. Please grab hold of something, madam.” Alex's expression turned deadly serious.

Kate didn’t know what Alex wanted to do, but she grabbed the seat belt tightly with one on the other, and she gripped the armrest as she looked behind through the rearview mirror.

Alex stepped on the accelerator and made a bursting noise; Kate shut her eyes tightly.

Alex spun the car around repeatedly; when the car wanted to push in, he bumped into the car on his right side and threw it away.

When he found a blank spot, Alex drove his car to the other side of the road and drove it away at full speed.

The cars followed his car at full speed; Alex had no choice but drove the car at full speed not to get caught; Alex drove his car toward the highway while the cars followed him.

Alex looked through the front mirror; he gritted his teeth, and he had no choice but to go on; he looked at Kate, “press on the red button on the left side.” He said.

Kate leaned and found a red button and pressed it, and in minutes, a danger alert appeared on the head office of Black Dragon and the entire security system.

Kate felt her heart tense up and tried not to appear too nervous, but her heart didn’t make it easy for her.

After roaming around the whole city, Alex's car could not stop in the middle of the road. Alex panicked, and only when he saw the bodyguards finally catch up with his car, he took out his gun and fill it with bullets.

“Madam, don’t cout without my order.” Since the car was bulletproof, Alex knows they could make it happen until help cfrom their men’s side.