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Chasing The Rejected

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56 -CLARA- Damon drove us back to the house in silence and when we got there, he got down from the car first before I could stop him.

let out a sigh as sat in the car for a second. He was trying to make things difficult again.

I climbed out of the car and stomped my way towards him.

"Go home" I muttered through clenched teeth and he turned towith his head tilted.

Will you cwith me?" He questioned and I scoffed, "Of course not" I uttered and he nodded: "Then this small little house is hfornow as well" He muttered and was about to turn away when I ran and stood in front of him.

"Go home, Damon" I told him and he shook his head.

"No" He said simply and I groaned. Why was he so difficult? I had already seen Alicia's message when we were at the pizza shop but I was too scared to open it.

If you won't leave then fine, I'll leave instead I muttered then walked past him and began walking down the road. "Clara, stop being unreasonable and cback here" Damon yelled from behindbut I didn't turn, I just I just kept walking forward.

"Why are you acting this way all of a sudden?" He questioned as he marched up to me.

"Oh like you **g care" I muttered and he scoffed.

Ido cafe and I sure a as hell know you know I care. Goddess, I wish I didn't because this is b**t!" He yelled and I halted in my steps then looked up at the sky to stop the tears from flowing down.

"We need to kill this relationship, Damon. Just please leavealone" i murmured and I hadn't known he was standing close totill he grabbed my arm and spunaround.

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He stared into my eyes and as if seeing all the emotions running through them, his face softened.

"Tellwhat the problem is He murmured softly as he grabbed onto my face but I pulled away immediately and took a step back.

"Go home. Don't cvisitagain" I murmured then hurriedly ran past him and into the house.

I locked the door behindand watched him. He stood there for a while then turned around and walked towards his car, Seconds later, I stood by the door for a while as tears rolled down my cheeks. Why did things have to be this way? Should I just tell him and get it over with? What if Alicia had already told his parents my secret? Would they hate me? As these thoughts ran through my head, I suddenly got a call from Alicia. I stared at the phone for a while, allowing it to ring before picking up and pressing it to my ear.

"ril let you off the h**k this tbecause I'm not a devil and I don't want anyone to know your disgusting secret but if you so much as cin contact with Damon again, I'll Jet the show world know and i f**g mean it" After saying all that, she immediately ended the call and I stood there for what felt like hours just thinking about Damon and the last few hours we had spent together.

1/3 Chapter 56 I was so attached to him now that I didn't even know what to do without him anymore. I let out a sigh and sluggishly went up to my bed and forced myself to sleep. Maybe by tomorrow, I will feel better.

I couldn't help but wish I didn't have these strong feelings for Damon. If we had just stuck to the original planifi hadn't wanted to know how he tasted then this would have been an easy task and nobody would have gotten hurt.

I won't be hurting this way.

"Oh goddess, can't I just be happy for once?" I murmured into nothingness then cried myself to sleep.

The next morning, I was viciously women up to the sound of my phone ringing. Het out a groan and grabbed onto my phone to see that Delilah had giventwenty missed calls.

"What the..." I trailed off as I quickly dialed her number despite the sleep in my eyes "Delilah, what..." Damon was involved in an a disappeared.

involved in an accident last night. He's in the hospitall" She screamed into my ear and any form of sleep immediately Before my brain could register it, I was already out of bed and putting on my coat.

"What hospital?” I questioned as I ran out of the room with wide eyes. She toldand I immediately hung up.

"We are going to my husband, Be as fast as you can be ordered the driver as I climbed into the car. It was still very early in the morning so the sun hadn't risen yet.

I fidgeted in my seat and kept biting my nails out of anxiety. Was it because of me? Was it because I drove him away? Oh goddess please! We got to the hospital which was in the pack and I didn't even wait for the driver to park the car before jumping out of it "Be careful madam!" The driver and guards yelled but I wasn't listening. I needed to see my husband.

I walked into the office and didn't even need to say anything before I was led towards Damon's ward which was a separate ward for only the Donovans I barged i into the room and everyone immediately turned toincluding Damon who looked perfectly fine but was laying on the bed.

"Damon" I called out his nas I ran to his side and he scoffed.

"So I see only my death can bring you back to me, huh?" He murmured and I frowned before punching his chest. "You f**g scared me! I thought you were seriously hurt or something but you look perfectly fine" I muttered as tears threatened to escape my eyes.

"I asked Delilah to make it seem that way so you'd come" He murmured and that's when the tears cstreaming down before I could stop it.

"Everyone out, I want to be with my wife" He murmured as he grabbed onto my hand and pulledcloser to him. As soon as everyone was gone, he placedon his lap and pressed a kiss on my lips.

"Will you tellwhat the matter with you is now?" He questioned softly and I shook my head.

2/3 "You'll hateif if you f find out. You'll be disgusted" I murmured and he frowned.

11:46 Tue, 2 Jul Chapter 56 "What is it? Did you have an affair with Liam?" He questioned coldly and I shook my head.

66% "No of course not but this is so much worse" I murmured and he frowned but before he could say anything, I heard Alicia scream from outside.

"Why is she here? Carry that witch out of here!" She screamed then suddenly barged into the room with a deathly look in her eyes as she stared at me.

I tried walking toward Alicia but Damon held ontotightly..

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Are you insane, Alicia? How dare you?!" Damon boomed so loudly, his parents and everyone rushed into the room while Delilah was trying to hold Alicia back.

"That girl is deceiving you, Damon. She's..." "Enough! Get her out of here" Damon ordered and Luca immediately rushed forward and tried holding onto Alicia.

"Alicia, let's talk about this..." I began as I walked towards her and when I was close enough, she slappedacross the face.

of bed and Everyone immediately went silent. until Damon's loud growl was heard. Before I could react Damon was out of bed and had Alicia pinned against a wall with his fingers wrapped around her neck. "How dare you hit my wife?" Damon muttered through clenched teeth.

"That's because you don't know her secret. She's..." I immediately rushed towards them before she could complete her sentence.

"Alicia, please, I'm begging you! Don't!" I pleaded as I ran towards her but the sinister look in her eyes toldthat it was over for me. She was going to let everyone know my secret.

"Clara is Barren, she can never give you a child not an heir" She muttered and everyone went quiet before NO slowly turning toand my knees immediately gave in and I fell to the ground while shaking with fear. "What?" Damon questioned softly and I immediately grabbed onto his leg.

"I can explain, please Damon letexplain" i pleaded and he let go of Alicia's neck before turning toand the hurt in his eyes broke me.

"You can't givean heir?" He questioned softly and my hands tightened on his leg.

"Damon please letexplain” I pleaded and his eyes suddenly turned cold and in a blink of an eye, he suddenly looked so unfamiliar before my eyes.

"You had all the chances to explain but you didn't and now, I don't want to listen anymore. Get her out of here, Luca and get the f**g divorce papers ready"....

11:46 Tue, 2 Ju X