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Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 423
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Chapter 423 To Trade in Cat’s Blood

In a dimly lit room, the cat restrained for blood extraction suddenly convulsed and struggled. Its body

twitched violently, kicking a tray placed next to its feet and sending it flying.

The tray contained some blood extraction tools, such a needles and blood bags, which clattered onto a

nearby cat cage.

In the room, there were more than a dozen cats. Some of them were frightened by the convulsing cat

and cowered in the corners of their cages, hissing with bare teeth as their eyes filled with terror.

Some had become numb, turning their heads to glance at the convulsing cat with a trace of sadness.

passing through their lifeless eyes.

The cat was convulsing severely, indicating that it had been drained of blood and was nearing the end.

The staff member hurriedly removed the needle and grabbed the blood bag in his hand. He then kicked

the cat away, causing it to land on the floor with a muffled groan.

“Damn… It’s just about 50-60 milliliters, and it almost spilled because of this damn cat,” muttered the

staff member.

The man with a ghost hovering over his head was the owner of the workshop named Boris Trask.

Boris furrowed his brows upon seeing the situation. “Dispose of it if it’s dead. Also, while you’re at it,

don’t keep the ones that are about to kick the can either. Draw their blood and then get rid of them. We

can save on some cat food.”

The staff member replied, “Okay.”

Boris asked, “How’s business this week?”

The staff member held a notebook that was filled with a whole page of contact numbers and names of

previous breeders they had dealt with.

“We had three orders this week,” he said. “It’s fewer than last week. Well… it’s mainly because pet cats

are eating better than humans these days, so there are fewer sick ones. I really wish they would get

sick every day.”

He chuckled and added, “If I knew which families had cats, I’d go to each one and give them a personal

blend of my own medicine!”

With three orders per week, he would only earn a commission of a thousand dollars.

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During slow times, he would only make four to five thousand dollars in commissions

per month.

Boris said, “Don’t even go there. Going into people’s homes to poison pets is unethical…”

After a pause, he continued, “Besides, residential areas have surveillance cameras. You need to be

very careful not to get caught; the risk is too high.”

The staff member laughed, “Boss, I was just kidding!”

As he spoke, he threw the dead cat into a garbage bag. With several swift motions, he drained the

remaining life out of a few cats that were still barely alive, then threw them into the bag as well.


Some of the drained cats died instantly while others convulsed. The garbage bag trembled, but Boris

and the staff member seemed accustomed to it.

Boris patted the staff member’s shoulder. “Get ready. Tomorrow, we’ll go out and rescue a group of



The staff member nodded. “Oh sure thing!”

Their so-called “rescue” meant going out to find stray cats and using the pretense of rescue to capture


Once captured, the cats would be kept in this room.

To maintain a stable business, they would go out twice month. For each cat they captured, the staff

member would earn a commission of three hundred dollars.

Usually, they could capture around a dozen cats at a time. In other words, by going on one “rescue”

mission, the staff member would earn around three thousand dollars in commissions.

With the commission from the blood extractions, his monthly income steadily exceeded ten thousand


The staff member had a favorable impression of Boris With the number of cats they kept, they would

only make around fifty to sixty thousand dollars each month from selling blood. Despite that, Boris still

gave him over ten thousand each month. That was the textbook definition of a great boss.

“I really love doing rescues,” the staff member said with a cheerful smile.

Boris patted his shoulder. “Work hard! Whether you want to buy a car, a house, or even want to get

married, it’s all within reach!”

The staff member expressed his gratitude, saying, “Yes, sir!”

That said, the use of the term “rescue” in their context was truly ironic….

The ghost above Boris’s head struggled again as the pain in his eyes grew stronger.

In the past, this place used to be his paradise. Everyone in this workshop were his patrons.

Every time they discussed business and rescues was when he smiled the most.

But now, he couldn’t smile anymore…

The next day. Lilly, who was at home for the weekend ook her grandmother’s phone and was watching

short videos.

Bettany reminded her, “You can only watch it for a shon while, okay?”

Lilly nodded, “Okay!”

Hugh glanced over and frowned. “What’s a little kid doing with a phone? Look at you, always

complaining how everyone spoils Lilly, yet here you are, doing the same thing.”

Bettany shot him a glare. “How is this the same?”


It was as though she wasn’t the one who said before, “If it were me, I would never spoil her like this”

Bettany seemed to finally recall that particular instance and tried to change the subject with a cough. “I

wonder if Anthony has finished work on his side and when he’ll come back.”

Hugh clicked to the next page, reading the news while saying, “Didn’t he say he would be gone for half

a month? He’s only been gone for a few days. Is your deffentia finally catching up to you?”

Bettany: “…”

She gave Hugh a scornful look and coldly said, “No lunch for you today.”

Hugh looked up, “???”

Lilly covered her mouth and giggled, “Grandpa, you go scolded-”

Hugh still couldn’t understand, “Did I say something wrong?”

Lilly tilted her head and counted with her finger, “Uncle Anthony has been gone for over a week, and

he’ll be back in five days. It’s not like he’s been gone for just a few days!”

Hugh suddenly realized, “Well, it’s not like I was wrong either. Just a few days’ was just a figure of


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Who in the world would be that specific in a normal conversation?

Was he supposed to say, “He’s been gone for ten days, and he’ll be back in five days”? Who would talk

with such precise accuracy about the number of days?

“I’ll never understand women,” Hugh murmured under his breath.

Lilly ran upstairs with her phone and said while running, “Grandpa, I didn’t hear anything!”

Hugh: “…”

Lilly had asked Josh to help her search for short videos about rescuing cats and dogs, so now she was

only seeing content related to that.

Josh asked, “What’s the matter? Why are you suddenly interested in these videos?”

He was filled with regret… After school started, he had attend classes, do homework, and even go to


Thus, he wasn’t able to spend much time with his little ister.

Look where it had gotten him now. He didn’t even know about Lilly’s new interest despite being an

older brother!

Not to mention, he was supposed to be Lilly’s favorite brother!

Lilly was absorbed in watching videos, so she casually waved her hand, “Oh, it’s nothing.”

Josh was speechless and confused.

He leaned in next to Lilly and watched the videos alongside her.

“Hey fam, we’ve run out of cat food this month… We’re in quite a pickle. Our cat shelter has already



in a hundred cats and we simply can’t house anymore. I’m barely scraping by with my salary… Some

of you said that I can make money by selling products, but I haven’t done that before… What should

we do fam?”

“On my way home from work today, I saw this poor little thing… It was absolutely pouring outside. I

tried to hold myself back for a bit, but in the end I couldn’t resist and brought it home…”

Josh remarked, “These are all about rescuing cats and dogs.”

This was a good thing.

It seemed like there was nothing to do with ghosts this time around…

Just as he was thinking this, he heard the sound of a car rolling in from outside. It was Blake…