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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 282
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Chapter 0282


I still can’t get Letty’s words out of my head. When I came home early that day, I expected

to spend some alone time with Ava. What I didn’t expect was to hear Letty telling Ava that

she’d been falling in love with


The pain that shot through my F***ing heart had almost blinded me. Even though I hated

the relationship Ava had with Ethan, I always thought it was purely physical. That it was

nothing more than S**.

The fact that s

she’d been falling for him hurt more than knowing that she had slept with him. It nearly


me to know that she had started seeing a future with the man.

I had masked my pain with anger. I didn’t know how to tell her that the possibility that she

had felt a fraction of love for Ethan had crashed my soul into a bloody pulp. It had been

too painful for me to voice.

it out.

The “what ifs‘ kept playing in my head. Refusing to give me peace of mind. I couldn’t help

but wonder what would have happened if Ethan hadn’t turned out to be the bad guy.

Would she be with him right

now? Would the love she had for me be replaced with the one for Ethan? Would she have


completely over me right now?

It was driving me insane knowing that the only F***ing reason that I had a chance with her

was because

Ethan F***ed up.

“Rowan!” The shout jolts me back to the present.

I stare at my brother in confusion, wondering when the hell he got into my office. I was so

lost in thought

that I didn’t hear him enter my office.

“What?” I shuffle the papers that were in front of me before pushing them aside.

He walks across the room and sits before my desk. “I’ve been trying to get your attention

for more than

five minutes.”

I don’t say anything. What was there to say? I’ve been distracted these past couple of

days, and it’s all

because of Ava. She is on my F***ing mind every second of every day.

Damn it. I was married to the woman for almost a decade, and she has never had this

effect on me. Now

I’m addicted to her like and addict’s favorite drug.

She’s embedded to deeply inside me that I couldn’t fish her out even if I wanted. I

wouldn’t even do it:

mine, and there is no F***ing way I’m leaving her

“I can see you have a lot on your mind,” he looks at me in that scrutinizing way I hate.

“Mind sharing?”

This is so F***ing hard. How do I tell him that I am so F***ing insecure now about Ava’s

feelings towards Ethan? I’ve never been the insecure kind, but with Ava, I am. I’m not

ashamed to admit that to myself.

Unable to sit still, I stand up and walk to the floor to ceiling window. I stare outside. One of

the reasons I chose this building and office was because of the view.

My office was located on the fifteenth floor. I could practically see the whole city from

here. There is also the fact that I could easily see the sun setting over a nearby lake.


Sighing, I turn to face my brother. “I don’t even know where to begin.”

I’m going to take a guess and assume this about Ava?” he asks

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I run my hand through my hair, messing it up in the process.


“You know you can tell me anything… So what’s up?”

I debate for only a second before I tell him everything. I couldn’t F***ing hold it inside. Not

when it was

driving me to the brink of insanity.

Just like he always does, he sits patiently and listen until I’m done. He doesn’t judge or

input his opinion

until I’m finished.

I collapse back on my chair after I’m done while staring at him. His face is contemplative.

I’m F***ing dying to hear what he has to say. What advice he has to give because I’m at

my wits end.

“Looks to me like you still jealous of Ethan,” he says after a while.

I give him the dirtiest glare I can master. “That’s already F***ing obvious”

“Then what’s the problem? I don’t understand… Ethan is in prison and you’re with Ava.

Shouldn’t that be enough? Shouldn’t that give you a bit of consolation?” he asks genuinely


I fist my hand in frustration. Exhaling. I try explaining it to him without losing my shit.

“I know that, but I also know Ava. One way or another she’s going to insist on seeing

Ethan because she’ll not only want iris to know her dad, but she’ll also want to know the

man who got her pregnant

His eyes pin mine as he finally figures out where my issue is stemming from.

“You’re afraid she’ll fall for Ethan all over again, aren’t you?”

“Yes” I stand up once again and start pacing. “The slate has been wiped clean. There is no

hidden agenda and Ava knows the truth about him. What’s stopping her from falling in

love with him all over again? He may have betrayed her, but he didn’t hurt her as much as

I did”

I honestly have no F***ing idea what I would do if that happens. That possibility scares me

so much because I love her so F***ing much.’m just afraid of losing her.

“What’s stopping her, is the fact that Ethan is in prison. I don’t think she would wait for

him to be released. Twenty one years is a pretty long time”

“This is Ava we are talking about…her love and loyalty knows no bounds. I mean come on,

she continued to love me even when I treated her like shit, do you think if she falls for

him, she’ll leave him simply

because he’s in prison?”

He shakes his head and sighs. “You’re right” he admits.

I exhale in disappointment.

“Though I think you shouldn’t worry too much about this” he continues. “Just take it one

day at a time and focus on showing her your heart. Love her so much, that the thought of

leaving you breaks her heart.”

There was nothing else I could do, so he was right. Whether she stays with me or not, it’s

her choice. Right now the only thing I can do is love her with everything I’ve got.

I let myself relax and ease the worry from my heart. Feeling like a F***ing boulder has

been lifted from my


Well I was starting to relax until my phone started to ring.

“What” I answer without looking at the caller ID.

“Rowan, there’s been an incident”

I recognize Theo’s voice immediately and begin to tense up.

“What happened?”

“Can you please meet us at the hospital?” he says instead. “Ava has been rushed to the


Fuck. I am going to kill someone.

Chapter 0282


I still can’t get Letty’s words out of my head. When I came home early that day, I expected

to spend some alone time with Ava. What I didn’t expect was to hear Letty telling Ava that

she’d been falling in love with


The pain that shot through my F***ing heart had almost blinded me. Even though I hated

the relationship Ava had with Ethan, I always thought it was purely physical. That it was

nothing more than S**.

The fact that she’d been falling for him hurt more than knowing that she had slept with

him. It nearly killed

me to know that she had started seeing a future with the man.

I had masked my pain with anger. I didn’t know how to tell her that the possibility that she

had felt a fraction of love for Ethan had crashed my soul into a bloody pulp. It had been

too painful for me to voice

it out.

The ‘what ifs‘ kept playing in my head. Refusing to give me peace of mind. I couldn’t help

but wonder what would have happened if Ethan hadn’t turned out to be the bad guy.

Would she be with him right now? Would the love she had for me be replaced with the one

for Ethan? Would she have been

completely over me right now?

It was driving me insane knowing that the only F***ing reason that I had a chance with her

was because

Ethan F***ed up.

“Rowan!” The shout jolts me back to the present.

I stare at my brother in confusion, wondering when the hell he got into my office. I was so

lost in thought

that I didn’t hear him enter my office.

“What?” I shuffle the papers that were in front of me before pushing them aside.

He walks across the room and sits before my desk. “I’ve been trying to get your attention

for more than

five minutes.”

I don’t say anything. What was there to say? I’ve been distracted these past couple of

days, and it’s all because of Ava. She is on my F***ing mind every second of every day.

Damn it. I was married to the woman for almost a decade, and she has never had this

effect on me. Now

I’m addicted to her like and addict’s favorite drug.

She’s embedded so deeply inside me that I couldn’t fish her out even if I wanted. I

wouldn’t even do it.

She is mine, and there is no F***ing way I’m leaving her

“I can see you have a lot on your mind,” he looks at me in that scrutinizing way I hate.

“Mind sharing?”

This is so F***ing hard. How do I tell him that I am so F***ing insecure now about Ava’s

feelings towards Ethan? I’ve never been the insecure kind, but with Ava, I am. I’m not

ashamed to admit that to myself.

Unable to sit still, I stand up and walk to the floor to ceiling window. I stare outside. One of

the reasons I chose this building and office was because of the view.

My office was located on the fifteenth floor. I could practically see the whole city from

here. There is also the fact that I could easily see the sun setting over a nearby lake.


Sighing, I turn to face my brother. “I don’t even know where to begin.”

“I’m going to take a guess and assume this about Ava?” he asks

I run my hand through my hair, messing it up in the process.


“You know you can tell me anything… So what’s up?”

I debate for only a second before I tell him everything. I couldn’t F***ing hold it inside. Not

when it was

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

driving me to the brink of insanity.

Just like he always does, he sits patiently and listen until I’m done. He doesn’t judge or

input his opinion

until I’m finished.

I collapse back on my chair after I’m done while staring at him. His face is contemplative.

I’m F***ing dying to hear what he has to say. What advice he has to give because I’m at

my wits end.

“Looks to me like you still jealous of Ethan,” he says after a while.

I give him the dirtiest glare I can master. “That’s already F***ing obvious”

“Then what’s the problem? I don’t understand… Ethan is in prison and you’re with Ava.

Shouldn’t that be enough? Shouldn’t that give you a bit of consolation?” he asks genuinely


1 fist


hand in frustration. Exhaling, I try explaining it to him without losing my shit.

“I know that, but I also know Ava. One way or another she’s going to insist on seeing

Ethan because she’ll not only want Iris to know her dad, but she’ll also want to know the

man who got her pregnant”

His eyes pin mine as he finally figures out where my issue is stemming from.

“You’re afraid she’ll fall for Ethan all over again, aren’t you?”

“Yes” I stand up once again and start pacing. The slate has been wiped clean. There is no

hidden agenda

and Ava knows the truth about him. What’s stopping her from falling in love with him all

over again? He may have betrayed her, but he didn’t hurt her as much as I did”

T’honestly have no F***ing idea what I would do if that happens. That possibility scares

me so much

because I love her so F***ing much.’m just afraid of losing her.

“What’s stopping her, is the fact that Ethan is in prison. I don’t think she would wait for

him to be released.

Twenty one years is a pretty long time”

“This is Ava we are talking about…her love and loyalty knows no bounds. I mean come on,

she continued

to love me even when I treated her like shit, do you think if she falls for him, she’ll leave

him simply

because he’s in prison?”

He shakes his head and sighs. “You’re right” he admits.

I exhale in disappointment.

“Though I think you shouldn’t worry too much about this” he continues. “Just take it one

y at a time and

focus on showing her your heart. Love her so much, that the thought of leaving you breaks

her heart.”

There was nothing else I could do, so he was right. Whether she stays with me or not, it’s

her choice.

Right now the only thing I can do is love her with everything I’ve got.

I let myself relax and ease the worry from my heart. Feeling like a F***ing boulder has

been lifted from my


Well I was starting to relax until my phone started to ring.

“What” I answer without looking at the caller ID.

“Rowan, there’s been an incident”

I recognize Theo’s voice immediately and begin to tense up.

“What happened?”

“Can you please meet us at the hospital?” he says instead. “Ava has been rushed to the


Fuck. I am going to kill someone.