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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 310
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Chapter 310

Zane’s face turned extremely pale in an instant, his l*ps trembling as he said. “ Mr. Yoder, I know that what just happened has made you very angry. How about t his, I will personally bring my wife to the Yoder family to apologize tomorrow. Pl ease spare the Schneider family this time.”

There was no warmth in Maxim’s eyes, “If Mrs. Schneider really was careless, I co uld forgive her, but whether she did it on purpose, you should be very clear.”

Knowing that pleading with Maxim would be useless, Zane turned his attention t o Briana.

“Briana, your mom already realized her mistake, could you…”

Before she could finish her words, she was coldly rejected by Briana, “No, she has done many similar things in the past. I can tolerate her fav oritism because Kiley is her daughter whom she has raised since childhood, and her affection for Kiley is deeper than mine. But today, she clearly intended to h urt me, I can’t utter the words ‘forgive‘ ”

Zane’s face instantly turned ashen, he knew the Schneider Group was truly finish ed this time.

Not long after Briana and Maxim returned to the villa, Kiley came knocking on t he door.

Knowing that Maxim refused to see her, she stayed at the villa’s entrance, appe aring as if she wouldn’t leave unless Maxim agreed to

meet her.

Briana didn’t plan to interfere. After finishing dinner and taking a bath.

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Chapter 310

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she just sat in the living room watching TV.

As for Maxim, upon knowing that Kiley was waiting at the door, he said nothing a nd went straight back to his study to work.

Around eight in the evening, it suddenly started raining outside.

Briana walked to the window and saw Kiley standing in the rain, soaked to the s kin. She looked like a lotus fiower refusing to bow in the storm, evoking an extre me sense of endearment.

Didn’t know if Maxim would have the heart to see her after witnessing this scene .

Returning to the living room, Briana sat on the sofa and continued to watch TV. but she couldn’t concentrate at all. She kept wondering if Maxim would go out.

After all, she had seen Maxim’s affection for Kiley in the past. Once, when she ha d just married Maxim, she accidentally knocked a picture of him and Kiley on th

e bedside table to the ground. He got very angry with her and gave her the cold shoulder for half a month before he spoke to her again.

Even though Maxim had clearly expressed his feelings for her. Briana still found herself occasionally thinking about the past. This made her unconsciously assu me that Maxim would choose Kiley whenever she encountered anything related to Kiley.

“What were you thinking about?”

Maxim’s deep voice echoed in her ear, startling Briana and pulling her thoughts back to reality.

She turned her head to look at Maxim, his dark eyes refiecting her own face, as if his eyes and heart could on ly accommodate her


Briana pursed her l*ps, slowly saying, “I wasn’t thinking about anything.”

Maxim didn’t ask again, instead he wrapped his arm around her waist and sat n ext to her, “What’s this TV show? I’ll watch it with you.”

Briana was silent for a moment, but couldn’t help saying. “Kiley has been out in the rain for over half an hour, aren’t you going to check on


Detecting the probing in her tone, Maxim lowered his gaze to her, “Do you want me to leave?”

Briana’s hand, resting on the blanket, unconsciously tightened. She lowered her gaze and said, “I don’t have any hopes or expectations. Whether you go or not i s not something I can decide.”

Maxim chuckled softly, “Who said you couldn’t decide?”

Detecting the teasing tone in his voice, Briana couldn’t help but frown. saying ir ritably. “After all, she was your former crush, you should at least go and see her. Otherwise, if she gets sick, some people might feel heartbroken.”

Maxim buried his head in the crook of her neck, whispering, “What kind of jealo usy are you eating? If you don’t want to see her, couldn’t you just call security to kick her out?”

“Weren’t you heartbroken?”

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“Having you alone was enough to break my heart. I didn’t have the energy to fee l heartbroken for anyone else.”

Briana moved her gaze to the television with a blank expression, but the corner of her mouth couldn’t help but twitch upwards.

The two watched a TV show for a while, Briana became a bit sleepy

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and whispered, “I want to go to sleep.”

No sooner had the words left her mouth than Maxim scooped her up and strode quickly towards the bedroom.

He laid her on the bed, and Maxim bent down to k*ss her for a long

time before reluctantly letting her go. He covered her with a blanket and k*ssed her forehead.

“Go to sleep. I’m not tired yet. I’ll handle a bit more work.”

Briana hummed with her eyes closed, then turned over and fell asleep. not knowing if she had heard or not.

Maxim chuckled softly, turned off the light, and left the second bedroom.

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