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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 433
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Chapter 433

“Briana, thank you.”

Briana’s expression was indifferent, “I’m not doing this for you, don’t forget, I’m also a shareholder of the Yoder Group, so I don’t want the Yoder Group to lose these talents.”

As her voice trailed off, the elevator doors opened.

She walked in first, saw Maxim still standing outside, couldn’t help but frown, “Why aren’t you coming in?”

Maxim’s eyes deepened a bit as he stepped into the elevator and stood next to her, remaining silent without saying anything furt her.

The elevator quickly reached the top fioor. When Isaac’s secretary saw Briana a nd Maxim stepping out of the elevator, she looked as if she had seen a ghost an d hurriedly stepped forward to stop them.

“Ms. Schneider, the president is currently busy. I’m afraid it’s not convenient for him to meet you.”

Briana remained calm, speaking deliberately, “I came here as a shareholder of the Yoder Group. I need an explanation for Isaac’s unexplained dismissal of sev eral managers from the Yoder Group.

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The secretary paused for a moment, then frowned and said, “Ms. Schneider, ple ase wait a moment.”

After speaking, he quickly walked into the office.

The secretary came out quickly, “Ms. Schneider, Mr. Yoder, the president asked y ou to come in.”



Chapter 433

#40 Vouchers

Briana walked up to the office door and pushed it open, only to find that the int erior had completely changed in style. Unlike the previous understated style, it was now filled with exquisite collectibles and furniture everywhere, which mad e her frown involuntarily.

Isaac sat behind the desk, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he saw Briana and Maxim.

“Was it heard that Ms. Schneider was a shareholder of the company, was there a share certificate?”

Briana remained calm, “My secretary is already on the way with the photocopie s. In the meantime, let’s discuss the matter of you dismissing several experienc ed managers without reason.”

Isaac raised an eyebrow, looking at Maxim who stood behind Briana with a cold face and hadn’t spoken. He said in a half– mocking tone, “Maxim, have you become so useless that you need a woman to s tand in front of you now?”

Maxim looked at him expressionlessly, “Don’t change the subject. According to t he regulations of the Yoder Group, the dismissal of managers and above require s a board decision.”

Isaac sneered, “You only hold 10% of the shares in the Yoder Group, and those s hareholders of the Yoder Group won’t stand by you either. Even if a board meeti ng is held, the result will be the same. Why bother?”

“Whether it’s superfiuous or not, it’s not for you to decide.”

Isaac’s eyes gradually grew cold, and he spoke with a mocking expression, “Fine, then I’ll let you see for yourself, who exactly calls the shots in the Yoder Group now!”

He dialed the internal line, asking his secretary to notify all directors that a me eting would be held half an hour later.



Chapter 433

40 Vouchers

Soon, William had delivered Briana’s share certificate.

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Seeing that Briana owned 10% of the Yoder Group’s shares, and that they were g iven by Norma, a surge of resentment unconsciously welled up in Isaac’s eyes.

He was the descendant of the Yoder family, yet that old woman refused to give him even a fraction of the shares she held, instead giving so much to a stranger. It was truly outrageous!

However, even if they both had a 20% share, as long as the majority of the board of directors stood by him, there was no chance for Maxim and Briana to win!

Isaac threw the share certificate on the table with a cold laugh, saying indiffere ntly. “It’s just 10% of the shares, I don’t even care about it.”

Briana let William take away the equity certificate, looking at Isaac with a faint expression, “Mr. Yoder, don’t overstate your case.”

Isaac had an air of arrogance about him, “Some people just won’t take a hint un til they face the harsh reality!”

Half an hour later, the largest conference room of the Yoder Group.

Isaac sat at the head of the table, smiling, “It seems that the former president h as some objections to my dismissal of several managers who did not follow the company’s arrangements. So, I called everyone here today to vote on whether these manag ers should be dismissed. Let’s start the voting now.”

“Each shareholder had an electronic voting screen in front of them. They were t o vote anonymously. If they agreed to the dismissal, they would press the green button. If they disagreed, they would press the red button.”

In less than three minutes, the voting results were out.


Chapter 433

Seeing the results displayed on the big screen, a smug smile curled up at the co rner of Isaac’s mouth.
