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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 442
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Chapter 442

Seeing his unpleasant expression, Briana thought his attitude was a bit strange, but she didn’t think much of it.

“Hector was injured while filming not long ago, and he has now moved into the v illa next door. When I came home today, I happened to meet his agent bringing him back. The agent asked me to help lo ok after Hector if anything happens. You’re not jealous, are you?”

Seeing the teasing in Briana’s eyes, Maxim couldn’t laugh at all.

He stood up, casually packed two dishes into the food box, and said coldly, “I’ll deliver it to him.”

Briana paused, her eyes full of surprise.

“Mr. Yoder, is this a sudden change of heart? Didn’t you really dislike Hector bef ore?”

“He was your friend, I believed you wouldn’t have any issues with him.”

After speaking, Maxim picked up the lunch box and walked out.

Briana quickly stopped him, “Tone down your icy demeanor when you speak, ot herwise people might think you’re a debt collector.”

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Maxim’s expression was icy, “Alright, heat up the soup again, I’ll be back soon.”


Confirming that Briana hadn’t followed him, Maxim quickly walked to


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Hector’s front door and knocked.

Seeing Maxim outside, surprise fiashed in Hector’s eyes.

“Mr. Yoder, did you need something from me?”

His attitude was not exactly good. After all, even though he didn’t expect anythi ng from Briana when he went to the fire scene to save her, the little tricks that Maxim and Albert were playing behind his back really annoyed him.

Maxim’s expression was icy, “Briana sent me over to bring you some food.”

Upon hearing this, a hint of softness fiashed in Hector’s eyes.

“Give me the stuff, you can go now.”

Maxim didn’t give him the lunch box, but instead stared at him expressionlessl y

“I wanted to talk to you.”

Hector chuckled lightly, leaning against the door and looking at him coldly, “Wh at does Mr. Yoder want to talk about? The fact that I saved Briana and you and A lbert kept it a secret? Or the deal between you and Albert?”

With every word he spoke, Maxim’s face grew colder.

Finally, the chill emanating from Maxim was almost enough to freeze a person t o death.

“I knew it was unfair to you, but it’s in the past now. I didn’t want to bring up those painful memories for Briana. Recently, the Yoder Group has invested i n several big productions. I could have the director replace the lead role with y ou.”



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After listening, Hector’s expression became incredibly mocking, “Mr. Yoder, do you think that by treating me to a few shows, you can write off the matter of me saving Bri ana?”

Maxim looked at him coldly, “As a Best Actor Award winner, if one is too greedy, they might end up with nothing in the end.”

“The greedy person seemed to be Mr. Yoder.”

Hector’s hand, clutching his cane, turned slightly white as he looked straight at Maxim and said word by word, “I saved Briana out of my own free will, not because I wanted somethin g in return.”

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After speaking, he was about to close the door, but it was blocked by Maxim.

“Since you don’t want any return, never bring up this matter in front of her agai n!”

Hector’s voice seemed to be tinged with ice and snow, “Rest assured, Mr. Yoder, I want to prev ent Briana from getting hurt even more than you do.”

If she had found out that the man she loved had deceived her, she would have b een very upset. Hector didn’t want to see her upset, so he planned to bury this matter deep in his heart and not let her know.

Seeing Maxim return with the lunch box, Briana couldn’t help but frown, “Hector didn’t want it?”

Maxim nodded, “Hmm, let’s eat.”

“I went to deliver it to him, he was injured and it was inconvenient for him to cook.”

Just as he picked up the lunch box, his wrist was grabbed by Maxim.



“Briana, even if he can’t cook for himself, he can always order takeout. I won’t b e happy if you keep caring for other men like this.”

Briana hadn’t expected Maxim to express his emotions so bluntly. After a mome nt of surprise, she put down her food box and nodded, saying. “Alright then.”

After finishing their meal, the two tidied up. After Briana had Maxim go back to his room to rest, she went to the study to deal with documents.

Returning to his bedroom, Maxim dialed Rayan’s number.