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Forgive Us, My Dear Sister (The Miraculous Simone Gray)

Chapter 283
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Chapter 283 Simone Is Their Nemesis.


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Titus now has a clearer understanding of the situation and sneered, “How can she achieve. your goal if

she doesn’t focus on the people who truly love her? Will others care about her? Just look at Zac Turner

and Keira Pearson. They don’t spoil her.” Only those who have loved her before, like them, would spoil

her like this. “Jodie Gray is just taking advantage of our love for her.”

Luca nodded. “Exactly, we spoiled her while she’s doing the meanest things.” He then gave a bitter

smile. “You know, did we also have this kind of feeling toward Simone before?”

They seemed to take advantage of Simone’s concern for her family and treated her that way. because

they always felt that no matter what happened in the end, she would always be a good sister to them.

Titus body stiffened. “Now that you mention it, we really did act that way. All these years, we have been

greatly influenced by Jodie.” They had spoiled Jodie for over a decade, but she has. also influenced us

for over a decade. Thinking about it now seemed a bit scary to him.

Luca replied, “We have all been corrupted by Jodie. The saying ‘birds of a feather flock. together must

have some truth to it. If Simone hadn’t been lost when she was young and. grew up with us… we

wouldn’t have turned out like this.”

The more the two brothers thought about it, the more they realized it was true and decided that in the

future, they would continue to keep their distance from Jodie. Otherwise, what would they do if they

were corrupted and influenced again?

In Cubilis, Jodie and the production team discussed and agreed on a plan. The production. team

provided them with a harp and also helped them communicate with the city management, who agreed

to let them perform and sell their art in a designated area. As the city wanted to maintain better

development, they needed to attract more people to visit, and appearing on a variety show was a way

to advertise the city. As long as they didn’t go overboard, the management of the city was easy to

negotiate with.

After setting up the harp, Jodie walked over and sat down while Andrew took the initiative to attract

people to come and watch. Soon, she started playing the harp confidently. With Andrew’s efforts and

the high foot traffic on this street, many people initially gathered to watch. However, as they listened,

quite a few people left.

Andrew couldn’t help but stop someone and ask, “Why did you leave?”

The puzzled tourists replied, “We aren’t interested, so we left. What’s the big deal?”

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Andrew asked, “With such beautiful harp music, don’t you want to listen a bit more?”

The tourists gracefully responded, “We prefer the girls playing at the harp recitals held in the

Chapter 283 Simone Is Their Nemesis

old town.”

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Another person chimed in. “The guy from Simone’s group on the next street plays the harp much better

than you.”

She pulled her friend, who Andrew had stopped, and said, “Let’s go to the next street to listen. Even

the lousy ex-boyfriend playing the flute is more entertaining than this.”

At least Leon had an attractive face. What was so special about Jodie? If they wanted to see beautiful

girls, why not go see Simone?

Watching the people leaving one after another, Andrew thought, Simone is our nemesis.

After Jodie finished playing, she realized that more than half of the audience had left, and when

Andrew went to collect tips, hardly anyone gave him any money.

Her face froze. How could this be? She felt like she had played exceptionally well just now.

At the same time, Andrew was going crazy. He had never lacked money in his life, but now he had to

beg for tips. Yet, no one gave him anything. He wanted to storm off in frustration, but to prove Zac

wrong, he held back.

With a thick skin, he approached a seemingly approachable girl and asked, “My sister played so

beautifully. Don’t you think you should show some appreciation?”

The girl took a step back and shook her head. “I thought it was quite ordinary. The town. organizers

hold a recital every five days, and the people playing at the recital are better than your sister. Not only

is it free, but they also provide complimentary tea and pastries. The guy from your other group on the

next street played the harp beautifully, and he didn’t charge, either. So, where do you get the audacity

to ask for money?”

She was a fan of Simone and came here to listen to Jodie to belittle them. Little did she expect to be

caught by Andrew right after arriving. Of course, she had to tell the truth.

It wasn’t that she was intentionally criticizing Jodie, but many people played the harp better at the

recital. Even the hired musicians at the restaurants played with more flavor than Jodie.

The girl’s words received agreement from many people. “Indeed, there are many people in the town

who play the harp better than this. It’s fine to listen for free, but if they want money, I don’t think it’s

worth it.”

“I feel the same way. I thought it was free, but they want money. This is the old town, and there is no

shortage of people who can play the harp. Why don’t you go out and rob on the streets? With this level,

you have the nerve to ask for money?”

Andrew thought, It’s embarrassing and awkward.

Chapter 283 Simone Is Their Nemesis

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It was not just him who felt awkward but also Jodie, who never expected such a situation to arise. To

prevent the atmosphere from becoming more awkward, she immediately stood up and asked Andrew

to prepare to leave, and she started dancing.

Since these people didn’t like her playing the harp, dancing should be fine, right? She had been

practicing dancing since she was young and could dance very professionally. Unexpectedly, as she

danced, more and more people left.

They even commented, “This dance is just average, not as good as the girls at the ball.”

“I agree; money.”

let’s go to the ball tomorrow instead. The best part is, they don’t even ask for

“If her dance could amaze me, I would be happy to give her a tip, but this one didn’t.”

“Let’s go, we won’t pay, and we won’t watch.”

Then, another group of people left one after another. Almost all the onlookers of Jodie’s dance had

disappeared. While dancing, Jodie was also observing. Who would have thought it would turn out like

this? It made her unable to continue dancing halfway through.

Andrew was also quite embarrassed as he hadn’t anticipated such an outcome. Approaching Jodie, he

offered her comfort, saying, “Jo, let’s stop dancing. It’s not that you danced poorly; it’s just that they

don’t appreciate it.”

However, his words only served to further embarrass Jodie. She thought to herself that if Andrew didn’t

know how to provide comfort, he shouldn’t have tried at all; it was only inviting trouble.

Mustering a somewhat reluctant smile, she said, “Andrew, I overheard them mentioning the abundance

of free performances and dances here. Naturally, if we ask for money, there won’t be many spectators.”

That was what she believed. It wasn’t that she lacked talent; it was simply because these people

wanted to enjoy the performances without paying.

“Let’s brainstorm alternative ways to earn money.”

Simultaneously, she regretted their earlier outburst of anger. They shouldn’t have listened to Andrew’s

encouragement to continue playing the harp and dancing. At the same time, she felt a twinge of

annoyance that she hadn’t done more research and acquired more knowledge before coming to this


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Who could have foreseen that there would be free recitals and dances in the city? Now, not only had

they failed to humiliate Zac, but they had also brought embarrassment upon themselves.

Chapter 284 Sure Enough, This Guy Came Prepared

Jodie’s harp and dance performances had failed, so they returned the harp and other items to the

production team. Earlier, she had overheard people discussing something. They mentioned that

Simone and the others were on a nearby street, and an amazing guy was playing the harp.

Although she was curious about who it could be, she was even more interested in finding out how

Simone was making money this time. So, she suggested to Andrew that they should explore the area

and see if they could find any opportunities to make money. With Andrew in tow, she went to the

nearby street.

In the live chat, the viewers were all cheering.

Wasn’t Zachy supposed to be proven wrong? Is this it?”

“This ending is hilarious.

So, Zachy was right all along. There’s no shortage of talented harp players and dancers here. Jojo just

embarrassed themselves.”

Jojo never listens to advice, and now they’ve embarrassed themselves again.”

“Zachy: I can’t take it anymore. It’s impossible to reason with this stubborn person.’

‘Zachy’s eyes are sharp indeed.

This twist is so satisfying. Where are the people who were just insulting Zachy? Why aren’t they

speaking up now?”

It can only be blamed on Jojo’s incompetence. They failed to prove Zachy wrong and ended up

embarrassing themselves. Otherwise, they would be jumping in joy right now.’

I love how straightforward and tactful Zachy is. If you don’t like it, stay away. Why should men always

accommodate delicate flowers?’

He has always had this kind of bad behavior, and now you know.'”

Our Zachy has always been sarcastic and has a bad temper. Jojo better stays away in the



After Zac entered the entertainment industry, he never hid his temperamental personality. He would

make self-deprecating jokes, and his fans would also join in. But when it came to haters, they would

fiercely defend him. After all, he was their idol, and they couldn’t tolerate