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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1108
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Soon after, Rowan and Wesley returned, their expressions turning to surprise upon seeing Marco. Realizing he

had timely delivered the required blood, their faces held a mix of emotions.

Despite their connections, procuring the blood would have taken them a minimum of two hours. Twas of the

essence, and they couldn't afford to wait.

Even though they weren't fans of Marco, Rowan and Wesley had to begrudgingly accept that it was Marco who

had cto their aid.

As dawn painted the sky, the red light of the operation room flickered to green.

At the doorway, Marco stood, maintaining a silent vigil for Loraine throughout the dark hours.

Exhaustion overwhelmed Loraine, and she could no longer fight off sleep. In the middle of the night, she drifted

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off, only to awaken and discover herself wearing Marco's coat. To her surprise, Rowan and

Wesley, without uttering a word, allowed Marco to sit beside her, accepting his presence without objection.

With a heart heavy with emotions, she expressed her gratitude to Marco, noting the shadows under his eyes. Her

gaze then anxiously swept back to the operation room.

Silently, Marco clasped her hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.

The moment the operation room doors swung open, they simultaneously rose, tension coiled within them.

Removing his mask, the doctor faced them, a broad smile lighting his features. “Congratulations. The operation

went off without a hitch, thanks Largely to the prompt arrival of the blood last night.”

Tears welled up in Loraine’s eyes, a tidal wave of relief washing over her. She cast a deeply grateful look at

Marco. Simultaneously, Rowan and Wesley exhaled in relief.


The doctor's word hung in the air, instantly refilling the room with tension.


“Considering Mr. Torres’ old age and his unique blood type, coupled with the current limitations of the eighth-

generation operating robot, we are unable to proceed with the surgery for an extended duration. As a result, we

couldn't fully eliminate the clots, leaving behind sremnants that pose a temporary risk to his health and

have the potential to trigger an attack at any given moment.”

As his words sank in, Loraine’s complexion blanched. Anxiety creased her brow.

“So, what's the plan now?”

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“Unfortunately, our present technology doesn’t offer an immediate solution. The best course of action would be

constant monitoring to ensure the clots don’t deteriorate and to promptly intervene with treatment if necessary.”

Wasn't this akin to a ticking tbomb?

With each passing day, Aldo continued to age. How could she treat his health as a mere gamble? If his condition

truly worsened, it would be too late for any effective treatment. How many more surgeries could his frail body


Suddenly, Marco interjected, “While the eighth-generation robot might be unable to perform the surgery, would

the ninth-generation robot suffice?”

The doctor, taken aback, adjusted his glasses and replied, “In theory, yes, but the ninth generation hasn't been

developed yet.”

In a composed tone, Marco conveyed, “The ninth generation has been successfully developed, although it hasn't

been implemented yet.”