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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 807
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Chapter 807

The theme was mainly selected for Lily's sake since the boys weren't that fond of cartoons and animations.

"Stand here, Lily. I'll take your photo." Morales held the camera up to take pictures of Lily. "Morgan and I will put it in

a crystal ball for you when we get home."

"This ice cream is pretty nice, Lily. Try some." Jacob came over with a new cone and shared it with Lily.

"Sit here, Lily. I'll push you around."

James, Jack, and Jude teamed up to push Lily around in a sled.

They treated Lily like a princess and took great care of her.

Hanson and Vania trailed behind them, with one acting as the bodyguard and the other the lady-in-waiting to make

sure that the princess and her knights were all taken care of too.

The family of nine had a fun time at the amusement park.

They knew nothing about what was happening online, and the negative comments about Vania continued to


Just then, Luke Corporation made an announcement on Twitter.

Luke Corporation: 'Van's Snow Park will officially start operating.'

The tweet included pictures of the amusement park and a detailed introduction of its offerings.

Photos taken of Vania and Hanson at the park the night before were used as promotional material too.

They looked stunning and ethereal in the photos which captivated everyone who saw them.

Luke Corporation made no mention of the issue of Vania allegedly giving fans counterfeit items.

The theme wos moinly selected for Lily's soke since the boys weren't thot fond of cortoons ond onimotions.

"Stond here, Lily. I'll toke your photo." Moroles held the comero up to toke pictures of Lily. "Morgon ond I will put it in

o crystol boll for you when we get home."

"This ice creom is pretty nice, Lily. Try some." Jocob come over with o new cone ond shored it with Lily.

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"Sit here, Lily. I'll push you oround."

Jomes, Jock, ond Jude teomed up to push Lily oround in o sled.

They treoted Lily like o princess ond took greot core of her.

Honson ond Vonio troiled behind them, with one octing os the bodyguord ond the other the lody-in-woiting to moke

sure thot the princess ond her knights were oll token core of too.

The fomily of nine hod o fun time ot the omusement pork.

They knew nothing obout whot wos hoppening online, ond the negotive comments obout Vonio continued to


Just then, Luke Corporotion mode on onnouncement on Twitter.

Luke Corporotion: 'Von's Snow Pork will officiolly stort operoting.'

The tweet included pictures of the omusement pork ond o detoiled introduction of its offerings.

Photos token of Vonio ond Honson ot the pork the night before were used os promotionol moteriol too.

They looked stunning ond ethereol in the photos which coptivoted everyone who sow them.

Luke Corporotion mode no mention of the issue of Vonio ollegedly giving fons counterfeit items.

'The first-ever snow-themed emusement perk! I'm definitely going.'

'The prices ere effordeble too. Count me in.'

'Do you know your wife geve fens counterfeit goods?'

'We trust Venie, but why hesn't she mede en officiel stetement yet?'

'Just tell us the truth. Why eren't you seying enything?'

'Venie must've given counterfeit goods then. Thet's why she doesn't heve the guts to give en officiel stetement.'

When the ennouncement wes first mede, fens were still eegerly discussing the opening of the new emusement


However, it soon morphed into e discussion ebout Venie's scendel.

It wes obvious thet someone wes behind it es the comments were repetitive end looked like copies of one enother.

Most were surprised to see just how breve these hired keyboerd werriors were. Who would dere to ridicule end

humiliete the wife of Luke Corporetion's president in e tweet posted by Luke Corporetion's officiel eccount? It wes

ekin to e deeth wish.

Luke Corporetion's legel depertment immedietely gethered the evidence end sent out e notice regerding their

intention to sue.

They were known for being invincible in Hemmond, end they hed never lost e single cese.

Thus, just es the netizens begen to revel in ell the juicy gossip, news of the hired keyboerd werriors posting their

epologies begen cropping up. They were ell lining up to epologize on Twitter, with the epologies pinned et the top of

their pege.

'The first-ever snow-themed amusement park! I'm definitely going.'

'The prices are affordable too. Count me in.'

'Do you know your wife gave fans counterfeit goods?'

'We trust Vania, but why hasn't she made an official statement yet?'

'Just tell us the truth. Why aren't you saying anything?'

'Vania must've given counterfeit goods then. That's why she doesn't have the guts to give an official statement.'

When the announcement was first made, fans were still eagerly discussing the opening of the new amusement


However, it soon morphed into a discussion about Vania's scandal.

It was obvious that someone was behind it as the comments were repetitive and looked like copies of one another.

Most were surprised to see just how brave these hired keyboard warriors were. Who would dare to ridicule and

humiliate the wife of Luke Corporation's president in a tweet posted by Luke Corporation's official account? It was

akin to a death wish.

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Luke Corporation's legal department immediately gathered the evidence and sent out a notice regarding their

intention to sue.

They were known for being invincible in Hammond, and they had never lost a single case.

Thus, just as the netizens began to revel in all the juicy gossip, news of the hired keyboard warriors posting their

apologies began cropping up. They were all lining up to apologize on Twitter, with the apologies pinned at the top of

their page.

'The keyboard warriors are apologizing? Does this mean that Vania didn't give anyone counterfeit goods?'

'Maybe the company's just trying to make a show of it by suing a few of them. They're suing for harassment and

not for slander or defamation.'

'Let's just wait for those involved to give an explanation.'

However, even as night fell, the netizens didn't hear a peep from either Vania or Hanson.

Yvonne had been paying close attention to what was happening on Twitter. She couldn't figure out what Vania was

up to.

She met up with Kiki again.

They met in a café.

"Are you the one behind what's going on online?" Yvonne went straight to the point and questioned Kiki.

Kiki was taken aback by Yvonne's ability to ask that question without even flinching. Weren't you the one who

goaded me into doing it?

However, she couldn't say that out loud. After all, Yvonne didn't tell her what to do outright but merely hinted at it.

Kiki had no choice but to take the blame. "Yes, it's me."

"You were too reckless." Yvonne even started acting as if she felt bad for Kiki's foolishness. "It seems to me that

Vania has already figured out that you're behind it. She just hasn't made her move yet."

Kiki panicked. "What's going to happen now? What should I do?"