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Hiding His Baby The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 13
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13. His cousin’s nuts

“That witch! I feel like pulling all her hair out!” Patricia huffed in anger as she cursed someone under her


“I am so angry right now. How dare she behave like that with Ace! She scared my poor baby.” Suzanne

said with a frown as well as she caressed Ace’s face lovingly.

“Calm down, girls. He is okay now. Let him sleep for a few hours. He will be completely fine.” Even

though Athena acted like she was calmed down but in actuality she was burning in anger. Ace has just

fallen asleep after crying for the past half an hour after they came out of that room. He was a little scared

of the way Stacey behaved with him.

“He didn’t eat well at breakfast. Should I ask the maid something for him and for you as well? You also

haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. Oh god! It’s been more than one day. I will ask the maid to make

something right away.” Patricia spoke up in a worried tone.


“Oh, please don’t stress over something like that. I am absolutely fine. You don’t need to disturb anyone

for me. I can cook for myself and Ace. He doesn’t eat without my hands’ cooked food.” Athena said with

a small smile.

“Are you sure you can cook? You are really weak and just recovered from such a big wound.” Suzanne

asked in a worried tone.

“Trust me, I am fine. don’t worry.” Athena said in an assuring tone. “Patricia, can I use the kitchen?” She


“Oh, sure. The maid must have prepared for lunch already. I will ask them to free the kitchen for thirty

minutes for you.” Patricia said with a small smile before getting up to leave and do what she just said. 1

“Thank you. Please take care of him, I will make some food for him then.” Athena said to Suzanne before

getting up as well. She kissed Ace’s forehead lightly before leaving. After that she left the room behind


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Athena stirred the soup absentmindedly as she kept thinking about how her life turned upside down just

in two days.

It came and stood at the birm of uncertainty again. Her life has always been uncertain as long a s she

remembers. She won’t say it was all rainbow after she was captured by Alpha Derrick. It was worse! But

now it is the worst.

She was so lost in thoughts that she didn’t realise when her hand which was stirring the soup was

dropping slowly. It was really close to touching the hot surface, burning herself when someone saved the

day at the right moment.

“Hey, careful!” Someone exclaimed before pulling her away from the stove. She slammed on a hard

chest and closed her eyes tightly. She was caught off guard by the sudden change of event. But the next

moment her eyes widened as she realised that she was in someone’s arms. She looked up at the person

in shock before trying to come out of the

embrace out of instinct. But the person’s hold got tightened around her, not letting her move.

“Hey, stop moving!” The person spoke up and surprisingly enough, she listened to him and stopped

moving. But not because she wanted to listen to him, she wanted to calm down a little. After that

happened, she looked back up at the person with a deep frown. It was a man. He looked to be in his mid

twenties. He has boyish features and it made him look younger with the playful smile on his lips. He had

baby blue coloured eyes and dirty blonde hair. She is not going to lie but he was handsome. “What are

you doing? Leave me.” She spoke up in a cold tone. “What is this attitude, sweetheart? I just saved you

from hurting yourself. You could have burnt yourself. Did you realise that?” The man asked with a raised

eyebrow. She frowned at him before understanding what he was saying. But she kept her expression

neutral. “Okay, whatever. So?” She asked in an emotionless tone. “So, you should be a good girl and

show me some gratitude.” He said with a smirk. “Gratitude? How?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

She was amused by the man’s attitude and wanted to see where this goes.

“Hmm… maybe a kiss or your name will do the work as well, beautiful. I am Jake by the way.” H e said

with a smirk which was followed by a wink. She rolled her eyes at his poor attempt to impress her. “Nice

try, handsome. But it’s not going to work on me. So, leave me right away or else I am going to kick where

the sun doesn’t shine. Don’t test me, boy.” She threatened in a serious tone and tried to get away from

him. But he laughed and once again tightened his hold around her. Not letting her leave.

“Feisty? I like it. But you are not going anywhere until you give me a kiss.” He said with a smirk and

forwards his face a little closer to her.

She didn’t like dragging the joke anymore no matter how handsome he was. He was clearly invading her

personal space and no one has the right to do so. She didn’t realise when his face came dangerously

close to her. Her eyes widened the moment she saw that. She was going to keep her promise of kicking

him in the nuts when suddenly she felt someone pulling him off her. That followed by a loud sound of

something crashing on the floor with a thud. She let out a loud gasp as she looked at Jake with shock.

He let out a groan at the impact. 1

“What the fuck is going on here?!” Dominic’s furious tone boomed in the space of the kitchen but Athena

was sure that the whole mansion heard him.

“What the hell, cousin? Why did you punch me?” Jake scowled at Dominic as he groaned once again

while getting up from the floor.

Athena couldn’t come out of the shock of what just happened before another shock was thrown at her.

Jake and Dominic are cousins? Handsomeness runs in the genes here.

‘It’s not like you didn’t know that.’ Her wolf threw another sarcastic comment, making her roll her eyes at

her before pushing her back. “Why were you hugging her, Jake? What was going on here before I

came?” Dominic growled a s he shook in anger.

Anyone could say that he was having a hard time controlling his wolf which badly wanted to rip

someone’s head off.

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“You just ruined it, cousin! Just before you came here, this pretty lady was going to give me a kiss and

you freaking ruined the moment for us.” Jake said with a smirk as he winked at an irritated Athena. “She

was going to give you what?!” Dominic growled as his eyes blazed golden. His wolf was a t the surface

and his target was right just in front of him. “I am pretty sure the only thing I said I was going to give you

was a kick in the nuts.” Athena scowled at him.

“You seem pretty obsessed with my nuts. What’s your intention?” Jake asked with a smirk. Her eyes

widened for a second as her eyes fell on Dominic who was already giving her murderous glare. Her

expression suddenly changed and she put on a smirk. She looked at Jake with a really seductive look.

She could already feel the rage radiating off of Dominic. It was raising goosebumps all over her body. But

she was going to push his button and do what she decided.

“Why don’t I show you my intention somewhere more private. Like your bedroom. I hope you know what I

mean.” She said with a smirk and winked at him to add some more effects. She heard a pressed and

threatening growl but she didn’t look at him or acknowledged his presence. James was taken aback a

little but decided to play along to see where it goes. 2 “Oh, I know, baby girl. What are you wai-.!” He

couldn’t complete his sentence when suddenly another hard punch landed square into his jaw. This time

the force was ten times stronger which threw him almost ten feet away from where he was standing.

“I will fucking kill you if I ever see you anywhere near her!” Dominic growled before turning around to

glare at Athena who has a blank look on her face.

“Why did you ruin such a beautiful mom-..!” She couldn’t complete her sentence properly when she

suddenly felt a harsh pull and before she knew it, she was thrown over his shoulder like a sack of

potatoes as he walked somewhere. “What the fuck?!”

(Hello, guys! I hope you are liking it so far. Please leave me a review and let me know what you think of

the book. It means a lot to a writer and to an insecure writer like me, it means the world. Thank you! I

love you all!)