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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 1550
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"Elliot, what are you thinking about?" She walked toward him and planted a kiss on his cheek, before continuing in a hoarse voice, "It seems like you are unhappy." Elliot beamed and smiled at the kiss.

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"The snow outside remindsof a lot of things." He turned back to look outside the window. "The snow remains the sbut we aren't who we used to be." "What do you mean?" She scowled as she could not figure out what he was thinking.

"We will grow old someday, but the snow will always look the same," he explained. "I get emotional every year during birthdays and New Year's." "Hahaha! I'm not your age yet so during birthdays and New Year's, | will only be happy, and | won't think about these kinds of things." She pulled him out of bed and said, "I made breakfast. It doesn't taste that good, though. Do overlook it." "What did you make?" he asked.

"| fried two eggs and made spasta.” She shrugged. "There aren't any other ingredients at home. The weather is too harsh to get food delivered today." "Okay. What tdid you wake up? " He went into the bathroom to wash up.

"I woke up at around seven, but got out of bed at around eight." She went and stood by the bathroom door. "I found three cases like mine in Jed's case notes, but he had not placed any of them under general anesthesia. | intend to visit his professor and talk to him about this." "I'll go with you.” "It's snowing heavily out there, so | can just go by myself," she said. "I've already gotten in touch with his teacher through my exclassmates." "I thought you all had the steacher?" He stepped out of the bathroom after washing up, and she took his hand to lead him toward the dining room.

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"Not before grad school. Have you forgotten that | went to college in Aryadelle? | quite enjoy looking back at the past, actually, especially at the few turning points in my life. | often think that | wouldn't end up where | am right now had | not contacted Professor Hough back then." "Even if you didn’t, you would still beca brilliant person. Gold will shine wherever it is placed." "You are so good at complimenting others. | took a look at the weather report ?f(?QMY; it said it's going to snow today and tomorrow as well. All the flights are canceled so we should just stay here for now!" She served him the pasta once they sat down in the dining room.

"The pasta is a bit plain and the eggs are a bit too salty," she muttered shyly. "You can eat them together." She was helpless with the regression in her cooking skills. There was once a twhen she was a decent cook, but ever since she returned to Aryadelle, she had people serving her and she no longer needed to step foot into the kitchen. So naturally, her skills were lost in time.

I will go grocery shopping later and cook for you." He took a bite of the egg and realized that it was extremely salty, so he cut it up and added it to the pasta. "I thought you needed to go back to Hutchinsons' place to organize Jed's books?" "I will organize them with his teacher. It shouldn't take long if | have help, so | can stay hwith you tomorrow." She finished her pasta swiftly and wiped her mouth clean. "Don't eat if you can't finish it. There are still pasta and eggs in the kitchen so you can cook them yourself. | have an appointment with his teacher at ten so | need to head out now." "You can just reschedule it to when the snow stops. Do you have to go out today?" He glanced at the snowstorm outside and was concerned for her safety. The roads could be slippery on snowy days and accidents could happen.

"There are people cleaning the snow on the road but | will drive slowly.” Avery walked to the door to change her shoes. "I'll call you later."