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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2580
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Eric looked at Avery's response and felt as though he was standing at a crossroads.

Ever since he had rejected Layla, she had not contacted him, nor had he reached out to her.

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They had rarely met in the past, but they had still occasionally talked to each other, texted each other, or commented on each other's social media posts.

In the present, they were further than strangers, and it felt terribly awkward.

Not wanting the awkwardness to continue, he considered the matter for a while, before sending Layla a message.

[Are you busy with work lately?] Layla was responding to the comments to her post and immediately opened the message she received from Eric.

"Did he see my post?" she muttered.

[It's alright.] she replied, following it with another message, [When are you and your girlfriend getting married? I'm still waiting to be invited to your wedding!] Eric was instantly rendered speechless.

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[Are you two going to live in Bridgedale or Aryadelle after you get married?] Layla added.

[We are not in a hurry to get married.] Eric replied. [Are you going to start dating that man from Creolia whose picture you posted? Creolia seems a little far away. You need to think it through. Your parents won't want to marry you off to someone who lives that far away.] [They said it's up to me. Besides, I can always travel by plane and go anywhere I want.] [Your dad doesn't seem to think so.] [Oh, so you are textingto tellthat my dad doesn't wantto go to Creolia?] [...] You are funny, Eric. You used to endNew Year's gifts every year ast year, for example, you even ired someone to sendand my rother gifts. After I tried asking you >ut, I guess we've lost that right. I ever knew that you could be so tingy! Those who don't know the ircumstances might think that you vere the one who had askedout and had gotten rejected!] Content Delongs to english[What do you want? I will send you and Robert gifts to make it up to you.] Eric wrote.

[Don't! It will feel like I'm forcing you to buy us gifts.] [I'll send you gifts next year, then.] [Whatever you want.] [About finding a boyfriend, I think that you should listen to your dad and older brother. They have your best interests in mind.] [Why are you leaving my mom out?] [Your mom lets you do anything.] [That's what I love about my mom. I liked you because you letdo whatever I want, like my mom does.] [Alright, I won't say anything else if you don't like my advice.] Layla set her phone down in frustration.

She had purposely posted that photo of the Creolian prince to see if it would insight a reaction out of Eric. She was surprised that it had gotten a reaction out of him. Meanwhile, in Tarotin, Irene had finished cooking lunch and called Lucas to the table. However, he did not respond when she knocked on the door. She tried the doorknob, but the door was locked from the inside. "Mr. Lucas, I'm sorry! Cout and eat! I know that you heard what I said to Mr. Sam this morning. I'm sorry." There was still no response.

She took a deep breath, walked to the front door, and exited the South Block.

Lucas's room was on the first floor, so she could check on him through the window outside.