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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2662
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"What are you talking about? He has a girlfriend. I was going to call Robert last night but called him by mistake." "So he cover last night to look after you?" Amy asked excitedly.

"Yeah. Don't read too much into it. He brought a doctor over to givean IV infusion, and I fell asleep halfway." "Oh. What happened, Layla? Are you running a fever? I remember that you suffered from food poisoning last time, and you cdown with a fever then..." "I don't have a fever... but I feel worse. I didn't vomit as much back then either. I feel like I'm puking my guts out," Layla said. Suddenly, her stomach twisted, and she scowled.

"I had an IV infusion and took the medication I am supposed to, how am I still nauseous?" she thought to herself.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Layla wanted to run to the bathroom but realized there was no tand vomited into the trash can next to her.

"Why are you still vomiting? I thought that you had been examined by a doctor?" Amy frantically stroked Layla's back before reaching for the tissue paper, only to realize that perhaps Layla needed water more.

Layla vomited everything that she had eaten earlier that morning. Drenched in sweat, her stomach stopped twisting once she was done.

She took the tissue from Amy and wiped her mouth. She leaned back in bed.

Amy returned with a glass of water shortly after. Handing the glass to Layla, she tied up the trash bag and rose to throw it away.

"Amy, I will clean up after myself..." Layla said sheepishly, not wanting her best friend to deal with her vomit.

"Just forget it! I feel so bad for you." Amy picked up the trash bag, walked to the windows, and threw them open. "I'll let sfresh air in. I'll close the windows later." "Yeah... Don't tell Eric that I vomited," Layla said.

"Layla, you need to go to the hospital. If you vomit again after lunch, Eric is still going to find out!" Amy said.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"I am going to take my medicine bet right now... I should feel better after that. I. Kaven't taken my pill this morning!" Layla grabbed the medicine from her nightstand.

hovelsShe had slept through the night after taking the medicine, which meant that they were effective.

While Amy went out to dispose of the trash, Layla sent Eric a text message asking him to buy eye drops.

Without asking why she needed eye drops, Eric agreed.

Twenty minutes later, Eric returned with sgroceries, only to find Amy applying makeup on Layla inside the bedroom.

He set the bags down in the kitchen and went into the bedroom with the eye drops. He studied the two with confusion and asked, "Why are you putting on makeup?" Layla extended her hand and Eric handed her the eye drops before continuing, "Are you going out?" "Of course not! I want to, but I don't think I have the energy for that... m going to video call Mom and tell him that won't be able to go hthis weekend." Layla could tell that she would not be well by this Friday.

"Alright, you look much better." Amy handed Layla a mirror. She had not put on too much makeup and had simply focused on making Layla look less pale.

"Yeah, this will do!" Layla said before handing the eye drops to Amy.