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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 439
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Chapter 439

The buzz of the smartphone was incessant, and as the latest notification fiashed across the screen, it was clear that Thaddeus and Evadne were once again the talk of the town, their names scorching the top of every hot search. Their public appearances together, despite their status as exes, were like lightning in a bottle–sparking debates and never failing to capture the public’s eye.

It was as if they were a perfect match, and had they combined their forces in the business world, they would have been unstoppable.

Yet, Frederic’s expression soured at the news.

“Oh, look at that. Chairman Emeric sure hit the jackpot with a daughter like Ms. Evadne. She’s a media magnet. Anyone else just fades into the background when she’s around,” Elspeth said with a snide laugh, scrolling through the trending gossip on her phone. “Thaddeus and her aren’t exactly being discreet. Frederic, why don’t you seize the day and propose an alliance with Chairman Emeric? After all, Ms. Evadne’s previous undercover marriage to Thaddeus left us all in the dark, as if we’d wronged her somehow. It’s like we owe the

Ashbourne family a big favor. Now’s the perfect chance to make amends for the past oversight.”

The Fairhaven Group had already taken their seats, and Mrs. Fairhaven was conveniently seated just across the aisle from Elspeth.

Thus, she overheard every word and couldn’t help but furrow her brows in distaste. Elspeth’s words were nothing short of nauseating.

Having such a matriarch was a curse that could plague the Abernathy family for centuries. It was a wonder the family hadn’t declined already, probably only held together by the sheer tenacity of three generations. The thought of her daughter, Edith, being tied to a family with such a woman made her head ache already.

Thaddeus, the object of Edith’s affections, had indeed grown into a remarkable young man under her watchful eye.

But the Abernathy family was riddled with complexities, and Thaddeus, for all intents and purposes, was no better than an illegitimate son. Though he currently wielded power within the Abernathy Group, he wasn’t Frederic’s favorite by any means: Above him loomed a half–brother by the same father, and Mr. Hamilton’s health was failing. How long could he protect Thaddeus?

Mrs. Fairhaven was skeptical about this match for her daughter.

A second marriage at such an age. He was hardly a catch for Edith.

“Yeah, Dad, Mom’s absolutely right,” Glynnis chimed in mockingly. “Just look at Thad and Ms. Evadne, all over each other like teenagers in love. It’s like she’s plotting to return to the throne, and he looks ready to empty his coffers for her wedding gift. It’s clear as day they’re smitten. Daddy, why play the villain? Let’s make it a happy ending.”

Glynnis had spent years deciphering Frederic’s temperament. If she played her cards right, speaking in favor of Thaddeus and Evadne, it could very well backfire and make things worse!

Frederic pored over the photos again and again, his son’s subservient demeanor around Evadne making his gums throb with irritation.

“My son, no matter what, will not marry a woman he divorced with his own hands. I will not allow such a disgrace to befall him! Emeric’s daughter or not, no woman will have that kind of hold over my son!”

His declaration made his stance crystal clear.

Elspeth and Glynnis exchanged covert, spiteful smirks.

Just then, the Chambers Group made their entrance. Matthew, the CEO, and his wife Elva were busy greeting guests, so accompanying Jeff was Avery and Bertha.

“Barry, long time no see,” Jeff casually waved, making no move to shake hands with Barry.

Although both were family patriarchs, Jeff, as the younger, should have approached first to show proper respect.

Barry didn’t stand either, merely replying with a cool “Indeed, it has been a while.”

The subtle power plays between the tycoons were almost imperceptible.

The lines were drawn, and the undercurrents were turbulent.

“Avery, I hear Mr. Ashbourne’s arrived. Go greet him, won’t you? We must show our guests some hospitality, can’t neglect our friends,” Jeff urged, his voice loud enough for both the Fairhavens and the Abernathys to hear.

His implication was clear: aside from the Ashbourne family, none present were worthy of the Chambers Group’s attention!

He had effectively snubbed the other two’families!

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Both Frederic and Barry’s expressions darkened, the atmosphere stiff and awkward.

“Yes, Dad.”

Avery turned to leave, adjusting his glasses with a touch, his face a pallid mask of resolve in the dim corridor.

He had heard about Evadne and Thaddeus making a splashy entrance together, much to Edith’s embarrassment.

Perhaps, at this very horse racing event, they might announce a reconciliation.

If that happened, it would complicate everything.

And he could not–would not–let that happen, especially not today, not at such a pivotal gathering.

In a secluded part of the hallway, Avery stood against the light and dialed Harvey’s number.

“Mr. Chambers, what do you need?” came the immediate response.

“Is everything settled with the media?” Avery’s l*ps barely moved as he spoke.

Today had to go without a hitch.

“All set. The press releases are ready too. Just give the word, and every renowned media outlet and social platform across the nation will break the news instantly.”

“Very good.”

The man’s eyes narrowed with satisfaction, and a sardonic smile played on his l*ps. “In a moment, let’s first release a scoop that the Abernathy Group and the Ashbourne Group are at odds, while the Ashbourne Group and the Chambers Group are cozying up for a profound collaboration.

I’ve already got someone lying in wait, ready to secretly snap some photos to corroborate the story.”

“Yes, sir! But isn’t this a bit too hasty?” Harvey expressed his concern.

“The cat’s already out of the bag about that red carpet fiasco. If we don’t act now, it’ll be too late. I can’t just sit back and watch Evadne be stolen away by that despicable bastard.”

Avery recalled the sight of Evadne and Thaddeus arm in arm, intimately close, and felt a burning hatred sear through his chest, his fists trembling violently, “So, I need to make the first move. Their relationship can’t stand the light of day. If that’s the case, it deserves to be strangled in the dark.”

Meanwhile, Barry glanced at his watch with a furrowed brow, “What’s the deal? Jareth still hasn’t shown up. Give him a call.”

“Right away, Dad.” Mrs. Fairhaven, anxious herself, quickly reached for her phone.

“And where’s Edith? Can’t see hide nor hair of her either. These kids, the older they get, the wilder they become. Harlan’s not reining them in, and they’re getting more and more out of hand!”

Mention of the Fairhaven Group offspring’s father – his own late eldest son – brought a sudden pang to Barry’s heart, and he fell silent.

Gary saw right through his father’s thoughts, his fake smile hiding the tension as he nearly crushed the cigar in his hand.

Thaddeus had other matters to arrange and had entered the inner field with Evadne. After a brief tender moment, they parted ways. .

Evadne walked alone toward the seating area, her high heels clicking crisply in the empty hallway.

“Hey, stop right there!”

Edith’s shrill voice cut through from behind.

Evadne didn’t stop, marching straight ahead.

She’d known from the start that Edith was tailing her, but she simply hadn’t bothered to give her any attention.

“Did you go deaf? I said stop!”

Edith, clutching at her messy dress, broke into a jog and cut off Evadne’s path, nearly stumbling in her haste.

The sight was almost comical to Evadne.

“And why should I stop because you say so? Who do you think you are?”

“You!” Edith’s face contorted with anger.

“Spit it out if you’ve got something to say, otherwise beat it. I don’t have time to waste on your nonsense.” Evadne’s l*ps curled into a smirk, her deep eyes cold as ice.

Edith’s b*dy trembled slightly, clearly intimidated by Evadne’s aura.

She couldn’t help but think how similar Evadne and Thaddeus were becoming, even their gazes were identical. Could this be the so–called ‘married couple’s


“Nothing to say? Then get lost.”

Just as Evadne was about to walk away, Edith’s eyes split wide with malice as she sneered, “You think Thad is sincere about you? He’s just putting on a show because you’re now the Ashbourne family’s darling daughter!”

Evadne couldn’t help but laugh, “Whether it’s a show or not, I know it, and you know it too. If it really were as you say, you would quietly watch the drama unfold from the sidelines. Instead, here you are, being so jealous, shamelessly making a scene.”

For a moment, Edith was at a loss for words.

“And Ms. Edith, do you know who the most pitiful people in the world are?”

Evadne leaned in, her l*ps curling into a chilling sneer, “It’s someone like you, who tries to deceive others to satisfy their own twisted desires, ending up fooling themselves, living in lies and delusions–the very essence of a liar.”

Humiliated and trembling with rage, Edith was clearly fiustered. It was obvious that Thaddeus and Evadne had resolved their confiict, and her schemes could no longer harm them!

But she wouldn’t give up her malicious intent.

So Edith clenched her teeth and forced a wicked smile, “Evadne, do you trust everything Thad says to you? I thought you were wiser, but it turns out you’re just another fool blinded by love, swayed by a man’s sweet nothings!”

“Save your breath.”

Evadne chuckled, “Do you really think I’d believe anything you say?”

“Believe it or not, that’s up to you, but I still have to tell you.”

Edith leaned close to her ear, each word dripping with mockery, “Thad came to my room, that scene was caught on camera, you saw it. Aren’t you curious what happened when we were alone? I had just gotten out of the shower, completely bare. Thad held me so tight, his breaths were heavy, so hot.”

Evadne’s eyes fiashed with uncontrollable anger!

Though she trusted Thaddeus, her mind conjured up unbearable images,

“His sweaty hand was gripping my waist, caressing over and over. He must have loved the feel of my skin, the softness of my waist, otherwise why couldn’t he let go?”

Edith covered her mouth, giggling uncontrollably, “Look at your face, I bet Thad never told you any of this, right? Of course, he’d want to keep these sweet moments a secret forever.

All men are the same, mouthing ‘no‘ when faced with young, beautiful fiesh, but their bodies are too honest to resist!”

“Edith.” Evadne’s gaze was icy.

“Upset, are you? Didn’t you just say you wouldn’t believe me? But of course, everything I said is true, you don’t have a choice but to believe it now.”

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Seeing Evadne’s rage, Edith’s expression turned maniacal, her fingers jabbing at her own cheeks, “Come on, hit me. You must be dying to strike me dead right now, aren’t you? Come on, hit me.”

Evadne clenched her fists, her nails digging into her fiesh..

But she knew she couldn’t do it.

This was exactly what Edith wanted; to provoke her, and if she lashed out, she would lose!

Yet, the next second, a sharp “snap” echoed through the air-

Evadne stood in shock!

Edith stood in the midst of the grand hall, the echo of the slap she had just delivered to her own cheek still lingering in the air. The force behind it was so fierce that her cheek immediately swelled, disrupting the meticulously styled bun atop her head.

Then, with a sly smirk, she stumbled backward through the double doors she had fiung open, emitting a dramatic cry as she clutched her face and collapsed in a heap on the fioor.

The crowd outside–journalists, guests, staff–all eyes were instantly upon her. Whispers and murmurs began to spread like wildfire, each person jostling to get a better view of the scene.

“What in the world happened? Let’s get closer, guys–this is better than reality TV!”

“Did Edith and Evadne have a catfight? Over what? It’s such a spectacle!”

“It’s gotta be over a guy, right?”

“Could it be Mr. Abernathy? Man, that guy’s like prime rib–these ladies are falling over themselves for him!”

“It looks like Evadne threw the first punch. She didn’t hold back, that’s for sure. Poor Edith’s face is puffed up like she’s allergic to


“That’s just not done, you know? No matter how angry you are, you can’t go around slapping people. This is bad form on Evadne’s part.”

The tide of accusation pointed unerringly at Evadne, casting her as the aggressor, her reputation tarnished by the minute.

Sensing a story, eager journalists fiocked to the scene, cameras at the ready, encircling Edith as though she were the star of a stage drama.

Edith, the consummate actress, trembled and teared up, looking pitifully at Evadne’s impassive face as she sobbed her accusation, “Evadne, this is too much! Even if you despise me over the whole Thaddeus ordeal, I’ve never troubled you or spoken ill of you. Why

must you antagonize me and resort to violence? Just because your father is the wealthiest man in Skyrim, just because you’re the heiress to the K Group, does that give you the right to bully others so brazenly?”

Her tears were a catalyst for compassion amongst the onlookers.

“What does it matter if she’s the Skyrim tycoon’s daughter? This is Elmsworth! Do the Ashbournes really think they rule the world?”

“Edith’s family is no less distinguished. Why should she put up with this humiliation? If I were her, I’d slap right back!”

Evadne, listening to the gossip swirling around her, couldn’t help but laugh–a cold, scornful laugh that sent shivers down the spines of those around her.

Laughing? She was actually laughing?

Edith was momentarily stunned, her expression frozen, and her sobbing script forgotten.

“Well, isn’t this interesting? You really do see something new every day.”

Evadne’s gaze upon Edith was icy, devoid of fear, “Truth be told, I did want to slap you. But to my surprise, you saved me the trouble by hitting yourself. How convenient for me. I guess it’s my lucky day–how else could I have witnessed such a delightful spectacle?”