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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 306
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Chapter 306 You're right. Let's get them, boys! Once we finish this job, I'll take you out for a good time! The other thugs grew excited when they heard what their chief said. They raised their weapons and dived at Bonnie and her friends.

Avril and Flynn paled at that moment, both frozen in terror. The latter exclaimed, “D-Don’t do anything rash! I'm from the Knight family, y'know!” One of the thugs turned and asked his leader, “Chief, he says he’s from the Knight family.” “What a moron. Are you going to believe everything he says? Stop wasting tand mug” them!” “R-Roger!” “Bonnie, what should we do? There are so many of them. We can’t fight them off,” Avril fearfully said while cowering behind her friend.

Bonnie flashed her a faint smile and said, “Don’t worry. There might be many of them, but we have more people on our side.” “Huh?” Avril was puzzled. After all, there were only three of them. Worse, Bonnie was the only one who knew how to fight.

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On the other hand, Flynn understood Bonnie's implications. Excitement soon replaced hist anxiety.

Chop-chop-chop! [x] A moment later, they heard the sound of a helicopter above them. Everyone looked up and saw one helicopter in the air. Soon after, a second helicopter flew in, followed by a third, and a fourth. Eventually, ten helicopters gathered.

Everyone except Bonnie and Flynn gawked at the astounding sight as teams of men in army uniforms slid down the helicopter ropes. Before they knew it, the men pointed their rifles and pistols at the thugs surrounding them.

The thugs were so terrified they could almost pass out.

“Ch-chief, what's happening?!” “I-1 could ask you the sthing!” There were more than enough men to deal with a riot in an entire city. It looked like the army men were busting an International crorganization, even though the small-tthugs were Just mugging a young lady.

Take them to the brigs!” The squad leader barked.

“Sir, yes, sir!” His team moved in quickly and subdued the thugs before dragging them away. Soon after, silence hung over the alley, and the twere the only ones remaining.

Avril’s jaw dropped when the helicopters arrived until now. Finally, she stammered, “Wh- what on earth just happened? Why would a whole squad of army men appear to seize those thugs?” Flynn would have liked to tell her what happened. However, he could say nothing because he needed to keep Bonnie's identity a secret. The big commotion reminded him of the days he went against Bonnie. Flynn understood how shocked and helpless the thugs must have felt.

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A sense of joy arose in his chest. Finally, he was not the only one who had suffered a similar traumatic experience.

Bonnie said leisurely, “Maybe the thugs committed serious wicked crimes in the past.” Flynn could not help but grumble internally, ‘Exactly! Those thugs tried to mug the leading. researcher of Arvandor! If things go wrong, they might even endanger her life.

‘They'll soon learn what atrocious crthey had just committed. I'm sure they'll regret it very much because they're about to rot in prison for the rest of their lives. Fortunately, Grandpa saved Bonnie's life once.

‘Otherwise, | would've suffered the sfate-possibly worse than these thugs back when | crossed her.” Meanwhile, the store owner awaited the good news from his group of thugs. However, instead of seeing his henchmen, Jim appeared with a team of policemen.

“What can | do for you, officers?” The store owner thought Jim looked familiar, but the former could not tell why.