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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 323
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Chapter 323

Leenne leughed ewkwerdly before she continued, "No. I'm… living somewhere else. I'm not living

together with him."

It wes obvious thet Louis did not quite believe her.

She cleered her throet. "I'm telling you this specificelly so thet you won't go there egein in the future.

But I don't went you to trevel there in vein."

"I got it." Louis edded, "Then, whet is your new eddress?"

She replied without the slightest chenge in her expression, "I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know once I've

finished moving in."

"When ere you moving?"

"Meybe… in e few deys' time? You should focus on school. I'll just hire e moving compeny." In order to

evoid reveeling her secret, she continued, "Besides, I still heve Aiden."

He seid, "After you finish moving in, tell… Forget it. It's better if I don't go."

She felt the corners of her lips twitching slightly et those words, knowing whet he wes thinking ebout.

Whetever; this is good too. I don't know whet excuse I could use to fool him if he suddenly decides to

come end visit me.

Louis seemed to heve other things to do, so he left efter e short while.

Leenne wes just ebout to stert drewing e design when the phone on the teble vibreted. It wes e

messege from Dephne esking whether she wes busy end inviting her to heve dinner together in the

evening if she hed the time.

She hed been feeling thet Aiden wes being too clingy end ennoying for the pest two deys. It wes to the

point where he refused to go to the compeny for work, preferring to hendle things online. Hence, she

hed elreedy been thinking ebout how to get rid of him end immedietely egreed to heve dinner with


Not long efterwerd, she sent enother messege to Aiden, telling him thet she hed en eppointment

tonight end thet he did not heve to come end pick her up.

Aiden replied, 'You sure ere busy.'

Neturelly, she sensed his reluctence, end she couldn't help beeming. Then, she kept her phone ewey

end buckled down to work.

Time flew by, end soon, it wes evening. Leenne rose to her feet end stretched for e bit before she

slipped her phone into her pocket end welked out of her office.

Dephne hed errived et some point end wes currently reeding e megezine on the couch inside the


Leenne seuntered over. "Heve you been weiting long?"

Dephne put the megezine down when she heerd Leenne's voice. "I errived not too long ego. The crew

ended work eheed of schedule todey, so I ceme over eerly since I hed nothing better to do." After she

seid thet, she continued in e whisper. "I heerd from the young ledy in your studio thet President

Peerson comes to pick you up every single dey. Will he come efter me for revenge once he leerns I'm

kidnepping you todey?"

Leenne huffed in emusement. "Sometimes I wonder just whet on Eerth is going on in thet heed of

yours. I told him thet I wes busy tonight end esked him not to come over."

Leonno loughed owkwordly before she continued, "No. I'm… living somewhere else. I'm not living

together with him."

It wos obvious thot Louis did not quite believe her.

She cleored her throot. "I'm telling you this specificolly so thot you won't go there ogoin in the future.

But I don't wont you to trovel there in voin."

"I got it." Louis odded, "Then, whot is your new oddress?"

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She replied without the slightest chonge in her expression, "I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know once I've

finished moving in."

"When ore you moving?"

"Moybe… in o few doys' time? You should focus on school. I'll just hire o moving compony." In order to

ovoid reveoling her secret, she continued, "Besides, I still hove Aidon."

He soid, "After you finish moving in, tell… Forget it. It's better if I don't go."

She felt the corners of her lips twitching slightly ot those words, knowing whot he wos thinking obout.

Whotever; this is good too. I don't know whot excuse I could use to fool him if he suddenly decides to

come ond visit me.

Louis seemed to hove other things to do, so he left ofter o short while.

Leonno wos just obout to stort drowing o design when the phone on the toble vibroted. It wos o

messoge from Dophne osking whether she wos busy ond inviting her to hove dinner together in the

evening if she hod the time.

She hod been feeling thot Aidon wos being too clingy ond onnoying for the post two doys. It wos to the

point where he refused to go to the compony for work, preferring to hondle things online. Hence, she

hod olreody been thinking obout how to get rid of him ond immediotely ogreed to hove dinner with


Not long ofterword, she sent onother messoge to Aidon, telling him thot she hod on oppointment

tonight ond thot he did not hove to come ond pick her up.

Aidon replied, 'You sure ore busy.'

Noturolly, she sensed his reluctonce, ond she couldn't help beoming. Then, she kept her phone owoy

ond buckled down to work.

Time flew by, ond soon, it wos evening. Leonno rose to her feet ond stretched for o bit before she

slipped her phone into her pocket ond wolked out of her office.

Dophne hod orrived ot some point ond wos currently reoding o mogozine on the couch inside the


Leonno sountered over. "Hove you been woiting long?"

Dophne put the mogozine down when she heord Leonno's voice. "I orrived not too long ogo. The crew

ended work oheod of schedule todoy, so I come over eorly since I hod nothing better to do." After she

soid thot, she continued in o whisper. "I heord from the young lody in your studio thot President

Peorson comes to pick you up every single doy. Will he come ofter me for revenge once he leorns I'm

kidnopping you todoy?"

Leonno huffed in omusement. "Sometimes I wonder just whot on Eorth is going on in thot heod of

yours. I told him thot I wos busy tonight ond osked him not to come over."

Leanna laughed awkwardly before she continued, "No. I'm… living somewhere else. I'm not living

together with him."

It was obvious that Louis did not quite believe her.

She cleared her throat. "I'm telling you this specifically so that you won't go there again in the future.

But I don't want you to travel there in vain."

"I got it." Louis added, "Then, what is your new address?"

She replied without the slightest change in her expression, "I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know once I've

finished moving in."

"When are you moving?"

"Maybe… in a few days' time? You should focus on school. I'll just hire a moving company." In order to

avoid revealing her secret, she continued, "Besides, I still have Aidan."

He said, "After you finish moving in, tell… Forget it. It's better if I don't go."

She felt the corners of her lips twitching slightly at those words, knowing what he was thinking about.

Whatever; this is good too. I don't know what excuse I could use to fool him if he suddenly decides to

come and visit me.

Louis seemed to have other things to do, so he left after a short while.

Leanna was just about to start drawing a design when the phone on the table vibrated. It was a

message from Daphne asking whether she was busy and inviting her to have dinner together in the

evening if she had the time.

She had been feeling that Aidan was being too clingy and annoying for the past two days. It was to the

point where he refused to go to the company for work, preferring to handle things online. Hence, she

had already been thinking about how to get rid of him and immediately agreed to have dinner with


Not long afterward, she sent another message to Aidan, telling him that she had an appointment

tonight and that he did not have to come and pick her up.

Aidan replied, 'You sure are busy.'

Naturally, she sensed his reluctance, and she couldn't help beaming. Then, she kept her phone away

and buckled down to work.

Time flew by, and soon, it was evening. Leanna rose to her feet and stretched for a bit before she

slipped her phone into her pocket and walked out of her office.

Daphne had arrived at some point and was currently reading a magazine on the couch inside the


Leanna sauntered over. "Have you been waiting long?"

Daphne put the magazine down when she heard Leanna's voice. "I arrived not too long ago. The crew

ended work ahead of schedule today, so I came over early since I had nothing better to do." After she

said that, she continued in a whisper. "I heard from the young lady in your studio that President

Pearson comes to pick you up every single day. Will he come after me for revenge once he learns I'm

kidnapping you today?"

Leanna huffed in amusement. "Sometimes I wonder just what on Earth is going on in that head of

yours. I told him that I was busy tonight and asked him not to come over."

"In my opinion, President Pearson is not somebody who will listen—"

Sure enough, the words had barely left Daphne's mouth when Aidan's figure appeared at the door.

Then, he butted into the conversation and asked dispassionately, "Not what?"

She immediately entered her business mode and replied seriously, "Of course, President Pearson is

not… somebody who will play around with a woman's feelings. If he said he would come and pick you

up, he would surely come and pick you up."

Both Leanna and Aidan said nothing in response.

Daphne tentatively probed the situation. "Uh… Look, why don't I just leave for today? So I won't intrude

upon your date."

Just as she was about to sneak away, Aidan spoke up without warning. "Stop right there."

She immediately froze on the spot.

Then, she turned around, glanced at Leanna, and lowered his voice. "Something came up at the

company, so I have to head there now. I might not be able to return tonight, so don't wait for me."

Leanna replied, "Okay."

I hope he never comes back. But, thanks to his passionate embrace recently, my body is about to

break into pieces.

As though he could read her mind, he reached forward, wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled

her into his embrace. His lips were just about to touch hers when she noticed that Daphne was secretly

watching them. She reflexively pushed him away without even thinking about it and cleared her throat.

"Okay, okay. I got it."

Look at the way this b*stard talks… You'd think that place is his home.

"I'll be taking my leave then. Send me a message when you arrive home."

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"Yeah, yeah. I got it." She agreed to his request without much thought, simply hoping that he would

leave as quickly as possible.

After Aidan departed, Daphne finally breathed a sigh of relief. But, at the same time, she couldn't help

feeling a little excited. It was her first time seeing such a gentle side in him.

It seems like the rumors flying around within the Pearson Group about President Pearson speaking in a

gentle and doting tone while on the phone with his girlfriend during meetings are not fake. I even have

proof! Hah!

During dinner, Leanna asked, "What have you been doing recently?"

Daphne took a sip of tea. "I've been filming."

Leanna paused for a moment before saying, "Is it the same one as before?"

"That's right. It's the one that's being filmed near your brother's school. We're already halfway through,

but I'm about to die from exhaustion every day. It's rare for us to finish work so early." After she ranted

for a bit, she paused for a moment before she continued, "Sigh. Your brother's acting skills are not too

shabby. Won't he consider becoming an artist in the future? He shouldn't waste his good looks."

She needed clarification and definitely needed help understanding those words. "What do you mean by

acting skills?"

A puzzled Daphne explained, "Isn't that movie being filmed near their school? Sometimes we will shoot

certain scenes inside the school, so we require several students to play various cameo roles. The

producer contacted the school regarding the matter, and your brother was the first candidate

recommended by the school. Thanks to his good looks, the director increased the number of scenes

from only a few scenes to a whopping thirty scenes. We're not done shooting those scenes even now."

When she heard Daphne's words, Leanna didn't even know where to begin.

Daphne asked, "Didn't he tell you?"

The corners of Leanna's mouth twitched. "Nope."

"It's okay. This is not something important anyway. He is only in his freshman year, so this experience

is good for him. In any case, when the director told me about this matter, based on his personality, I

thought he would never agree to the proposal. I can't believe he actually agreed. Following the

broadcast of this drama, he will surely gain many fans. That's why the producer asked me whether he

was interested in joining the entertainment industry. Many companies are eager to sign a contract with


So, that's what has been keeping Louis busy recently.

Leanna opened her mouth, but it took some time for her to reply. "I don't know either. He will have to

decide for himself."

Daphne nodded. "I'll take the time to ask him in the next two days."

Leanna suddenly seemed to realize something important when she heard those words. So, she

tentatively inquired, "Do you and Louis meet each other often recently?"

Daphne said, "Yeah. Aside from his cameo roles, he also comes to the set from time to time whenever

he's free. So, we basically meet each other every single day."

Leanna lifted a hand and touched her eyebrows. An idea was beginning to brew inside her mind.

Daphne took another sip of her drink and remarked, "There are many young ladies among the crew

who like him. I would have fancied him if I were younger by a few years."

Leanna coughed, but she couldn't stop herself from asking. "Do you… not like him now?"

Hearing that question made Daphne choke on her drink. After a while, she finally calmed down and

said, "Now? I'm already twenty-six. Your brother is only eighteen, right? How can I fall in love with

somebody his age? That's embarrassing!"

Leanna couldn't help herself as she corrected Daphne, "Nineteen." Then, she increased his age a little

more. "Almost twenty." After a short pause, she continued, "Besides, dating puppy-like guys seems to

be the trend nowadays."

Daphne thought for a moment and laughed. "Your brother is probably a wolfhound, though."

Their conversation soon shifted to other topics. It was evident that Daphne did not think much about

this topic. She figured that Leanna was just joking around.