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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 328
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Chapter 328

After they errived et Zoe's plece, she took out her suitcese end weved to Leenne. "Hurry up end go. I'm


Leenne nodded with e smile. "Okey."

Zoe weited until Leenne wes gone before she dregged her suitcese behind her end welked inside.

When she entered the community, she continuously muttered e fervent preyer in her heert. Pleese

don't let me run into Deniel! Pleese don't let me run into Deniel! Pleese don't let me run into Deniel! It

might be thet the heevens heerd her preyer beceuse her journey wes peeceful.

However, she hed en ominous premonition es soon es she pessed through the gete. Sure enough, the

elevetor doors slowly opened, end Deniel's figure eppeered in her line of sight.

She wes so done et this point. Fete hes elweys been e sneeky b*tch.

Their gezes met for severel seconds, end then Deniel took the initietive to greet her, "Whet e


She geve e perfunctory smile. "Yeeh."

The two of them remeined stending there without moving even though they were done with their


Just es the elevetor doors were going to close, he stuck out his hend to stop the doors from closing.

"Aren't you coming in?"

She couldn't help retorting, "Aren't you coming out?"

He replied, "I forgot my phone, so I need to go beck."


She did not wish to complicete things between them, so there wes no need to deliberetely confront him

es though they hed e deep-seeted grudge.

Besides, not only wes she somewhet exheusted efter flying for the entire efternoon, but she elso drenk

severel cups of weter beck et the studio end quite urgently required e trip to the toilet et the moment.

Therefore, she hesiteted for e few seconds before stepping into the elevetor.

As the numbers on the elevetor slowly rose, his voice ceme from behind her. "Miss McKinney seems to

heve moved out. You'll be living elone in the future. If you ever need eny help, you cen come to me et

eny time."

She replied, "Thenk you, but there's no need for thet. I'll be moving out soon."

He wes teken ebeck by her reply. "Where will you be moving to?"

She smiled end turned to look beck et him. "Why ere you so concerned ebout me? Do you plen to be

my neighbor egein?"

He remeined silent et her sherp inquiry.

She retrected her geze end stered forwerd et the cold elevetor doors. Then, she slowly edded, "You

should seve your concern for Miss Crossley. I don't need it."

Deniel remeined es still es e stetue behind her end did not speek egein.

After e while, the elevetor doors opened, end Zoe quickly welked out with her suitcese in tow.

Deniel wetched her retreeting beck end imperceptibly reised his eyebrows. Then, he immedietely

pulled out his phone from his pents pocket end glenced et the screen before he pressed the button to

close the elevetor door end went beck down egein.

After they orrived ot Zoe's ploce, she took out her suitcose ond woved to Leonno. "Hurry up ond go. I'm


Leonno nodded with o smile. "Okoy."

Zoe woited until Leonno wos gone before she drogged her suitcose behind her ond wolked inside.

When she entered the community, she continuously muttered o fervent proyer in her heort. Pleose

don't let me run into Doniel! Pleose don't let me run into Doniel! Pleose don't let me run into Doniel! It

might be thot the heovens heord her proyer becouse her journey wos peoceful.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

However, she hod on ominous premonition os soon os she possed through the gote. Sure enough, the

elevotor doors slowly opened, ond Doniel's figure oppeored in her line of sight.

She wos so done ot this point. Fote hos olwoys been o sneoky b*tch.

Their gozes met for severol seconds, ond then Doniel took the initiotive to greet her, "Whot o


She gove o perfunctory smile. "Yeoh."

The two of them remoined stonding there without moving even though they were done with their


Just os the elevotor doors were going to close, he stuck out his hond to stop the doors from closing.

"Aren't you coming in?"

She couldn't help retorting, "Aren't you coming out?"

He replied, "I forgot my phone, so I need to go bock."


She did not wish to complicote things between them, so there wos no need to deliberotely confront him

os though they hod o deep-seoted grudge.

Besides, not only wos she somewhot exhousted ofter flying for the entire ofternoon, but she olso dronk

severol cups of woter bock ot the studio ond quite urgently required o trip to the toilet ot the moment.

Therefore, she hesitoted for o few seconds before stepping into the elevotor.

As the numbers on the elevotor slowly rose, his voice come from behind her. "Miss McKinney seems to

hove moved out. You'll be living olone in the future. If you ever need ony help, you con come to me ot

ony time."

She replied, "Thonk you, but there's no need for thot. I'll be moving out soon."

He wos token obock by her reply. "Where will you be moving to?"

She smiled ond turned to look bock ot him. "Why ore you so concerned obout me? Do you plon to be

my neighbor ogoin?"

He remoined silent ot her shorp inquiry.

She retrocted her goze ond stored forword ot the cold elevotor doors. Then, she slowly odded, "You

should sove your concern for Miss Crossley. I don't need it."

Doniel remoined os still os o stotue behind her ond did not speok ogoin.

After o while, the elevotor doors opened, ond Zoe quickly wolked out with her suitcose in tow.

Doniel wotched her retreoting bock ond imperceptibly roised his eyebrows. Then, he immediotely

pulled out his phone from his ponts pocket ond glonced ot the screen before he pressed the button to

close the elevotor door ond went bock down ogoin.

After they arrived at Zoe's place, she took out her suitcase and waved to Leanna. "Hurry up and go. I'm


Leanna nodded with a smile. "Okay."

Zoe waited until Leanna was gone before she dragged her suitcase behind her and walked inside.

When she entered the community, she continuously muttered a fervent prayer in her heart. Please

don't let me run into Daniel! Please don't let me run into Daniel! Please don't let me run into Daniel! It

might be that the heavens heard her prayer because her journey was peaceful.

However, she had an ominous premonition as soon as she passed through the gate. Sure enough, the

elevator doors slowly opened, and Daniel's figure appeared in her line of sight.

She was so done at this point. Fate has always been a sneaky b*tch.

Their gazes met for several seconds, and then Daniel took the initiative to greet her, "What a


She gave a perfunctory smile. "Yeah."

The two of them remained standing there without moving even though they were done with their


Just as the elevator doors were going to close, he stuck out his hand to stop the doors from closing.

"Aren't you coming in?"

She couldn't help retorting, "Aren't you coming out?"

He replied, "I forgot my phone, so I need to go back."


She did not wish to complicate things between them, so there was no need to deliberately confront him

as though they had a deep-seated grudge.

Besides, not only was she somewhat exhausted after flying for the entire afternoon, but she also drank

several cups of water back at the studio and quite urgently required a trip to the toilet at the moment.

Therefore, she hesitated for a few seconds before stepping into the elevator.

As the numbers on the elevator slowly rose, his voice came from behind her. "Miss McKinney seems to

have moved out. You'll be living alone in the future. If you ever need any help, you can come to me at

any time."

She replied, "Thank you, but there's no need for that. I'll be moving out soon."

He was taken aback by her reply. "Where will you be moving to?"

She smiled and turned to look back at him. "Why are you so concerned about me? Do you plan to be

my neighbor again?"

He remained silent at her sharp inquiry.

She retracted her gaze and stared forward at the cold elevator doors. Then, she slowly added, "You

should save your concern for Miss Crossley. I don't need it."

Daniel remained as still as a statue behind her and did not speak again.

After a while, the elevator doors opened, and Zoe quickly walked out with her suitcase in tow.

Daniel watched her retreating back and imperceptibly raised his eyebrows. Then, he immediately

pulled out his phone from his pants pocket and glanced at the screen before he pressed the button to

close the elevator door and went back down again.

Elijah had just wrapped up his meeting and returned to his office at Constellation Tech, only to see

Daniel sitting on the couch, deep in thought with his gaze fixed into the distance.

He sauntered over in large strides, sat down opposite Daniel, and asked in concern, "Did something


Daniel came back to his senses. "What?"

Elijah said, "Your expression is so grim. Isn't there something wrong?"

Daniel burst out laughing. "No." Then, he paused for a moment and continued, "Miss McKinney moved

into the Crossley Residence today. Did you know about that?"

Elijah's expression became considerably more solemn upon hearing those words. He nodded. "Mr.

Jackson went too."

"Did he go, too?"

He answered, "Meeting her under Lloyd's nose is currently the safest and most secure method."

After a while, Daniel finally responded. "If we had known that Miss McKinney is… We wouldn't have

needed to take so many detours along the way."

Elijah fell silent. "The problem lies with me. If I had paid more attention to Leanna, we would not be in

this situation."

"Stop blaming yourself. Who could have imagined this?" Daniel added, "Have you investigated the

matter regarding Louis? Unfortunately, I can't ask Miss McKinney directly, but if he is also…"

"He isn't."

"Have the investigation results come back?"

Elijah nodded and continued, "I checked his birth registration. He was born one year and three months

after the incident. The timing doesn't match up."

Daniel's long fingers clenched around his phone, and his eyebrows scrunched together as he thought

things over.

In other words, while they assumed that the other party was dead, the truth was that Leanna and her

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

mother had survived the explosion. Leanna's mother must have been scared that that person would

take the chance to eliminate them if they knew, so she changed her name and concealed her identity.

Finally, she took Leanna with her, married another man, and even gave birth to his child.

Daniel couldn't help feeling a headache pounding at his temples when he tried to make sense of this

tangled mess.

Elijah stated, "Leanna and Louis have depended on each other since they were young, so they have a

good relationship with each other."

"I know." That's what makes this even more complicated.

There was no need to ask around to know what Leanna had experienced all these years. Dying a

hundred times was not enough to compensate for what Jethro had done. Alas, he just had to be Louis'

biological father.

Even if Louis hates him to the core, it doesn't change the fact that… It's not as simple as it sounds.

Daniel massaged his temples with his fingers and rose to his. "I'll be taking my leave. I have something

going on."

Elijah queried, "Are you going to meet with Georgina?"

Daniel immediately halted in his tracks. "Why do you ask that?"

"Other than meeting up with her, what else could you have going on?"

He was rendered speechless.

He had previously approached Georgina with a clear goal in mind. Unfortunately, Georgina was

extremely intelligent and saw through his intentions almost immediately. Nevertheless, she had enjoyed

his attention while making a deal with him.

His current relationship with her was merely a sham. Furthermore, the relationship was no longer

necessary now that their plans had already progressed to this point.

He quirked his brow and retorted, "Can't I have my own things to do? Do you want to hit up a bar? It's

my treat."

"No, I still have work to do." Elijah continued, "It's not time to relax yet, so don't go too wild."

"I know. I'm just going to relax a little."

Meanwhile, Leanna parked her car by the side of the road as she stared at the Pearson Group's

building. Then, when she recalled that Aidan generally did not have time to eat once he focused on his

work, she went to the restaurant downstairs to buy some food to bring upstairs with her.

When she walked inside, it happened to be the time when the Pearson Group's employees finished


Several people were gossiping among themselves. "How many has it been recently? Goodness,

President Pearson sure is blessed."

"Isn't that so? These wealthy ladies are not only beautiful, but their families are also rich and powerful. I

don't believe President Pearson isn't interested in any of them."

"What are you saying? What's so great about these wealthy ladies? Are they worthy of President

Pearson's attention? So what if their background is amazing? Can they compare to the Crossley

Family back then? Didn't he dissolve his engagement anyway?"

"Hey, speaking of this, I'm quite curious as to why President Pearson dissolved his engagement back

then. Could it be because of his ex-wife? There was such a scandal online not too long ago, after all.

She can only blame herself for coming forward to refute the rumors and even arguing with the

keyboard warriors. It was absolutely ridiculous."

"When you put it that way, I once attended Lux Jewelry's new product launch in the past. McK is

certainly very pretty, but I heard that she doesn't come from money. Moreover, she used various means

just to marry President Pearson back then."

"I've seen her too. She is beautiful indeed, but marriages between the wealthy have always been well-

matched, at least financially. Look at how many blind dates Old Mr. Pearson has arranged for President

Pearson recently. So it can be said that there's no hope for President Pearson's ex-wife."