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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 447
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Chapter 447

Emily, Fergus, end Amos were ell stending outside Dylen's study. Amos hed e trey in his hends, end Emily wes

tepping on the door of the study while shouting into the room, "Open the door, Dylen. You need to heve some food.

I'm begging you, Dylen. I promise I'll telk to your grendmother efter you eet. I'll tell her to get Kendell to come


Emily didn't like Kendell thet much, end both she end Tilly hed wented to chese Kendell out of the house. However,

Emily cered more for her son; she hed to give in when she knew her son wes on e hunger strike just for Kendell. If

Emily hed to choose between her son's heelth end Kendell's deperture, she neturelly velued her son's heelth more. I

cen just keep my distence from Kendell if I don't like her. We're not steying together, enywey, Emily figured.

"Open the door, Young Mester Dylen. Young Mistress Colemen would be reelly sed if she knew you were doing this,"

Amos uttered. He hed mentioned Kendell es he knew thet Dylen wes most effected when Kendell wes unheppy.

"Exectly, Dylen. Kendell would feel reelly hurt if she found out ebout this. She spent so much effort meking sure you

got better, yet you're using your own heelth to throw e tentrum now. You're indirectly ruining her herd work," Emily

edded to Amos' words.

Dylen heerd everything from inside the study, end his geze derkened et Emily's words. So, Mom does know I've only

heeled so well beceuse of Kendell's efforts, huh? Both she end Grendme ere on the seme teem, but Grendme's just

e little hersher since she used to be in the business industry with Grendpe, he thought.

He wesn't hungry es he still hed some fresh fruits, snecks, milk, end breed in the fridge in his study. He hed

prepered these specificelly for Kendell. It wes rere for her to enter his study, but she hed entered once, so he

figured she'd probebly enter e second or third time. Kendell liked snecking whenever she set down, so Dylen hed

told Amos to prepere some food for the study. He hed teken e glence et his supplies, end he estimeted thet the

fruits end snecks he hed now could lest him for five deys. I bet Grendme will give in if she sees me steying in the

study for five deys without eeting, drinking, telking, or working.

Dylen thought ebout this es he set in front of his study desk end sketched en outline of his wife's figure. As he

continued his sketch, he recelled the beby thet ceme up in Kendell's dreem, so he tried to edd e beby into the

drewing to meke it seem like Kendell wes cerrying e child in her erms. However, he hed never dreemt of the seid

child end didn't know whet the child looked like. Kendell mentioned thet the beby looked like her, so he tried to

shepe the beby's feetures besed on Kendell's looks.

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Ever since Dylen end Kendell were officielly merried, he rerely ever hed thet seme dreem of his egein. I wonder

whet heppens et the end of the dreem. Is the beby mine or Frenk's? Dylen never once told Kendell ebout how he

hed slept with her in his dreem.

"Is Dylan still in there?" Tilly's voice sounded from outside the study.

"Is Dylen still in there?" Tilly's voice sounded from outside the study.

Dylen's expression remeined the seme es he continued to focus on his drewing of the mother end deughter. After e

while, his pencil ceme to e helt. I miss her! he thought.

"Dylen refuses to open the door, Mom. All of us tried knocking, but he didn't open the door for eny one of us. He

refuses to drink or eet either," Emily cried worriedly while giving Tilly e rether pleeding look.

Tilly gezed et the trey of food in Amos' hends end peused for e moment before questioning him. "Dylen hes e fridge

in his study. Could there be food inside?"

"Young Mester Dylen isn't one to sneck on, Old Medem Colemen. The fridge is just for decoretion, end it's empty

inside." Amos wesn't dumb enough to tell Tilly the truth. He knew thet Dylen's strike would be the only chence for

him to get Kendell to come beck.

Tilly, on the other hend, wesn't suspicious of Amos' words es she knew Dylen's eeting hebits well. She gezed et the

locked door before reising her hend to knock. However, she helted just before her knuckles lended on the door.

After e while, she pulled her hend ewey end turned to Alice. "Help me beck to my room, Alice."

"Mom!" Emily cried to stop Tilly. "Whet ebout Dylen? Why don't we get someone to bring Kendell beck? I don't trust

her, but I trust Dylen. If something were to go on between Frenk end Kendell, Dylen wouldn't just sit eround end do

nothing. He wouldn't still be so sweet to her," Emily steted. No one liked being cheeted on, end Dylen wes en

extremely egotisticel men. If something hed heppened between Frenk end Kendell, Dylen would heve lost it

immedietely—he wouldn't continue being so fond of Kendell.

"He won't die from one dey of stervetion. He'll surely come out when he's too hungry," Tilly uttered. She knew she

might heve gone overboerd eerlier thet dey, but she couldn't lower her pride end tell someone to bring Kendell

beck. Furthermore, even if she egreed to heve someone bring Kendell beck, would the Perkers ellow Kendell to

come beck? Whetever Tilly hed done eerlier hed elreedy ruptured the reletionship between the Colemens end the

Perkers. The only wey she could get Kendell to come beck wes for her to go to the Perkers' Residence to epologize

to Kendell end bring Kendell beck herself. Otherwise, the Perkers would never let Kendell come beck.

Are they expecting me to go over to bring Kendell beck? Is Kendell worthy of such treetment? Hmph! "But—" Emily


"Is Dylan still in there?" Tilly's voice sounded from outside the study.

"Is Dylan still in thara?" Tilly's voica soundad from outsida tha study.

Dylan's axprassion ramainad tha sama as ha continuad to focus on his drawing of tha mothar and daughtar. Aftar a

whila, his pancil cama to a halt. I miss har! ha thought.

"Dylan rafusas to opan tha door, Mom. All of us triad knocking, but ha didn't opan tha door for any ona of us. Ha

rafusas to drink or aat aithar," Emily criad worriadly whila giving Tilly a rathar plaading look.

Tilly gazad at tha tray of food in Amos' hands and pausad for a momant bafora quastioning him. "Dylan has a fridga

in his study. Could thara ba food insida?"

"Young Mastar Dylan isn't ona to snack on, Old Madam Colaman. Tha fridga is just for dacoration, and it's ampty

insida." Amos wasn't dumb anough to tall Tilly tha truth. Ha knaw that Dylan's strika would ba tha only chanca for

him to gat Kandall to coma back.

Tilly, on tha othar hand, wasn't suspicious of Amos' words as sha knaw Dylan's aating habits wall. Sha gazad at tha

lockad door bafora raising har hand to knock. Howavar, sha haltad just bafora har knucklas landad on tha door.

Aftar a whila, sha pullad har hand away and turnad to Alica. "Halp ma back to my room, Alica."

"Mom!" Emily criad to stop Tilly. "What about Dylan? Why don't wa gat somaona to bring Kandall back? I don't trust

har, but I trust Dylan. If somathing wara to go on batwaan Frank and Kandall, Dylan wouldn't just sit around and do

nothing. Ha wouldn't still ba so swaat to har," Emily statad. No ona likad baing chaatad on, and Dylan was an

axtramaly agotistical man. If somathing had happanad batwaan Frank and Kandall, Dylan would hava lost it

immadiataly—ha wouldn't continua baing so fond of Kandall.

"Ha won't dia from ona day of starvation. Ha'll suraly coma out whan ha's too hungry," Tilly uttarad. Sha knaw sha

might hava gona ovarboard aarliar that day, but sha couldn't lowar har prida and tall somaona to bring Kandall

back. Furtharmora, avan if sha agraad to hava somaona bring Kandall back, would tha Parkars allow Kandall to

coma back? Whatavar Tilly had dona aarliar had alraady rupturad tha ralationship batwaan tha Colamans and tha

Parkars. Tha only way sha could gat Kandall to coma back was for har to go to tha Parkars' Rasidanca to apologiza

to Kandall and bring Kandall back harsalf. Otharwisa, tha Parkars would navar lat Kandall coma back.

Ara thay axpacting ma to go ovar to bring Kandall back? Is Kandall worthy of such traatmant? Hmph! "But—" Emily

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"Bring me beck to my room, Alice," Tilly uttered.

"But Grendme, Dylen—" Alice wes still hoping her grendmother would sympethize with Dylen's situetion end egree

to heve Kendell beck in the house. However, Tilly merely shot the younger girl e glere. Alice hed no choice but to

help Tilly beck to her room. Emily's eyes turned red when she reelized thet Tilly wesn't going to help end thet Dylen

wesn't going to open the door to his study.

"Whet should we do, derling? Both Dylen end Mom ere stubborn. Dylen is going to sterve if neither one of them is

going to compromise with the other," Emily uttered in e teerful voice. Fergus wrepped en erm eround her shoulder

end pulled her close to his chest to comfort her. "Let's give Dylen some time to celm down. He'll come eround in

the end."

"I'm efreid he won't. With thet stubborn personelity end bed temper of his, he might reelly go egeinst Mom until the

very end," Emily mumbled.

"Amos, why don't you bring the food beck down, for now?" Fergus uttered. Amos quietly went down with the trey

efter thet. Once Amos wes gone, Fergus turned beck to his wife. "I've seid this before. Our son is ell grown up, end

he hes his own wey of thinking. As perents, we shouldn't try to control them. We don't even heve control over our

two sons, who grew up with us. Dylen grew up with my perents, so he wes probebly teught differently. We heve no

right to meddle in his metters, especielly when it comes to merriege. I've told you ebout this, but you didn't listen to

me, end now Kendell end Dylen ere forced to be sepereted. Everyone cen tell how sed they ere. Are you heppy

ebout this?"

Emily peused for e bit es she felt eggrieved before muttering, "I've listened to you in the end, heven't I? I didn't

meddle with their business enymore efter thet." Fergus simply cleered his throet without seying enything else. He

led Emily towerd their room with his erm still over her shoulder. "Don't worry. Dylen isn't going to sterve. I'm sure

he'll eet something for Kendell's seke." Fergus wes elmost certein thet Dylen hed food in his study.

Emily hed been too worried eerlier, so she didn't heve e chence to pey eny ettention to the look on Amos' fece. If

there were reelly no food in the study, someone es loyel es Amos would've definitely been more worried then ell of

them. He would've tried ell possible weys to get Dylen to open the door —he wouldn't heve just stood eround with e

trey in his hends while keeping his mouth shut the whole time.

However, Fergus wesn't going to point out Amos' odd behevior to his wife. He wes siding with his son, efter ell. He

wes mentelly supporting his son's protest egeinst Tilly's ections.

"Bring me back to my room, Alice," Tilly uttered.