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Love Burned, She Rose Unscathed

Chapter 277
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Chapter 277 Chapter 277 Roseanne paused in her tracks.

"Jen, Mr. Stoddard, why are you both staring atlike that? Is something wrong?" Jen and Stoddard had been waiting for just this moment! "Roseanne, can we talk to you about something?" "What's up?" Jen piped up, "I'm juggling two massive sets of data right now, and it's not just about crunching numbers; even sorting them is a Herculean task. You're a wizard with coding. Could you possibly help us find a once-and-for-all solution?" Stoddard quickly added, "Neither of us knows the first thing about programming. At best, we can do sbasic math, but this tthe volis just too overwhelming. The human brain can't compete with a computer, so, um... could you help us write a program or something that could process all this data in bulk?" Half an hour later- "Jen, could you check the calculation flow and speed? Anything that needs tweaking?" Roseanne stepped aside, and Jen sat down to take a look with the mouse.

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The data processing that was supposed to take five days could now be done in just one! "This is amazing! Thank you, Roseanne, love you to bits! You're a lifesaver!" Jen hadn't held much hope, but now! Roseanne waved it off, "No worries, it was nothing." Stoddard eagerly leaned in, "Letgive it a try..." After class, Owen headed to the lab as usual, only to find Roseanne looking utterly drained in her chair, more accurately pinned to her chair! Jen and Stoddard were there, one massaging her shoulders and the other handing her a freshly bought iced tea. Jen said, "Hard day, huh, Rose? Letgive you a shoulder rub; my husband doesn't even get this treatment..." Stoddard chimed in, "Anne, have siced tea, sugar-free and ice-free, guaranteed healthy!" Owen was baffled.

When did his team start waiting on Roseanne hand and foot?! Just then, Liz walked in, noticing Jen and Stoddard's doting attention on Roseanne, she couldn't help but scoff. A few steps behind, Sammy hurried in with breakfast in hand.

"Liz, I got you your favorite, bacon egg and cheese sandwich and fresh orange juice, still warm, why don't you have it now?" Liz frowned, "Who wants a greasy sandwich first thing in the morning? And since when did I say I liked orange juice?" Sammy scratched his head, "Didn't you say last tyou loved that juice from the diner? I thought you liked it." "That was last time, I don't want it anymore." "Oh, okay, I'll remember to get something different next time." Sammy quickly agreed, sensing Liz was in a foul mood and taking it out on him.

He didn't know what he'd done wrong but figured a little temper from a lady was normal, and indulging her was his way of showing care.

After dropping out, Millie dedicated herself to the prenatal classes Beverley had arranged for her.

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But Beverley wasn't satisfied with just that. Seeing Millie had free time, she decided to fill every bit of it, like NO the fashion styling class Millie was about to attend in a mall, taught by a supposedly famous designen So, Millie went with a bit of enthusiasm at first.

sw no But after fifteen minutes, she was bored to tears, yawning uncontrollably.

Someone else might have ignored it, considering the tuition was already paid, and how much or little the students learned was their business. But this instructor was different.


She had no patience for students like Millie who showed no interest, glaring ather as Millie's head drooped lower and lower, hengaze sharpening. X