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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20

Aidan's deep voice became significantly colder. "For you, would you accept any woman to

marry into the family as long as they carry my child?"

Aidan's deep voice became significantly colder. "For you, would you accept any woman to

marry into the family as long as they carry my child?"

"I'm doing this for your own good. Otherwise, do you intend for your child to be born out of

wedlock? In the past, you—"

"I don't need your reminder. I won't let this happen again." After Aidan said that, he hung

up the phone instantly.

His eyes remained glued to the divorce papers on the table for quite some time before he

suddenly stood up and placed them in his pocket. Subsequently, he took large strides and

left the office.

Meanwhile at Lux Jewelry, during the entire press conference, Leanna behaved very

calmly the whole time and did not flinch from the stinging, barbed questions from the

press members.

She was not a celebrity nor did she need the publicity. Besides, she did not have any

public image to maintain. Her main goal was to prove her innocence and restore the

reputation for herself and Lux Jewelry before any irrevocable damage was done.

One of the reporters asked, "Miss McK, since you've just mentioned that the post on the

Internet calling you a homewrecker is just a rumor, then could you explain why you

disappeared from the public eye all of a sudden three years ago?"

"I got married."

"Then, is your husband the wealthy man mentioned in the post?"

Leanna replied, "I'm very sorry, but I can't disclose any information regarding my ex-

husband. All I have to say is that both my ex-husband and I were single from the moment

we met each other and until we wedded."

Several reporters perceptively picked up the word 'ex-husband' from her statement and

they continued to ask her questions related to her marriage.

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However, she smiled and responded indifferently, "I think that we're all seated here at the

moment for me to clarify the untruth rumors on the internet, so forgive me, but I'm not

prepared to disclose anything further regarding my personal life."

Her words rendered the reporters speechless. Nonetheless, her words made perfect sense.

She was not in fact a public figure, hence, there was no need for her to front up to the

public about her personal life. As for right now, the reason there was such a huge fuss

about this matter was mainly because everyone reckoned that she was a shameless

homewrecker who had succeeded in advancing her social status. Therefore, it essentially

became a boycott campaign toward her as a designer.

Currently, she came forward to face the media to clarify things while Lux Jewelry backed

her words too. As for the reporters in attendance today, they were generally on good

terms with Lux Jewelry and hence, no one was planning to offend them.

After the press conference ended, there were various articles published soon after that.

Lux Jewelry also issued a statement at the same time, debunking the rumors on the

Internet. Lux Jewelry would be acting on behalf of their designer to seek criminal charges

against the parties who slandered their employee. They would also accept every request

of a refund and hopefully, they would be able to come up with further designs that were to

the public's liking.

After the release of this statement, there was a barrage of fashion bloggers and celebrities

who came forward to indicate their support for Lux Jewelry.

Soon enough, the sales of the three pieces in the First Love series soared significantly

instead of dropping. The increase in sales was three times higher than before the incident

occurred and it was sufficient to cover the entire loss from the refund process.

As soon as the press conference ended, Leanna rushed to the toilet instantly.

Zoe waited worriedly by the entrance for ten minutes before Leanna finally came out.

"Nana, are you alright?"

Leanna shook her head with her pale face. "Could you help me let Mr. Mancini know that

the incident today is entirely my fault and that I'm very sorry for everything? If the

magazine intends to terminate our contract, then I don't mind signing the termination

letter right now."

"What are you on about? Everyone can clearly see that this was a plot to sabotage you.

There is no way that Mr. Mancini would terminate your contract because of this! Besides, if

he intended to terminate your contract, then what's the point of him going through all this

hassle to organize a press conference to clarify things? He could have just released a

statement and pushed the blame on you."


Leanna had just spoken one word when she suddenly felt a nauseous sensation. However,

she did not end up vomiting despite her discomfort. She rubbed her stomach resignedly

and thought, You're such a bad-tempered naughty little thing.

Zoe handed over a glass of warm water to Leanna. "Nana, I'll send you home first."

At that moment, some staff from Lux Jewelry walked past them and whispered amongst


"Hey guys, why do you think Pearson Group offered to help us this time? They actually

sent their renowned public relations team to us. Not even Daphne has received such


"Yeah. Daphne's actually one of the most popular actresses. She's the top star of Pearson

Group; back then, her scandals spread like wildfire, but the PR department of Pearson

Group did not even step in."

"I heard from a friend that Daphne's team sought help from the president of Pearson

Group and requested to use the resources of the PR department, but guess what the

president said? He responded by saying, 'Sort out your own mess. If you can't resolve the

issue, then leave the industry'."

"That's quite harsh of him."

"Hey, your news is outdated. The issue with Daphne happened two years ago. Right now,

the president of Pearson Group is quite protective of her."

Instantly, the others were quite keen to find out more gossip.

Even Leanna and Zoe could not help being drawn into the topic.

The person who was busy revealing the secrets continued, "You guys must know Mia

Clark, right? She's the young model that Pearson Group is currently focused on grooming.

She's actually President Pearson's beloved one. Previously, her team was quite keen to be

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on our cover page, but Mr. Mancini found her unsuitable, therefore rejecting their request.

However, I heard that when we were preparing for the First Love series, Mia got wind of

this and wanted to work with us to promote the series as the cover girl."

"Yes, that's right. I heard of this too. In the end, Mr. Mancini rejected her request. However,

President Pearson turned up at the press conference yesterday, right? I heard that he was

there to buy the pieces in the First Love series as a gift for someone. Could it be for Mia?

He must be doing that to help her gain the chance of being on the cover page."

"If that's the case, then the reason why Pearson Group sent their PR department over to

help us this time must be because they wanted Lux Jewelry to owe them a favor. As such,

it would be easier to pave the way for Mia. President Pearson has done so much to help


The people walked off further as they continued the conversation.

Zoe could not hold in and complained, "How dare that nasty couple show their affections

for each other so blatantly! Darn it!"

Meanwhile, Leanna merely reached out to touch the divorce papers in her bag as she

thought, There are two sentences that really are such an apt description. The words

spoken by males can't be trusted; you'd be much better to depend on yourself than to rely

on a man. I definitely don't believe that there's nothing going on between him and Mia!

Finally, Leanna came back to her senses and mentioned, "Zoe, you should go and deal

with your work. I've got something else to do, so I'll be leaving somewhere now."

Although this incident was resolved successfully and the crisis had been averted, there

were some scores that she had to settle regardless.

However, as soon as she left the company, her cell phone went off.

She glanced at the flickering screen silently, but she did not end up answering the call.

After quite some time, her phone finally stopped ringing.

Leanna had already made things clear; regardless of the reason, there was no longer any

point for her to be in contact with Zayn.

She was just about to hail a cab when her phone went off again.

She took a look at her phone and was even more reluctant to take this call.

He's such an inconsistent man! This is annoying!

With that, she instantly pressed the 'block contact' option.