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Chapter 539
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Chapter 539 Not Having a Good Memory at All stus Ganna craty Everyone was shocked Yes, thing C owor several million

‘1 cand then sommer must have ollended here

Everyone was talking about it, but Summer was confused. The key was that she had just stopped the car and had not come down yet. The stick thal was smashing down on the car window seemed to have hit her body. Every time Gianna smoshed it down, she webconsciouahy dodged backwards Hegyes wer

e fitted with disbelief as sho watched the windshield crack Out by bit. In the end, it was like a spider web mth dense

Tacks Wasn’t mis Gianni non 100 arogani? She was really mod and

got off the car after being hit by Gianna She angrily walked towards Gianna and shouled at her, “Glann

a, are you crazy?” Sut up! Gianna raised her cho

and pointed it at her. Why did you hi my carSummer was shocked and subconsciously dodgod backwar

ds. The corners of Gianna‘s mouth curled into a snee, ‘l find that your memory is not good at

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all. A few days ago, you apologized in front al everyone. You haven‘t learned you lesson yet and

you still dare to provoke me

Summer fronted. Who provoked you? What did I do to you? Aren‘t you a little too arrogant? Do you thin

k I don‘t dare to call the podca? As she

spoky, she was going to find a cell phone to call the police. Gianna gave her a look ‘Report, see

how many years you can stay in prison for the crime of buying a vicious person? Who did

itun? Summer was really stunned for a moment. Gianna said, “Don‘t you know that Tru Norris has done

? Summer suddenly realized. No wonder Gianna went crazy. It tumed out that she knew that Tru

Noms had targeted Kate yesterday Vesterday she received a call from Try

Noms who complained to her. He sald that

she had made him sulle a lot He also said mathe tad met sulas and offended Silas nephone He

hadn‘t been able to handle

such a small matter and still had the nerve to blame her! kserned that not only had

she offended Silas nephew, she had also offended Gianna?

Tile comers of her mouth curted into a smile. She did not take her seriously at

all she raised her chin slightly and qubbled, “You are slandering ore What did I ask him to do7 Ganna s

neered, “You know what you hold him to do. Dont be so confident that I can‘t find any evidence. A fall

into the pil gain in the MC‘ Hearing thos. Summer suddenly choked. She reaily didn‘ı dare to challenge


Just like 1957 ore, she didn‘t know how Glanna found the evidence in short she was

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a wardo Gianna looked at her painting the stuck in her hand at her. “It warn you one last time Youd

better behave yourself and stop making trouble for me and my

best friend Otherwise, not tine, it wani be the car that will be smashed, but you! Alter buying that she di

nctly entered the chi Sunma looked at the smashed car and then at the arrogant Ganna. She

was really engry This wonian was really her natural nemeaus

Glenna who walked in with some resentment looked at the people who were

still thered at the door and sad angrily. What are you soll icoking af7 Ivyyone sncried disoainfully and re

turned to the crew Surime looked at the cow and was erremely angry. She had nothing to be arrogant a

bout Wasn‘t she just relying on the numbe of mer sho alept with? Inciucing Morow and Alex

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