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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 243
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Chapter 243

In the activity room, a middle-aged man in his forties stood in front of Quin Lin. He seemed rather

nervous and uneasy. Quin’s gaze was as cold as ice, and she asked in a deep voice, "Mr. Hu, can you

tell me what’s going on?" Mr. Hu felt anxious, and he stammered, "President Lin, this, this..." "Speak

up!" Quin yelled angrily Mr. Hu immediately shuddered in fear, and he said, "This, this lady came to our

orphanage and said that she could help the children. She asked for my cooperation for her live

broadcast. She said that she would buy gifts for the children after that." "Is that all?" Quin asked, and

she stared coldly at Mr. Hu. Mr. Hu spoke with some difficulty, "She, she also gave me 1,000 yuan,

telling me that it was the compensation for my hard work." "1,000 yuan!" Quin said, and she was

enraged. She slammed her hand on the table and said, "Mr. Hu, are you telling me, that for the sake of

1000 yuan, you allowed them to be tortured by this woman on such a cold day ?" "Every year, I donate

more than five hundred thousand to Springlight Orphanage. Are you telling me that you think that this

orphanage lacks one thousand yuan?" Quin asked, and she was furious. She could not accept the fact

that Mr. Hu had cooperated with that woman, and allowed her to torture the children. Mr. Hu was aware

of Quin’s identity and knew that he couldn’t defend himself. He knelt down, slapped himself in the face

and cried out, "President Lin, I was wrong. I shouldn’t have given in to temptation and caused the

children to suffer just for some money. It was my mistake. Please, President Lin, give me another

chance!" As Mr. Hu cried and begged for mercy, Quin gestured her hand coldly. She said, "There is no

need for you to beg me for forgiveness. When I came to the orphanage eight years ago, I gave you a

warning. I said that if you or the children are facing financial issues, you can report to our company and

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we will try our best to assist you. However, I will not allow you to use the orphanage or the children to

earn extra profit. Therefore, please leave. I will arrange for someone else to be in charge of this

orphanage." Mr. Hu was instantly stunned, and then he left the activity room in a daze. When Little

Luna saw Quin’s commanding attitude, she could not resist muttering, "Who is this woman,she seems

so difficult, maybe she’s some company boss or something." Quin turned around and glanced at her.

She said coldly, "Please go and apologize to the children!" "What?" Little Luna said. She was stunned

and yelled, "Are you asking me to apologize to those children? You must be kidding! My live stream

benefited them, but now you want me to apologize to them. You must be joking!" "Benefited them?"

Quin said coldly. She continued, "You wanted to use the children to cheat others of their money, and

you still have the gall to deny that!" "I did not cheat anyone. I made a deal with the principal and paid

him the money" Little Luna explained forcefully. She continued, "I also bought gifts for the children.

They reaped the benefits, so why can’t they cooperate with me?" "I can’t believe you are still not sorry

for what you did!" Quin said, and she was incensed. Little Luna straightened her neck and said, "You

clearly have lots of money. If you want to be a good person, please go ahead and donate as much as

you like. Why hold me to your standards and insist that I be like you ? Besides, I spent money on this

collaboration. How can you say that I’m cheating others of their money, just because I didn’t donate as

much as you did ?" "If we follow your logic, you are clearly investing in the orphanage so that your

company can become more well known. This will help you to make more sales and increase your

profits. You are no different from me. What makes you think that you can talk to me in this manner?"

Little Luna said. She was devious and eloquent with her words, as she defended herself Quin was

taken aback by Little Luna’s words. She was speechless. She had never been someone who was good

at expressing herself. She knew that Little Luna’s words were distorted and misleading, but she didn’t

know how to counter her argument. Little Luna had clarified her position quite well. Seeing that Quin

was stunned, Little Luna continued, "You are silent. Looks like there is no difference between us. Since

you’re interested in raising the profile of your company, I ’ll make a small profit while helping the

children. What’s wrong with that?" "No, that’s not my intention!" Quin retorted coldly. "How can you

deny that. Don’t tell me that you are investing in the orphanage due to your kind heart. You think that I

have no experience working with companies. I know that all of you are just a group of greedy money-

lusting vampires," Little Luna said. Quin’s expression on her face became darker. At this moment, Fade

Chen stepped forward and yelled, "Stop with your arguments and twisted words." Little Luna was

frightened when she noticed Fade approaching her. She couldn’t help but take a few steps backward.

However, she still refused to back down from her argument. She said, "What twisted words ? Did I

speak the truth and offend you ?‘ Fade spoke in a cold tone, ‘Don’t compare yourself to my wife. It is an

insult to my wife when you say that both of you are the same ‘Oh, I understand, you are bosses of large

companies. I am just some social media influencer. Of course I can’t be compared with you .‘Little Luna

said sarcastically. Fade said coldly, ‘It’s not a matter of our identities, but the reason why we are doing

what we do. My wife loves the children, and cares about the children, and then makes a donation while

promoting her company. But your main purpose is to make a profit. You treat the children as tools to

earn sympathy from your fans." ‘So what is the reason you are doing this then? It’s still just about the

money. You are big bosses. If you donate a lot of money, then you can tell everyone that you are a

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good person. If I donate too little, you call me a cheater. Too ridiculous!‘ Little Luna continued to argue.

Fade shook his head. This woman had completely fallen into the trap of money. The purpose of all her

actions was to make a profit, and she thought that everyone else was the same. According to the

worldviews of such people, they only cared about the benefits they reap, without caring about the

feelings of others. Fade was too lazy to argue with this kind of person. He directly took out a few bank

notes and threw them on Little Luna’s face. He shouted, ‘Here is the money for the presents you

bought. Take them and get out of here immediately. Don’t come here again in the future.‘ Little Luna

wanted to continue to ridicule him, but when she noticed Fade’s cold expression, she didn’t dare to say

anything else. She picked up the money directly and left the activity room. She straightened the bank

notes nicely and placed them in her wallet. Little Luna opened the settings of her streaming software

and checked on the gifts she had received today. When the stream was interrupted just now, she had

already received a total of 30,000 yuan. After dividing it, she could probably take about half of it as

commission. The income today was still not too bad. However, at the thought of the ruined live stream,

and how she should explain the situation to her fans, Little Luna felt a sudden headache. She

wondered if she should look for some young actors to hep her redo the scene. Or should she find some

excuse to fool her fans ? Just as Little Luna was trying to think of a solution, a notification sign

appeared on her phone. She took a look at the sign and discovered that someone had tagged her on

Weibo. She didn’t think much of that. After all, as an influencer with millions of followers, it was normal

for her to be tagged more than hundred times a day. However, after this notification, her Weibo

suddenly kept beeping, as though it was about to explode. Her Weibo seemed to receive a continuous

stream of private messages and comments..