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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 281
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Chapter 281

At the same time, the other people beside the Red Hair Punk proceeded to shout one after the other.

"Young man, come here! No one refuses to follow Master Xie’s orders." "This is your chance, do you

know that ? Help us with this favor, and we can guarantee that you will have no worries in the future at

Long City." "Young man, did you hear that? Come and pay your respects to Master Xie!" The crowd

was noisy. Obviously, Master Xie was the main person of this group. Master Xie also looked at Fade

Chen in a proud manner. Obviously, he was waiting for Fade to admit his mistake.

However, he didn’t expect Fade to roll his eyes at them, and turn around to leave. Instantly, Master

Xie’s face fell. He was on the verge of losing his temper. Just then, a young man in his twenties came

over with a cell phone and said, "Master Xie, you have a text message. There will be a thunderstorm

here tonight. It’s too dangerous. Let’s go home." After being interrupted by the young man, everyone

was distracted. Looking up at the sky, they saw thick, dark clouds drifting above, which were

accompanied by lightning and thunder. It looked like it was going to rain. Seeing this, everyone was not

in the mood for camping anymore. After all, they had been working so hard for so long, but they had

not succeeded. Now that it was about to rain, it was a good excuse for them to leave. As a result, many

people started to speak at once. "It doesn’t look good! Let’s clean up quickly!" "Yes, it’s a thunderstorm.

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Our tents can’t withstand it. Let’s go back!" "We’re not prepared this time. Next time,lets ask a few

professionals to come with us. Then we’ll have more fun." Hearing this, the leader of the crowd, Master

Xie, became more relaxed. He nodded and said, "Since it’s going to rain, let’s pack up and leave!"

Then, the group of people got busy and started to pack up. They got into their cars to leave. Of course,

many people did not care about the camping equipment, so they simply took nothing and drove away in

their land rovers. Fade smiled at the young man who had come forward to help him, and he nodded

slightly to express his gratitude. He knew that the young man had intended to help him out. The man

smiled and reached out his hand, saying, "Hello, my name is Erik Yin, and I’m from Long City. Since

you’re going there, why don’t you come with us ?" "Hello, my name is Fade Chen. Will it be convenient

for you ? Fade asked. He looked at Erik’s companions who had left one after the other. Erik smiled and

said, "It won’t be a problem.

There’s room for one more." "Thanks!" Fade said, and he walked toward a jeep with Erik. Erik opened

the car door, and invited Fade to get in. Then, a woman’s voice came from inside. She said, "Erik, why

is he here ?" Erik smiled and said, "Sister, it’s going to rain. Brother Chen is also going to Long City, so

I’m giving him a ride!" Erik then introduced her to Fade, "This is my sister, Lara Yin. This is Fade Chen."

Fade glanced at Lara. She was in her late twenties, dresses fashionably, and she had a beautiful face.

However, the disdainful look in her eyes made Fade feel a little uncomfortable. However, Erik had

invited him here, so he had to be polite. Fade nodded to Lara and greeted her. "Hello, Miss Yin!" Lara

replied in a dissatisfied manner, "Why are you being so friendly, I am not familiar with you." At this time,

Erik called Fade to get in the car and he said, "Sister, don’t waste anymore time. Master Xie and the

others are gone. Let’s hurry up." When Master Xie was mentioned, Lara was a little anxious. She said

impatiently, "Get in the car, get in the car. We’re wasting time. I’m so annoyed." When Fade got into the

back seat, Lara immediately threw a plastic bag toward him. She sounded rather annoyed as she said,

"You are dirty. Don’t sit directly on the seat. Use this as a cover." After scolding Fade, Lara began to

speak to her brother. "Erik, do you know what you are doing?" "This guy has already made Master Xie

unhappy. If you take him with you now, what will Master Xie think of you ? What will he think of you in

the future? Can the Yin family and the Xie family do business together in the future ? You don’t even

consider these things you just do whatever you want." Erik said impatiently, "Sister, I’m just giving

Brother Chen a ride. It’s not as serious as you think. You think too much." "Don’t be so simple-minded.

Now that you have graduated from school and entered society, you can’t act however you like. The

reason why I am asking you to socialize with Master Xie and the others is to help you expand your

network of friends and build a good relationship with them." Lara continued. "In the end, you didn’t

flatter Master Xie, but you brought this guy with you instead. If you cause Master Xie to be unhappy,

our investments will all be wasted,"she said. "I know, I know. Sister, stop lecturing me," Erik said

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impatiently Lara said, "Do you know what you should do ? You should catch up with Master Xie

immediately and apologize to him. Clarify the situation with him. Do you understand ?" " I know! I know.

I will speed up now. I will catch up with him. Is that alright?" Erik asked. He immediately stepped on the

gas pedal and sped the car up. After that, Lara turned her head and looked at Fade. She frowned and

said coldly, "When we catch up with Master Xie later, you can apologize and clarify the situation with

Master Xie, that you have no relations with Erik. Do you understand?" Fade glanced at Lara, and that

was all it took for him to see through this woman. This was a woman who was interested only in profits,

and all relationships and matters were based on this fact. If it brought her benefits, she would try her

best to flatter the other person. If it didn’t bring her any profits, she would not care about the other

person at all. Seeing that Fade did not respond, Lara frowned and was about to scold him. Suddenly,

there was a loud sound, and thunder struck above them. Many raindrops fell from the sky. Immediately,

it started to pour, and their surroundings were completely enveloped by the rain and mist. Visibility was

poor. Seeing this, Erik was forced to slow down. Lara saw this and said, "Why are you slowing down ?

Master Xie is still ahead of us. Hurry up and catch up to him! If you don’t apologize quickly, it will be

useless to do so later." Erik had no choice but to pick up speed again, and he rushed toward Master

Xie. Lara was still lecturing her brother on all sorts of advices and tips on networking Erik became

annoyed. The rain was getting heavier. The condition of the roads in the countryside was not very

good. Now, it was pouring, and the road suddenly became very muddy. Erik overtook cars left and

right, and was about to catch up with Master Xie..