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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 373
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Chapter 373

The investigation teams, which were still nervous fromthediscussion, were all stunned, and they

glanced at the door. Theysaw a young man in his early twenties, walking in witha furiousexpression.

When other members of the investigation teamswerestill wondering what was going on, Marco Ji and

Eileen Yaolookedsurprised, because it was Fade Chen who was here. Fade glancedaround and his

eyes fell on Fairman Gu, who was sitting inthehost's seat. He yelled, "Get over here right now." When

the crowdnoticed that this young man had rushed in and shouted at BigBrother Gu, their faces were full

of surprise. "Who is this guy?How dare he yell at Big Brother Gu this way?" "Does he want todie? How

dare he come here and cause trouble?" "You're seekingfor death. Humph!" The other members began

to discuss thismatter. Marco and Eileen both frowned, revealing strange expressions. Eileen was

wondering why Fade was angry withFairman They were still having dinner together yesterday, likethey

were close friends. Marco was surprised. Fade had thesupport of Fairman, and he had embarrassed

himin the hotel yesterday. The fact that he had fallen out with his backer broughtgreat joy to Marco In

the meantime, the bodyguards next toFairman had also come to their senses. They clutched the

batonsin their hands and were about to walk up to Fade. However, Fairman waved his hand to stop

them. Instead, he lookedat Fade

in surprise and said, "Mr. Chen, you're back already? Haveyoufound him?" Fade gave him a fierce

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look. He strode over toFairman and said ferociously, "You tell me. You plotted thiswholething. Where

did you hide my wife?" Fairman, who lookedconfused, shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen, what are

youtalking about? I don't quite understand you." "You're still actinglike you don't know." Fade snorted.

"Wade has already confessedto the fact that you asked them to delay me on purpose. I'vealsocaptured

the guys you ask to be in the village, and they alsoconfessed this to me. Now, are you going to tell me

the truth?" Hearing this, Fairman had a strange look, but he still lookedsurprised and confused. "What

are you talking about? Mr. Chen, what are you talking about? I really don't understand!"he said. "You-!"

Fade gave a cold snort. He didn't want to argue withFairman anymore. He stepped forward at once and

was about toattack him. At this point, Fairman quickly took a fewstepsback, and the bodyguards next to

rushed him over and protectedFairman who now stood behind them. Fairman had a seriousexpression.

He stared at Fade and said, "Mr. Chen, I don't knowwhat happened to you in the mountains. I don't

knowwhat madeyou misunderstand the situation. But I want to tell you that I really mean no harm to

you, Mr. Chen." Fade looked at Fairmancoldly and said, "You're still looking for excuses. Do

youreallywant me to attack you?" Upon hearing the word 'attack', thebodyguards beside Fairman

immediately stepped forward. Amongthem was a man in his thirties, dressed in black. He

crossedhisarms in front of his chest and looked at Fade with a sneer at thecorner of his mouth. He said

in a hostile manner, "Get back!" Fadedid not move. Instead, he looked at Fairman resolutely

Fairmanstarted to be irritated by Fade. His face fell and he shouted, "Mr.

Chen, I've treated you so well since you arrived at Fuma Town. Are you really repaying my kindness

with revenge?" While speaking, the bodyguard clad in black stepped forward again, exerting a gust of

powerful energy, which enveloped the entireroom. Everyone felt this energy and was startled. This

wastheenergy from a warrior who was at the peak of the YellowLevel. They did not expect that

Fairman, the boss of a small town, wouldhave such a high-level master as his bodyguard. It was

utterlyastonishing. Among members of the investigation team, Marcolooked as though he had an idea.

He quickly came over andsaidsomething to his father. Marco's father immediately noddedandthen got

up. He stared at Fade indignantly and shouted, "Sir, thisis the place for us to discuss important matters

with Mr. Gu. Youbroke in for no reason, which has greatly impacted our meetingand caused us

immense losses." "Can you afford to compensateusfor these losses?" Marco's father shouted. "I advise

youtoapologize immediately and leave right now. Otherwise, Ji Corporation will stand on Mr. Gu's side

without hesitation, andwe will be on bad terms with villains like you." While speaking, Marco's father

waved his hand and asked his bodyguardstogoforward. Obviously, they wanted to help Fairman When

theothermembers saw this, they were stunned and realized immediatelyhow cunning Ji Corporation

was. Big Brother Gu was the local boss of the town, and he also had a warrior at the peakof theYellow

Level. Therefore, it would be very easy for himto deal witha young kid like Fade. Marco's father had

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stood up in self-righteousness and said that he would help Big Brother Gu. Without having to put in any

effort, he would have alreadywonover Big Brother Gu. It was certainly a deal with no loss. After thinking

about this, all the leaders from the other teams also

stood up and quickly said, "Big Brother Gu, we will do the same. We are all willing to fully support Big

Brother Gu." "Bodyguards, what are you still waiting for? Go on and help out Big Brother Gu!" "You kid,

you've pissed off all of us. Get out of here now!" "Kid, if you don't wish to get beaten up, come over

now, kneel down and apologize!" The room was chaotic and filled withall sorts of yelling. Everyone

seemed angry and wanted to attackFade. With that, Marco looked even more smug. He lookedat

Fadeand said in a malicious tone, "Boy, you've ruined all my plans. Just accept the fact that you are

everyone's enemy now! You'veeven lost your biggest backer. Now, I want to see howyoucanever get

back on your feet." Eileen, who was not far awayfromMarco, seemed concerned. She was holding her

clothes tightly, looking very nervous. Marco saw this and was very unhappy. Hesaid to her, "Eileen,

since when did you become so loving?Whyare you so concerned about a person that you've only

knownforaday?" Eileen glared at Marco and said indifferently, "Mr. Chenfought against the robbers

bravely. He is a hero. He is muchbetter than some cowards. I just want to care for a hero. What'swrong

with that?" Marco felt insulted and he replied coldly, "Haha, the hero you're talking about is about to be

beaten up soon." "Heis still better than some useless cowards!" Eileen mockedhimmercilessly. At the

same time, she gave her father a pleadinglook, hoping that he could come forward and speak a

fewwordsonbehalf of Fade. However, Eileen's father didn't want to riskoffending everyone in this

situation and speak up on behalf of Fade. He shook his head and sighed softly..