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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 374
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Chapter 374

Seeing this, Eileen Yao couldn't help but look disappointed. Marco Ji rejoiced when he saw Eileen's

misfortune and said, "Eileen, it's not worth helping that guy. He is an idiot. Howcouldhe offend Big

Brother Gu here? He is just asking for trouble. Hetotally deserves this." "You-" Eileen was so angry that

she wasabout to rush over and fight Marco, but she was stoppedbyherfather immediately. At that

moment there were more than30people surrounding Fade Chen in the middle of the conferenceroom,

including the bodyguards of Fairman Gu and those of theinvestigation teams. They were all

approaching himsimultaneously Fairman, who was sitting in the seat of honor, looked at Fade with a

smile and said in a phony manner, "Mr. Chen, really don't want you to have any

misunderstandingswithme. If you are willing to apologize and admit your mistakesnowand become my

subordinate, we can just call it a day." Hearingthis, everyone was shocked again. They didn't expect

that at thistime, Big Brother Gu was still trying to draw Fade over tohisside. Was he really that worthy?

Marco couldn't help but shudder, andhe looked nervous. "It'll be troublesome if he became Big

BrotherGu's subordinate. It would be impossible for my investigationteam to get the agreement if that's

the case." Just as Marcowasfeeling worried, Fade's face clouded up slightly. He smirkedashelooked at

Big Brother Gu and said, "Fairman, you've exhaustedmy patience. You've asked for this yourself."

Upon hearingthewords, Fairman was shocked for a moment, then he shookhishead in disappointment.

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He sighed and waved to the bodyguards,

ordering, "Fight him!" Seeing this, Marco's worries disappearedinstantly, and his face was filled with a

savage smile of revenge. "Idiot, you have just refused the last invitation fromBig BrotherGu. Now, you

have no choice but to die,"he thought to himself. "Haha, who are you to be going against me? Do you

regret it now?Die now, die now! Haha!" Marco burst out laughing, lookingveryexcited and proud. At that

time, Fairman's bodyguard whowasawarrior at the peak of the Yellow Level clenched his fists, makinga

crackling sound. Then, he stretched his head and sneered. Hewalked toward Fade and said, "You

arrogant boy, accept your punishment now!" While speaking, the thin man startedmoving, and his body

became like a quick shadow. He was so fast that everyone could only see a shadow moving across the

room, without seeing his corporeal figure at all. All of a sudden, everyone burst out in exclamation

"Wow, this is a real warrior at the peak of the Yellow Level. He's really too fast." "I have amid-Yellow

Level warrior in my family. I thought that he waspowerful. I didn't expect that there was such a big gap

betweenhim and a warrior at the peak of the Yellow level. "That's amazing. That boy is definitely

doomed." "Haha, he deserves it." Marcowasecstatic, and he jumped up in excitement. Eileen was

saddened, and she lowered her head. She couldn't bear to see what wasabout to happen. "Boy, go to

hell now!" The skinny bodyguardshouted and launched a violent blow at Fade. Everyone waswatching

the scene in surprise, and Fade snorted coldly. Facingthe attack of this bodyguard, he stretched out his

right handandlaunched a blow in the air. "You're asking for death!" The bodyguard snorted and shook

his wrist gently. A small anddelicate dagger appeared in his hand. With a fierce look, hemadea move to

stab Fade in the heart. Fade gave hima cruel look. "I

didn't want you to die, but you're asking for death!" "What didyousay -" The bodyguard spoke, but

before he could finish hiswords, he felt a shadow over his head that covered everything, envelopinghim

completely He looked up and found that it was just Fade'spalm. However, the momentum from the

palmwas like a mountain crashing down from the sky. It crashed down withimmense power. The

bodyguard had no time to dodge, andhecould only watch helplessly as the palm slammed down onhim.

Itwas like a heavy mountain. Then, the powerful force fell ontopof his head. With a loud crash, the

bodyguard's neck snapped. Hiseyes rolled and he fell to the ground. He instantly lost his breath.

Seeing what just happened, the room became quiet suddenly. All the people were stunned and stood

still. They couldn't believethat this had happened right in front of them. "Dea.. he's dead. Hewas killed

by that one slap." "He is a warrior at the peakof theYellow Level but he was killed by just one slap.

HowstrongisFade exactly?" "Someone's been killed! Someone's beenkilled! Call the police!" When

everyone was still immersed in the surprise and horror of the situation, Marco, who was

extremelyexcited just now, was now stunned. His jaw dropped, his smilefroze and he laughed bitterly.

His eyes could hardly move andhisvoice trembled. "How, how could this be possible? It can't betrue,

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absolutely="he said. Eileen was anxious before this, but at that moment, her expression turned to joy.

She clapped her handsexcitedly and said, "Great Big Brother Chen is fine. That'sincredible!" After

killing the thin bodyguard, Fade steppedforward ruthlessly Those bodyguards who had

surroundedhimquickly lowered their heads to make way for him. Their expressions shifted. They did not

dare to have any interactionswith Fade at all. After all, Fade had just killed a warrior at the

peak of the Yellow Level, and most of them were only at theearlyon middle stage of the Yellow Level.

Right then, Fairman, whowas sitting in the main seat, saw that his most fearsome bodyguard was

dead. He watched as Fade walked towardhim, and he panicked. His plump figure became slightly

twisted, andhe revealed a faint smile,saying, "Mr. Chen, I'mafraid that thereissome misunderstanding.

Please listen to my explanation." "Tell me, where is Quin?" Fade asked coldly as he stood in front of

Fairman. Fairman spoke in a trembling voice, "1, 1 really don't know-" With a cracking sound, Fairman

felt a sharp pain inhisleftarm. He looked down and discovered that his left armhadbeenbroken, leaving

only his shoulder there. His bloody armfell fromthe seat, and he was still bleeding continuously.

"Ouchhh-Fairman shrieked in excruciating pain. Fade wasstill expressionless. He asked in a cold tone,

"Where is she?" Fairmanwas terrified. He sobbed, with snots and tears which were all mixed with

blood, and he said, "Lin, Miss Lin was takenawaybythem." "Who exactly are these people?" Fade

asked coldly. "I, I don't know either, Fairman said, and then he sawFade's expression turn cold. He

quickly added, "I only knowthat theyareall wearing skull masks, so I call them the Skull Mob." "Thistime,

everything was arranged by them. It was the members of theSkull Mob who asked me to delay you."

Fairman explained. Fadeasked, "So where are they now?" Fairman said, "I, I don't know. Half an hour

ago, they sent someone to pick up Miss Linfromthehotel. I didn't dare to ask more, so I don't

knowwhere MissLinwas taken too.".