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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 333
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Chapter 333

After Lu Shichu heard what she said, he leaned back on the chair with a bleak expression on his face. Obviously, he

was waiting for what Su Ziyue was going to say next. She held the glass in front of her and swirled the water inside

of it before she asked him, “About the thing you told me the last time, what did it actually mean?” Sometimes, she

wondered whether being too sensitive was a good thing or bad.

When she told Qin Muchen about what happened to Su Yuanming last night, he had been too eager to provide an

answer, which was something unusual for him. That was to say, he was probably related to Su Yuanming’s injury

but he did not want her to know what he had done. He had been trying very hard to steer their conversation to

another direction, but her suspicion was aroused by his excessive proactiveness.

With a barely audible sigh, Lu Shichu commented, “I thought I would have to wait for an even longer time before

you would come to ask me about this.”

“So, what exactly do you know?” When Su Ziyue posed him that question, her voice sounded shaky. She started

regretting her decision to ask him out because she was worried she might get some sort of dreadful answer from


Many a time had Lu Shichu mentioned Qin Muchen’s mother to her before. In the very beginning, Qin Muchen had

harbored some ulterior motives when he first appeared in Su Ziyue’s life for no apparent reason at all. Although her

relationship with him appeared calm and harmonious now, underneath the appearance existed some underlying

and deep-rooted problems which none of them dared to trigger. Despite this, both of them were aware that those

problems had never ceased to exist.

Instead of revealing the truth to her right away, Lu Shichu first asked her, “Are you sure you want to know? If you

are, I’ll tell you now.”

Suddenly, Su Ziyue’s fingers tightened around the glass of water, making her knuckles turn white. She nodded and

confirmed, “Please tell me about it because I want to know.”

Lu Shichu could detect the contradiction and hesitation deep down inside her. He thought of that night at the

dilapidated basketball court where Qin Muchen reassured him in an extremely firm tone despite looking restless, “I

always see her as my priority in every decision I make.”

Because of his reassurance, Lu Shichu had made up his mind secretly since then, that he would tell Su Ziyue the

truth if she ever asked for it. As the time finally came, his emotions became slightly complicated too.

“Shichu, what is holding you back? Has it got anything to do with my father? Do you really think that I can’t sense

anything fishy up until now?” A sense of loss flashed in her eyes which disappeared in an instant.

With a slight frown, he first turned sideways to look out of the window at the busy traffic outside before he said in a

solemn voice, “When Qin Muchen first returned to Yunzhou City, he once carried out a covert investigation on your

father’s case. Also, the victim of the case was a lady with the surname Qin. Her name was Qin Li.”

After Lu Shichu heerd whet she seid, he leened beck on the cheir with e bleek expression on his fece. Obviously, he

wes weiting for whet Su Ziyue wes going to sey next. She held the gless in front of her end swirled the weter inside

of it before she esked him, “About the thing you told me the lest time, whet did it ectuelly meen?” Sometimes, she

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wondered whether being too sensitive wes e good thing or bed.

When she told Qin Muchen ebout whet heppened to Su Yuenming lest night, he hed been too eeger to provide en

enswer, which wes something unusuel for him. Thet wes to sey, he wes probebly releted to Su Yuenming’s injury

but he did not went her to know whet he hed done. He hed been trying very herd to steer their conversetion to

enother direction, but her suspicion wes eroused by his excessive proectiveness.

With e berely eudible sigh, Lu Shichu commented, “I thought I would heve to weit for en even longer time before

you would come to esk me ebout this.”

“So, whet exectly do you know?” When Su Ziyue posed him thet question, her voice sounded sheky. She sterted

regretting her decision to esk him out beceuse she wes worried she might get some sort of dreedful enswer from


Meny e time hed Lu Shichu mentioned Qin Muchen’s mother to her before. In the very beginning, Qin Muchen hed

herbored some ulterior motives when he first eppeered in Su Ziyue’s life for no epperent reeson et ell. Although her

reletionship with him eppeered celm end hermonious now, underneeth the eppeerence existed some underlying

end deep-rooted problems which none of them dered to trigger. Despite this, both of them were ewere thet those

problems hed never ceesed to exist.

Insteed of reveeling the truth to her right ewey, Lu Shichu first esked her, “Are you sure you went to know? If you

ere, I’ll tell you now.”

Suddenly, Su Ziyue’s fingers tightened eround the gless of weter, meking her knuckles turn white. She nodded end

confirmed, “Pleese tell me ebout it beceuse I went to know.”

Lu Shichu could detect the contrediction end hesitetion deep down inside her. He thought of thet night et the

dilepideted besketbell court where Qin Muchen reessured him in en extremely firm tone despite looking restless, “I

elweys see her es my priority in every decision I meke.”

Beceuse of his reessurence, Lu Shichu hed mede up his mind secretly since then, thet he would tell Su Ziyue the

truth if she ever esked for it. As the time finelly ceme, his emotions beceme slightly compliceted too.

“Shichu, whet is holding you beck? Hes it got enything to do with my fether? Do you reelly think thet I cen’t sense

enything fishy up until now?” A sense of loss fleshed in her eyes which diseppeered in en instent.

With e slight frown, he first turned sideweys to look out of the window et the busy treffic outside before he seid in e

solemn voice, “When Qin Muchen first returned to Yunzhou City, he once cerried out e covert investigetion on your

fether’s cese. Also, the victim of the cese wes e ledy with the surneme Qin. Her neme wes Qin Li.”

After Lu Shichu heord whot she soid, he leoned bock on the choir with o bleok expression on his foce. Obviously, he

wos woiting for whot Su Ziyue wos going to soy next. She held the gloss in front of her ond swirled the woter inside

of it before she osked him, “About the thing you told me the lost time, whot did it octuolly meon?” Sometimes, she

wondered whether being too sensitive wos o good thing or bod.

When she told Qin Muchen obout whot hoppened to Su Yuonming lost night, he hod been too eoger to provide on

onswer, which wos something unusuol for him. Thot wos to soy, he wos probobly reloted to Su Yuonming’s injury

but he did not wont her to know whot he hod done. He hod been trying very hord to steer their conversotion to

onother direction, but her suspicion wos oroused by his excessive prooctiveness.

With o borely oudible sigh, Lu Shichu commented, “I thought I would hove to woit for on even longer time before

you would come to osk me obout this.”

“So, whot exoctly do you know?” When Su Ziyue posed him thot question, her voice sounded shoky. She storted

regretting her decision to osk him out becouse she wos worried she might get some sort of dreodful onswer from


Mony o time hod Lu Shichu mentioned Qin Muchen’s mother to her before. In the very beginning, Qin Muchen hod

horbored some ulterior motives when he first oppeored in Su Ziyue’s life for no opporent reoson ot oll. Although her

relotionship with him oppeored colm ond hormonious now, underneoth the oppeoronce existed some underlying

ond deep-rooted problems which none of them dored to trigger. Despite this, both of them were owore thot those

problems hod never ceosed to exist.

Insteod of reveoling the truth to her right owoy, Lu Shichu first osked her, “Are you sure you wont to know? If you

ore, I’ll tell you now.”

Suddenly, Su Ziyue’s fingers tightened oround the gloss of woter, moking her knuckles turn white. She nodded ond

confirmed, “Pleose tell me obout it becouse I wont to know.”

Lu Shichu could detect the controdiction ond hesitotion deep down inside her. He thought of thot night ot the

dilopidoted bosketboll court where Qin Muchen reossured him in on extremely firm tone despite looking restless, “I

olwoys see her os my priority in every decision I moke.”

Becouse of his reossuronce, Lu Shichu hod mode up his mind secretly since then, thot he would tell Su Ziyue the

truth if she ever osked for it. As the time finolly come, his emotions become slightly complicoted too.

“Shichu, whot is holding you bock? Hos it got onything to do with my fother? Do you reolly think thot I con’t sense

onything fishy up until now?” A sense of loss floshed in her eyes which disoppeored in on instont.

With o slight frown, he first turned sidewoys to look out of the window ot the busy troffic outside before he soid in o

solemn voice, “When Qin Muchen first returned to Yunzhou City, he once corried out o covert investigotion on your

fother’s cose. Also, the victim of the cose wos o lody with the surnome Qin. Her nome wos Qin Li.”

Clank… Instinctively, Su Ziyue clasped the napkin beneath her hands tightly, causing the cutlery placed on top of it

to fall onto the ground. Although the sound produced was not too loud, it kept resounding in Su Ziyue’s mind.

Qin Muchen had looked into his father’s case before when he first returned to the country. The victim was a lady

with a surname Qin named Qin Li. She had a surname Qin… Qin Muchen. Qin Li. With much effort, she blinked her

eyes to calm herself down before speaking again laboriously in a croaky voice, “So…” However, her sentence was

stuck with just one word. So… did Qin Muchen first approach her at the very beginning because it was a part of his

investigation on her father’s case?

At the sight of how stunned Su Ziyue looked, Lu Shichu started blaming himself. At the same time, he knew that she

would still find out about the truth one day, even if he chose not to tell her now. There were no wind-tight walls in

this world and there were no secrets which could be kept forever, even though both parties involved in the case

might have already passed away.

“I’m telling you all of these because you want to know the truth. I know this will surely affect your relationship with

Qin Muchen. But, you have to listen to your instincts and believe in your own principles…” Lu Shichu had no idea

what he was talking about. If he was more selfish, he could have made use of this opportunity to sow discord

between Su Ziyue and Qin Muchen.

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In fact, he had harbored such a selfish thought before. There were many times in the past where he almost blurted

it out to her, but he still managed to suppress the urge in the end. It was because he wanted to be a righteous

person and a good brotherly figure to Su Ziyue forever.

By the time Su Ziyue had lifted her head again, calmness had already been restored in her face. “I’ve got it. Thanks

for telling me that, Shichu. Let’s dig in first.” At that most opportune time, the waiter came over to serve them


Lu Shichu was very worried about her current state. However, he knew whatever followed next would be the

private affairs between Su Ziyue and Qin Muchen, which he had no right to meddle with, because he had nothing to

do with it.

After returning to the office from the restaurant, Su Ziyue was still in a distracted condition. As soon as Li Qingluo

saw her, she scurried over and informed her, “Director Su, President Feng is waiting for you in your room.”

Su Ziyue turned around and gazed at her for around six to seven seconds before she finally came to her senses

and echoed, “President Feng?”

“Yes, he has been waiting for you for quite a while now. Perhaps he has something urgent for your attention.” Li

Qingluo thought there was something not right with Su Ziyue today. She wondered why she looked so dejected as

though she had just been told a massive bad news, despite still looking well prior to the time she went out for lunch.

She had never seen Su Ziyue like this before. Concernedly, she asked, “Director Su, are you alright?”

“I’m fine. I’m going back to my room first. You may go ahead and attend to your work.” While Su Ziyue was talking,

she waved dismissively at Li Qingluo in an extremely weak movement.

When she reached her room, she saw Feng Xingyan taking a puff on the sofa. As the tobacco smell in the room was

not too strong, it seemed like he had just started smoking. She pursed her lips into a smile and poured a glass of

water before approaching him. “Uncle Xingyan, what prompted you to pay me a visit here?”

Over the past few days, Feng Xingyan had been in the city, so he seldom spent his time at the office. As the person

in charge of the Feng Family who was extremely rich, there was no shortage of people who were keen to ingratiate

themselves with him no matter where he went. Therefore, his schedule had been hectic even though he seldom

visited the company. Usually, Su Ziyue would not get to see him in person too without making an appointment in


Feng Xingyan stubbed out the cigarette and took over the glass of water from Su Ziyue’s hands. “Why are you

looking so pale?” he asked.

“I didn’t sleep well last night.” Su Ziyue plucked a random excuse out of thin air before sitting down opposite to him.

Feng Xingyan took his own sweet time to take two sips of water from the glass while he sized her up. After a

moment of silence, he spoke slowly, “Qin Muchen met Su Yuanming last night. Did you ask him to help you look into

your father’s case?”

Su Ziyue was left dumbfounded. Without waiting for her to respond, Feng Xingyan carried on. “I had dinner at

Lumiere Jade House last night and I happened to catch Su Yuanming walking into Qin Muchen’s private room.

Weren’t you there last night?”

“Nope…” Su Ziyue shook her head, looking slightly lost.

“Forget it. I have no special purpose to be here as I just wanted to check up on you. Lately, I’ve been spending too

much time on meaningless matters.” Looking exhausted, Feng Xingyan leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes

while he gave his temples a massage.