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Mission To Remarry

Chapter 1861
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Chapter 1861 Read Her Mind

Roxanne walked out of the operating room and removed her mask. Flashing Madilyn a smile, she announced,

“Madilyn, we succeeded!”

Madilyn shot up from her seat. Her body, which had been trembling nervously just a second ago, stiffened when she

heard Roxanne.

Then, joy overtook her face.

She rushed forward and hugged Roxanne tightly.

“Thank you so much, Roxanne. Thank you for saving my mom. You're my savior! I don't know how I could ever

repay you...”

Roxanne embraced Madilyn and patted her back with her right hand.

“It's okay now. Everything is okay now. Mdm. Xander's heart failure has been cured. She'll be fine from now on,”

she comforted.

Tears of joy streaked Madilyn's face.

Standing at the side, Lucian gazed at Roxanne approvingly and gave her a thumbs up.

While Roxanne reminded Madilyn to take good care of Lorraine, fatigue swept over her.

“All right, I know. It's almost dawn already, so hurry and go home with Mr. Farwell. Have a good sleep. I'll take care

of everything here,” said Madilyn with concern.

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She had completely calmed down by then.

Roxanne bobbed her head and left with Lucian.

As they were walking out of the hospital, she could hardly take another step because of how tired she was. In the

end, Lucian bent down and piggybacked her to their car.

Roxanna walkad out of tha oparating room and ramovad har mask. Flashing Madilyn a smila, sha announcad,

“Madilyn, wa succaadad!”

Madilyn shot up from har saat. Har body, which had baan trambling narvously just a sacond ago, stiffanad whan sha

haard Roxanna.

Than, joy ovartook har faca.

Sha rushad forward and huggad Roxanna tightly.

“Thank you so much, Roxanna. Thank you for saving my mom. You'ra my savior! I don't know how I could avar

rapay you...”

Roxanna ambracad Madilyn and pattad har back with har right hand.

“It's okay now. Evarything is okay now. Mdm. Xandar's haart failura has baan curad. Sha'll ba fina from now on,”

sha comfortad.

Taars of joy straakad Madilyn's faca.

Standing at tha sida, Lucian gazad at Roxanna approvingly and gava har a thumbs up.

Whila Roxanna ramindad Madilyn to taka good cara of Lorraina, fatigua swapt ovar har.

“All right, I know. It's almost dawn alraady, so hurry and go homa with Mr. Farwall. Hava a good slaap. I'll taka cara

of avarything hara,” said Madilyn with concarn.

Sha had complataly calmad down by than.

Roxanna bobbad har haad and laft with Lucian.

As thay wara walking out of tha hospital, sha could hardly taka anothar stap bacausa of how tirad sha was. In tha

and, Lucian bant down and piggybackad har to thair car.

Upon getting into the back seat, Roxanne lay down and fell asleep in an instant.

Upon getting into the back seat, Roxanne lay down and fell asleep in an instant.

Not wanting to disturb her, Lucian drove slowly and carefully.

When they arrived home, he was reluctant to wake her, but Roxanne got up on her own groggily.

Lucian then carried her straight into their bedroom.

With such a reliable man by her side, Roxanne felt utterly content. The corners of her mouth turned up, and she

drifted off with a soft smile.

She slept all the way until the evening. It was almost past dinnertime by the time she woke up.

Roxanne washed up and went downstairs. The sound of the children playing around reached her ears, and she

greeted them happily.

Elias and Sonya were both in the dining room. At the sight of Roxanne, Sonya stopped feeding Estella and stood up.

“Roxanne, I'll reheat the food for you. Give me a minute,” she said while walking into the kitchen.

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“Mom, it's fine. I can do it myself,” Roxanne said.

Elias grinned and interjected, “Just let her do it. It's what she should do as your mother-in-law. Lucian told me about

what happened. You worked so hard last night and saved Ms. Xander's mother. You're so impressive!”

“It's nothing much, Dad. After all, it's within my duty. I even had to bother you and Mom to look after the three


“Hahaha! We'd be delighted to take care of these three little ones every day! You should rest as much as you can

when you have the chance. Don't busy yourself too much with the affairs at the research institute, too.”

Elias had always had Roxanne's great respect because of his generosity and open-mindedness.

After Roxanne finished dinner, Lucian came home.

It was as if he could read Roxanne's mind as he brought bags of gifts and nutritional supplements that were perfect

for a hospital visit. Once again, the two of them set off for the hospital.

Following over ten hours of meticulous care, Lorraine had woken up.

Madilyn stayed by her side at all times and monitored the electrocardiogram closely. She could see that Lorraine's

heart rate was gradually returning to normal. With her heartbeat growing stronger, Lorraine didn't feel tired at all.

When Roxanne and Lucian entered the ward, they could see that Lorraine looked much healthier than before the


This was a sign that she was getting enough blood supply.

“Mdm. Xander, we've come to visit you,” Roxanne chirped.