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My Baby’s Daddy

Chapter 657
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Chapter 657

“Do not do this again,” Arthur warned. 


Yes, sir!” Sophia nodded obediently. She was so embarrassed by the incident that she wanted to Crawl into a hole. 

Just then, Arthur‘s phone rang. A look of surprise flashed across his features when he saw the caller ID, and he

hurried to answer the call. “Hello?” 

“Artie, it‘s me! I‘m coming to visit you!” a girly voice spoke up on the other line. 

When the call ended, he gave Sophia an unreadable look. She swallowed nervously and asked, “What is it?” 

“A friend of mine will be staying here for a while,” he explained. A moment of thought later, he added, “From now

on, you are not to misbehave in front of me, and you will act like a proper servant. Do you understand?” 

Sophia was no idiot. She had a feeling that this friend of Arthur‘s was someone that he secretly had a crush on, so

she suggested hopefully, “You know, you‘re more than welcome to give me some time off if you think I‘m only

going to get in your way.” 

He eyed her frigidly and bit out commandingly, “You are not leaving.” 

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Curiosity got the better of her as she tilted her head to one side and asked in amusement, “So, is this friend of

yours just an ordinary friend, or is she someone special to you?” 


“I don‘t see how that‘s any of your business,” he replied with a raised brow. 

“Well, if it‘s the former, then I‘d be more than willing to play the part of the loyal servant and wait on your hand and

foot, but if it‘s the latter, then my presence here would put us all in a sticky situation, don‘t you think?” She wanted

to go home desperately, so she enunciated the point of her argument, “Young Master Weiss, all I‘m asking is that

you give me some time off: 


His dark eyes were like a tempestuous ocean. He looked torn, but in the end, he gritted his teeth and shot her a

warning glare. “Do not even think about leaving my side, Sophia.” 

Her breath hitched. Why does that sound like a line from a romance ? He had no right to order her to stay in

such a roguish manner, she thought. She was only his maid, after all, and not his girlfriend. 

Belligerent, she retorted, “I wasn‘t planning on leaving!” 

He glowered at her exasperatedly. It seems like there is still a long way to go before she will learn to be obedient. 


Meanwhile, over at the Averna airport, a private jet had come to a stop on the tarmac, and an elegantly-dressed

young lady was presently being escorted out of the jet by four bodyguards. 

She walked out of the airport and put a hand up to block out the blazing afternoon sun. As she suddenly thought of

something, a smile blossomed on her beautiful face. 

“Miss, we‘ve already contacted Young Master Weiss‘ bodyguards, and they have sent us an address.” 

“Let‘s go then,” she said. She couldn‘t wait to see him again. 

Moinents later, three cabs pulled up outside Arthur‘s newly–bought villa, and an entourage came out of the idling

cars. The girl leading the entourage through the front yard gave the garden a cursory glance, then marched

straight through the door and into the living room. 

She thought she would be greeted by the man who had been running around in her mind as soon as she walked

past the threshold, but she met eyes with a young lady instead. Astonished, she demanded, “Who are you?” 

“Good afternoon, Miss Jennings. I‘m Sophia, Young Master Weiss‘ maid,” Sophia introduced herself politely,

appraising the other girl with the expensive clothes and deciding that she most definitely ran in the same circles as


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The girl narrowed her eyes, but when she saw Arthur coming down the stairs, she broke into a dazzling grin and

called out sweetly, “Artie!” 

Arthur returned her friendliness and greeted, “Emily.” 

“Grandma had me come over to take care of you.” Emily walked up to him and grabbed his arm affectionately,

then tipped her head to one side as she gave him a once–over. “Did you lose weight, Artie?” 

“I did not,” he denied with a smirk. 

She let out a‘crisp and alluring laugh and glanced over at Sophia who still stood by the threshold. She thereafter

asked Arthur unhappily, “Is she really your maid, Artie?” 

“Yeah,” he answered. “She takes care of my meals and tidies up the house.” 

Sophia, on the other hand, concluded that Emily was without a doubt Arthur‘s ‘special friend. 

At that moment, two maids came into the house with suitcases in tow. Emily‘s eyes gleamed diabolically at the sight

of this, and she quickly said to them, “You girls must be tired. Go and stay at a hotel nearby to catch up on some

well–deserved rest.” 

The maids were used to waiting on her, and upon hearing this, they immediately sensed that she was up to


Sure enough, Emily suddenly extended a long, slender finger as she said imperiously, you there! Help me carry

these bags up to my room.”