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My Baby’s Daddy

Chapter 666
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The childhood memories flitted through Lorclai's mind like scenes from some old movie,

emboldening her. Hence, she couldn’t help bringing them up as she asked, "Elliot, do you still

remember the time when I broke the vase in your family home? I think I was about eight at the

time, and I was so scared I couldn’t stop shaking. You were the one who took the blame for me,

and I managed to get off without punishment!"

Elliot was a little taken aback by this as he asked, "I did that? Huh. I totally forgot about it."

Her lips curled up in a smile. "Well, I still remember, because those are the happiest moments

of my childhood. They say that a happy childhood is a soothing balm to (he pains of growing

up, you know. So, I guess I should thank you for giving me some of the best childhood

memories." She looked up at him after finishing her sentence and her gaze lingered on the

features that she so adored.

Hearing what she said, Elliot gave her a perfunctory smile. "Did you have a good time abroad?"

"I suppose I did, though I was a little lonely," she admitted with a sigh.

"If I ever come across someone suitable, I’d be sure to send them your way."

She feigned embarrassment as she mumbled, "You don’t even know my type."

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"Oh, that's right," he said. "Come on, tell me." He wanted to know what he should look out for if he wanted to set

her up with someone.

She narrowed her eyes as if in thought. A sweet smile broke over her face as she gazed al him and said, "I’m not

asking for much. I want someone as handsome and capable as you."

Elliot s instincts were sharp to begin with, and he could sense that the admiration she had for him was beyond

platonic the moment he saw the smoldering gleam in her eyes. If he were any other man, he might find her love

for him a triumph, something to gloat about to his peers. But he was not such a man, and her unsolicited

affections only served to push him


He eyed her sullenly as he said, "l.orelai, I do not wish to hear such things again. Anastasia is the only woman for

me, and nothing will ever change."

He ended his sentence calmly, but there was no hiding the dangerous warning that belied his words.

At once. Lorelai bristled and quickly explained, "I think you're getting the wrong idea here, Elliot. I’m not trying to

come between you and your wife."

"You’re like a baby sister to me: always have been, always will be," he continued while his gaze darkened. Al some

point, it was like staring into the icy depths of some pitch-black abyss.

A chill ran down her spine when she heard this. More than anything, she was surprised to be rejected by him. "I’m

sorry if 1 cracked a joke and it went too far. Elliot. I guess 1 thought it was okay for me to say something like that

because of how much we used to hang out as children," she apologized lamely, attempting to salvage the


However. Elliot did not bother letting her continue with her explanation, be it true or false. "1 have a meeting to

get to, so you should go."

With that, he picked up the documents he had signed earlier and walked back to his desk.

Lorelai, on the other hand, rose in a daze and said slowly, "I'll get going now then. Goodbye, Elliot." When she was

out of the office, she clutched the front of her shin and stared into space helplessly. She never imagined him to be

so loyal to his marriage, much less so protective over his wife.

This could become a hurdle to her father's plans, but she figured this hiccup was only due to

the fact that Elliot was newly married. At some point, he would grow weary of Anastasia and

begin to resent her for chaining him to a miserable marriage. If Kendra s advice was anything

to go by, he would start feeling that way around the time Anastasia fell pregnant again, and

that would be Ix>relai*s window of opportunity.

Meanwhile, a fleet of cars was passing through the fields in the countryside, cruising down the

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road that led into the woods in the distance. Sophia was in the backseat of the second car in

the fleet, and after taking a short nap,

she woke up only to find that she was surrounded by acres and acres of farmland. As such, she

rested her arms on the edge of the car window and peered out of the glass at the idyllic sc


Arthur was going to evaluate' a place that was famed for its serenity, and he had brought along

with him a renowned medium.

It was around noon when they arrived al a restaurant that looked heavily out back-inspired, rhe'

four cars ol the fleet pulled into the parking lot after Arthur decided that they were' going to

have to settle for lunch here. They had driven close to fifty miles out ol the city, and as things

were, it was impossible for them to find a decent restaurant in that area, much less high-end

dining establishments.

W hen the second car rolled to a stop. Sophia happily got down from the vehicle. She was just

about to stretch to loosen her joints when suddenly, a large and aggressive dog came rushing

out of the doghouse on the premises and began barking ferociously at them.

Being the closest one to the dog. Sophia visibly blanched, and fear made her seek out the

person most likely to protect her. Without a word, she instinctively latched herself onto said

person and clung to him for dear life.