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My Ex-wife's Hidden Personalities

Chapter 339
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Chapter 339 The Live Streaming Is Back

Edward began to blink repeatedly with a stab of bitterness that surged through his heart. The tone of this sincere

advice was completely like how one would treat a younger brother. After all, Freya’s tone sounded like she was

talking to her younger brother. At the same time, the fact that Freya didn’t hesitate to hold his hands didn’t seem to

sit well with Edward, who knew she usually kept her distance from other men. Because of that, he became

confused, not knowing whether he should be happy or sad with Freya’s reaction.

As the duo went on chatting with each other, Freya proceeded to ask Edward about his studies.

“Do you

have a crush in school, Edward? Don’t hesitate to tell me if you do. After all, it’s normal for you to start dating

around your age, so if you have a girlfriend, I could help. survey for the best present you should give her.”


Nonetheless, Edward only pursed his lips and said, “It’s time. Freya. We should live now.”

It was then that Freya turned her attention to the clock on her phone. “Oh, gosh. You’re right, man. It is indeed time


Freya then sat at the table while Edward made his way to the camera right beside the lady. At the same time, Freya

was able to notice some subtle signs that indicated that Edward wasn’t happy. Thinking Edward might be moody,

she became slightly disturbed and began questioning herself whether she had been a busybody for prying into his

personal affairs. Nevertheless, before she was able to figure out an answer, her live broadcast channel was already

filled with viewers as soon as it was available to join.

‘Freya! Freya!’

‘Clove! Clove!”

“Just call me DiligentFrey, or if you guys don’t mind, Frey will do.” Freya chuckled.

As the live went on, messages could be seen flashing through the screen one by one. It was obvious that almost

everyone among her top fans had joined Freya’s live broadcast after learning about Freya’s return.

Upon answering several questions, Freya went on to start off the tutorial.

“Earlier, I received quite a number of messages from you guys asking me about the incense recipe on Twitter. So, I

specially prepared these things for that, in order to show you guys exactly what I did during the competition.”

‘Hold on, second. Let me grab a pen and paper.”

‘Oh, come on. This is the champion who is conducting the tutorial. Are we really going to do this already?’

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Soon, Freya went on to introduce the ingredients required for the process, one by one. “The ones that I use are a

little pricey, but you could always get some affordable ones on those shopping platforms. For example, I bought this

incense burner because of how lovely it. looks, but in fact, any similar burner that you can find elsewhere on the

internet would do.”

Freya spoke clearly and slowly as she went on to the main subject of her live streaming. At the same time, she

placed the list of ingredients somewhere visible on the side and wrote the steps of the process on the whiteboard

so that her viewers could take notes. Trying to be at good teacher, Freya believed that there was no way her

viewers would go astray unless they lacked the initiative to learn.

As Freya’s live streaming went on for the next two hours, she kept repeating the process for her viewers to observe

and learn. At the same time, she also patiently answered every single question her viewers asked her. Meanwhile,

HumblePath, SparklingSorceress, MonDa, and MattMajesty, who were among Freya’s top fans, had remained silent

all the time, yet they didn’t stop giving her rewards. Nevertheless, Freya was seemingly able to figure out who the

people were behind those internet pseudonyms, although she wasn’t planning on revealing


Suddenly, a notification popped up on the screen. ‘DilligentFrey has just received The Cosmic Knight from


The Cosmic Knight was actually a new gift that was newly launched by the platform with a price of 5,000 per unit.

While the small collection contained 99 units, the larger collection. set consisted of 3 subsets of 9 units each.

Upon seeing the notification, Freya stared at the computer screen in silence. This huge collection set is worth five

million! Who is this fella, Strategist? How come this person just gave me a present without saying a word?

“All the donations that we receive during the live stream will be used for charity. So, I hereby express my utmost

gratitude to you, Strategist, on behalf of the children in the mountains.” Freya smiled.

Meanwhile, a second-hand Buick was seen parked outside the Kaufmann Residence’s gate. Inside the vehicle sat

Jamie, who was watching Freya’s live stream. When he heard her words, he raised his eyebrows and curled his lips

upward. “You’re welcome.” He replied to himself. The reason Jamie was there was because he was his brother’s

driver who took him to Freya’s place.

After the live stream ended, Freya still received money from her viewers and fans, who wanted her happy because

of her return after such a long hiatus. Furthermore, they became



more active in donating when they learned that the fund would be used on the children in the mountains without

any commission being taken by the livestream platform.

As Freya’s revenue nearly amounted to 20 million, MattMajesty refused to let Strategist steal the limelight and

decided to do something about it. At the same time, MonDa also felt unhappy to let Matt Majesty have all the

attention and credit, which led to a battle of vanity

between them.

Eager to prove himself, Matthew went on donating to Freya but unknowingly got annoyed. Thus, he was kicked out

of the live stream broadcast the next moment.

Seriously?! How childish!


When the live stream finished, Freya went on to put away the incense on the table. In the meantime, Edward was

busy checking the devices and filming equipment. When he was carefully wiping the lens, his watch accidentally

scratched the camera.

Stunned, Edward immediately took off his watch and put it in his pocket. After tidying up the place, he took out his

watch again and put it back on. Then, when his eyes fell upon the watch buckle, he couldn’t help but frown and

wonder whether its lifespan would reduce if he repeatedly did and undid the buckle.

Meanwhile, Freya had no idea what Edward was thinking in his mind as she only saw him. looking at the watch

without blinking. “What’s wrong? Is the time wrong or something?” Freya took a closer look at the watch. “Oh yeah,

I haven’t adjusted the time yet.”

“No, I specifically checked the time, and it’s correct,” Edward answered, looking up with a smile on his face.

“It’s almost ten now, by the way. Let me take you home.” Freya nodded.

“No need for that, Freya. Jamie took me here today. He’s actually waiting for me at the

entrance now.”

Freya frowned. “Why didn’t you tell him to come in and wait in the living room instead? He could have waited for

you comfortably here instead of waiting for you in the car for 2 hours

Edward pursed his lips when he heard Freya’s words. Deep down, he didn’t want Jamie to enter the Kaufmann

Residence because it seemed to him that his brother was deliberately trying to get in touch with people from the

Kaufmann family and their company. After all, Jamie had already become Braxton’s assistant, but nonetheless,

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Edward had no idea how to tell Freya about that. Thus, he came up with a story to brush it off.

“No, Jamie had his own business to take care of while waiting for me,” Edward answered.

Soon, Freya saw Edward out by walking him to the exit. When she saw the car parked there she was relieved to see

that there was indeed someone waiting for Edward. Not long after



that, the car window rolled down as Jamie’s handsome face came into view with a tender expression on it.

“Miss Kaufmann.”

Freya, who noticed the old Buick, squinted and looked closer at it while wondering where Jamie got it. Oh, come on!

Look at that paint. It’s falling off from the car’s body, and I can even see the


“Mr. Fraser.” Freya chuckled. “It seems that my brother hasn’t been paying you enough. Don’t you have your own

car? Why don’t you drive it instead?”

“That’s the company’s car. I only get to drive it when giving Mr. Kaufmann a ride.” Jamie


“Seriously? That’s kind of ridiculous.” Freya sighed. “You should drive that car more often. because it seems

dangerous for you to be driving this thing.”

“Well, unfortunately, rules are rules, and as Mr. Kaufmann’s assistant, I can’t afford to set a bad example, Jamie

responded with a gentle tone. He then took a look at his brother, Edward, and said, “Come on, Edward. Get in the


As soon as Edward entered the car, Jamie immediately stepped on the gas pedal and drove off. After traveling for

some distance, Jamie looked in the rear mirror and caught a glimpse of Freya, who was standing at the entrance

and watching them leave the rear mirror. Then, he gently moved his hands along the steering wheel before

reaching for the buttons next to


Deep down, only Jamie himself knew that he never drove a stranger’s car because he was always worried for his

safety as he was afraid there could be bugs or spy cameras in it. Furthermore, he was also scared that the brakes

could be tampered with, or worse the vehicle was rigged with bombs, which would put him in danger should he be

unlucky enough to drive one of those cars.

Come on! What’s wrong with me? Why am I scaring myself now? Is it because I always travel at night? Jamie

chuckled to himself at the thought of that.