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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 133
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 136

74 Questions

Jayden POV

Brooke runs her hand through my hair and rubs circles on my back as I cry for my mother. I cry for her

pain and everything my father stole from her and me. How did I not know exactly what he was? “Don’t

do that to yourself Jayden? How could you know what he hid from you? You were a child”, Storm says

to me. He’s right, but it doesn’t change that my mother probably suffered exactly what Brooke did

before they killed her. I squeeze Brooke a little tighter in my arms. I’m so grateful that she is here with

me despite what the f**king ba**ard tried to do to her. I promise that he will suffer for what he did to my

mother, Brooke, and Jocelyn. I take a deep breath, pulling in as much of Brooke’s scent as I can before

I pick up my head. She wipes the tears from my cheeks and lays her hand on my face. “I’m so sorry for

the pain he has caused you. We are your family and I will protect you just as you protect me.” I couldn’t

love this woman more. I press my lips to hers. I pull back and walk over to the side of Andrew’s bed. He

sits up and pulls me into a hug. “You are the best man I know and I’m sure that your mother is proud of

you. She is proud of the man and Alpha you have become.” I pull back “you get some rest and heal

because I want you by my side to destroy these evil ba**ards.” “You don’t have to worry I will be there.”

Brooke takes my hand and we head back toward the pack house. What Adrian said has my mind going

a mile a minute? What if Drayce’s father was trying to produce hybrid children? I don’t scent wolf on

Adrian, but what if she was born of my mother? Drayce is older than me but she is not. “Brooke, is

Adrian a hybrid?” She stops walking and I face her. “She has never spoken of having a wolf and she

only smells of vampire. Adrian wouldn’t keep that from me”, Brooke says. “Do you think it’s possible

that she is but she never got her wolf?” She looks at me concerned. “What is it love?” “They kept us in

a cell for months with silver bars. I was worried that Candance would never come but she did. Do you

think that if she is your mother’s pup, being kept in the cell surrounded by silver affected Adrian’s wolf

while in your mother’s womb?” “I don’t know. I don’t know if we will ever really know. The truth may

have died with Adrian’s father and my mother.” She hugs me again and we head for our room. I need to

hold our pups right now. They will never have to worry about anyone hurting them as long as I live.

We walk in and Jocelyn is sitting in the rocking chair holding Henry and Anna. I take them both and she

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stands. She reaches in wrapping her arms around my neck. She pulls back and smiles. “So Andrew is

safe” she says after she hugs Brooke. “Yes, Adrian and Serina saved him” Brooke says. “What’s

wrong” she asks, looking at me. Brooke answers for me and explains all that we have just learned.

Jocelyn gives me a look of sympathy. “Thank you for keeping the pups” I say. “I’m sure you will pay me

back soon enough” she says, lightening the mood in the room. “We absolutely will. When you find your

mate, we will pup sit all the time.” Her face falls and I can see sadness in her eyes. “Jocelyn, you will

find your mate.” “That’s not important right now. Let’s focus on making those ba**ards pay.” I smile and

nod but I hate that she believes her mate won’t want her after all she has been through. “I’m going to

head back to my room and you both should try to get some sleep.” She walks out and Brooke takes

Henry from my arms, laying him in his crib before she does the same with Anna. “Come lay with me,”

she says. We slide into bed and she places my head on her chest like a mother does with a child. She

runs her hands through my hair and all of the exhaustion from the stress of the night hits me at once. I

fall into a deep sleep that is plagued by nightmares.

Adrian POV

After Jayden and Brooke leave, I turn around looking at this beautiful man that the goddess blessed me

with. “Talk to me Adrian, tell me what you’re thinking.” “I hate that I had to tell him what our fathers did

to his mother. I hate that my father and brother are such evil people.” He takes my hand again. “He had

the right to know and I’ve known Jayden all my life, he wouldn’t want you to keep that from him. He is

strong and kind. Nothing is going to change the man that Jayden has become. He is stronger with

Brooke by his side and all of us despite what his father has done. ” I take his hand to my lips and place

a soft kiss on the back before I release it. I start to walk to a couch in the corner so he can rest and

heal. “What do you think you’re doing?” I chuckle “letting you rest while I lay on the couch.” “Like hell

you will. Get in this bed and lay next to me.” “Andrew, you are nowhere near healed. This isn’t a big

bed.” He gives me a look and I can’t help but laugh. “Please come lay next to me. There is enough

room.” I walk over and slide in next to him. “Don’t get any ideas until you are completely healed.” This

time he laughs. “This is not exactly the setting I want to claim you in, Adrian.” I kiss him again and fall

asleep with my beloved’s arm wrapped around me.

The Next Morning

Adrian POV

My eyes flutter open and I panic a little when I’m alone in bed. I sit up and I realize that I can hear the

shower running in the bathroom. I get up and head for the bathroom door, ready to give him hell for not

waking me to help him. I throw open the door and stop dead in my tracks. Andrew is in the shower in all

his naked glory. I can’t help but rake my eyes up his body. When I reach his face he is smiling at my

ogling. I shake away the fact that the room just got a lot hotter. “What the hell are you doing? Why

didn’t you wait for help?” “Adrian, I’m completely healed. Between Gideon and the change, I am a

hundred percent. Look not a scratch on me” he says, pointing to his body. I turn not giving him the

satisfaction of me looking again. “Fine, but you still should have woken me up.” He chuckles and I turn

closing the door. A few minutes later the door opens and he comes out in a pair of boxer briefs. His

bare chest is on full display. “Where did you get the clothes?” “Jayden must have had someone bring

them over. They were on the chair when I woke up.” He pulls on jeans and a t-shirt. He sticks out his

hand and leads me out of the room.

As we walk down the hallway, I feel like everyone is looking at us. “Beta, where do you think you’re

going”, I hear from behind us. Andrew turns “Doc, I’m good. I need to take care of some things before

we deal with the coven.” “I didn’t clear you to leave and you know that I have to or should I call the

Alpha” he says, crossing his arms over his chest. Andrew rolls his eyes. “Fine, let’s go.” We head back

to the room and the doctor checks him over. “You can go now”, the doctor says, before he leaves the

room. I love that even the Beta and Alpha have to listen to the doctor. We head to the pack house and

he leads me upstairs to the second floor. “My things are upstairs in the room across from Jayden and

Brooke’s room.” “We will get your things later. I’m taking you to our floor.” I smile at his words, our floor.

He opens a door that leads to a living room. “I promise you that I will give you a proper tour to your new

home later.” I smile and follow him to what I assume is the bedroom.

Andrew POV

I don’t know who is more anxious to mark her, me or Gideon. I know she was worried that I would be

angry that she changed me, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I would have done anything to

live this life with her. When I woke up this morning I felt better than I ever have. I knew that I didn’t want

to wait one more second to make her mine and to become hers. I lead her to our bedroom and once

we are inside I turn to face her. “Mate, what is your full name?” She smiles “Adrian Elizabeth Black.” “I,

Andrew Lewis Morris, accept you, Adrian Elizabeth Black, as my mate and Beta Female.” “I, Adrian

Elizabeth Black, accept you, Andrew Lewis Morris, as my mate, beloved, and Beta.” I can feel the bond

start to form. I’m just about to reach for her shirt and she surprises me by taking it off along with her

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bra. My goddess, she is gorgeous and mine. She surprises me again when she reaches for the hem of

my shirt and pulls it off.

She drops to her knees and makes quick work of my belt and pants. Holy sh*t is the only thought I

have as she takes my hard c**k into her mouth. She begins to move her hot mouth up and down on my

shaft over and over again. I’m trying not to embarrass myself, but she is making it very difficult. I

manage to pull her off with a pop. “What the hell” she says before I throw her over my shoulder and

throw her onto the bed. “I promise I will enjoy every minute of you s**king my c**k later but right now I

need to make you mine.” She smiles as she shimmies out of her pants. She is completely bared to me.

I growl as I crawl up until my face is at her core. I kiss her p**sy like I would her mouth, making sure

she is dripping wet for my c**k. She starts to moan and I give her one last long lick before I climb up

her body. I slam my mouth down on hers, kissing her until we are both breathless. I pull back and line

my c**k up with her entrance. I see a look of concern on her face and I stop.

“What’s wrong, Adrian?” “I’m not a virgin Andrew.” “I won’t lie and say that I’m happy someone else

touched you, but what happened before we met is your past. I am the only man that will ever touch you

again.” “Yes, I’m yours. Please make me yours.” I press my c**k at her entrance and begin to push

forward. Her channel is warm and tight around my c**k. I give her a minute to adjust to my size before I

start to move. Goddess she feels so good. Her moans spur me on and I increase the pace. She starts

to scream out her orgasm and I’m barely hanging on with the way her walls are squeezing my c**k.

She pulls my head down kissing me before she releases my lips and moves her head to my neck.

When she bites down into my marking spot I can’t hold back anymore. I release my seed deep inside

her core. The orgasm that rips through my body is like nothing I have ever felt before. It’s my turn to

mark her as mine.

I place my face at her marking spot and elongate my canines. I bite down and she screams out my

name as the orgasm consumes her. I pull my canines out and lick her marking spot. The bond is

complete and Gideon is prancing in my head. I chuckle pulling back to tell her about Gideon when I

realize something is wrong. Her eyes are closed and breathing is even when a few seconds ago she

was panting. “Adrian” I say her name but she doesn’t respond. I pull back and gently shake her. “Adrian

please wake up.” She still doesn’t respond and my happiness is replaced by fear. What the f**k could

have happened? I pull on my pants and wrap her in a sheet. I run as fast as my legs will carry me and

say a prayer to the goddess that she will be alright. “Jayden, I need you and Brooke at the hospital

now.” “What’s wrong” he asks with concern in his voice. “Something is wrong with Adrian, please
