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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 3
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 6

6 Suppor

Archer POV

If my dad was a cartoon character, this is the time when steam would come out of his ears. “How dare

you speak to me this way.” “How dare you walk into my office demanding I listen to you like I’m five

years old and breaking some rules.” “I am not a child nor will I be treated as one.” “You are no longer

Alpha.” “Archer I will be a good Luna” Mckenzie says batting her eyelashes at me. I roll my eyes. I feel

like I’m talking to the wall. “Mckenzie, I’m sure you will be a wonderful Luna for someone, just not me.”

She huffs and puffs leaving my office. “What the hell is wrong with you?” “That girl will help you expand

the pack and she will give you Alpha pups.” “This discussion is over now get out of my office before I

have one of the guards come up and escort you out.” “This isn’t over Archer” he says before he walks

out slamming my office door. I can’t believe that he thinks he is going to make me take a chosen mate.

He can hold his hand on his a** because I will never have anyone but my goddess given mate.

Greg POV

I head to the station to start my shift and pray that Megan leaves me alone. I walk in and she is sitting

behind the receptionist’s desk making puppy dog eyes at me. For f**k sake, it was just s*x. This is why

I try not to screw around with women at work. I walk past her and head into the break room to punch in.

Once I’m clocked in, I head to my locker. I grab all my gear and head for the locker room door. The

door flies open and Megan steps in front of me. “Get the hell out of my way Megan.” “I told you I’m

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sorry I was tipsy and jealous.” “I told you I don’t care what your excuse is were done.” “I need a woman

who understands the rules.” “How can you feel nothing after we have been together for six months.” I

laugh “you sound like we were in a relationship, which is exactly the reason we are done.” I push past

her and meet my partner downstairs to start our tour.

Sabrina POV

Gabby and I are heading to my parent’s house for lunch as we do on my days off. I dread this visit

because my mother thinks Greg walks on water. She is definitely going to ask about him and, honestly,

I don’t have it in me to pretend everything is alright. We pull into the driveway and my dad is outside

watering the flowers. I unhook Gabby, lifting her from her carseat and heading toward my dad. As soon

as he sees us, he shuts the water off. “There’s my two girls.” “Hi daddy, the flowers look beautiful.”

“Thank you sweetheart.” “What’s wrong” he asks, like he has some ability to read my thoughts. I smile,

“we can talk about it later daddy when Gabby plays with her toys.” He nods and doesn’t push the issue.

“Go ahead inside, I’ll be in in a minute.”

I head in and my mother is setting the table with sandwiches, chips, and fruit. “Nana, I want a

strawberry.” My mother turns smiling at my daughter. I put her down and she runs over to take the

strawberry out of my mother’s hand. Once we are all at the table having lunch, the question I was

dreading comes out of my mother’s mouth. “So Sabrina, how is my handsome son-in-law?” “Mom, can

we wait till after lunch to talk about Greg please?” She immediately gives me a look of disgust. “What

happened?” “Lilth your daughter just asked you to wait till after lunch.” “Fine but I want to know what

this going on when we are done with lunch.” I nod and we finish eating with tension that wasn’t there


I set Gabby up with her toys in front of the TV and go back to sit at the table. “Well tell me what the hell

is going on with Greg.” I take a deep breath. “Greg has been cheating on me for I don’t know how long

with some girl named Megan.” My father looks pissed and my mother looks shocked. “I don’t believe it

Greg loves you.” “You must be mistaken.” “Mom I did not make a mistake, Greg admitted to it.” “Well

people make mistakes, you need to work this out.” “He is your husband and Gabby’s father.” I feel sick

in the pit of my stomach at her lack of support. I turn toward my dad. “I support whatever decision you

make, sweetheart.” “I’m very disappointed that he would do such a thing to you.” “Harold, don’t be

ridiculous she can’t just call it quits because things go wrong.” “Marriage is a commitment in good and

bad times.”

My father stands walking out of the room and I turn back to my mother. “I love you mom but this is not

your decision and this isn’t a little mistake.” “My husband f**ked another woman.” “Not once but many

times and I will not just smile like what he did is no big deal.” “Sabrina Piper you watch your mouth in

my home and stop acting like a child.” “You have a daughter to think about and Greg deserves a

second chance to make things right.” I stand up and head to pick Gabby up. My mother follows me to

the door. “Just once in my life, mom, I would like you to be on my side and support me but that’s too

much to ask of you.” I don’t even let her say anymore before I leave, heading to my car. “Sweetheart”

my father calls to me as he walks toward me. “Yes dad” I say feeling defeated. “That ba**ard never

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deserved you and you do what’s best for you and Gabby.” “Your mother is wrong and I will always

support your decision.” “Thank you daddy” I say wrapping myself and Gabby around him. He kisses my

forehead before he heads for the house. I can only imagine what he is in for from my mother when he

gets inside.

When we get back to Tracey’s house I can see the patrol car coming down the street. I can’t deal with

him after I just had to deal with my mother. I pick Gabby up and rush toward the door. Once I’m inside, I

put Gabby down and plop myself down on the couch. I can’t believe that my mother would defend him

after what I told her happened. I don’t even notice Tracey come in until she plops down next to me. “I

take it lunch was rough?” “Rough doesn’t begin to describe it.” I tell her everything that happened with

my mother and father. “I’m sorry Brina that your mother has to be that way.” “I wish I could say I was

shocked but I’m not.” “It’s ok I expected her to defend Greg, you would swear he was her son.” “Well

you know no matter what your dad and I will be here for you.” I take her hand. “I would be lost without

the two of you.”

My phone rings and I pull it out of my pocket. Willow’s name flashes on the screen and I answer it.

“What’s up, Willow?” “I just wanted to let you know that I spoke with my brother and when your ready to

file for divorce he will look over the case.” “He doesn’t typically do divorce but he is willing to take your

case for me.” “You didn’t have to do that I can get a lawyer Willow.” “I wanted to besides my brother is a

wolf in the courtroom.” I laugh “I don’t think I have ever heard that saying before.” “It is absolutely true.”

“I will send you the office number to set up an appointment.” “I know it’s a lot to ask but do you think

you and Tracey can come with me.” “Of course, we will.”