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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 47
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 50

50 What Now

Archer POV

We head downstairs to the pack living room to wait until my mother and River finish talking. Harris went

to find Willow. We take a seat on the couch and Jeremiah sits across from us. I wrap my arm around

Sabrina. Sabrina laughs “your mother is not one to be played with.” “I know, did you see how we all

scattered when she told us to?” I look over at Jeremiah and he snickers. “I would be very careful,

Jeremiah.” “I understand your loyalty to River, but I don’t need to remind you that my mother will be

respected while you are on my pack lands.” “I will keep my opinions about your mother to myself out of

respect for you.” A few minutes later Harris returns with Willow. “Archer tell me what the hell is going on

with mom, Harris said I had to ask you.” “It seems dear old dad and grandpa kept mother’s fated mate

from her by banishing him from the pack.” Willow’s eyes get big before they turn black. “Calm down

Willow, mom is talking to River as we speak.” “River, the one that called Harris to warn us about dad.”

“Yes, he was to be dad’s Beta but when they found out he was mom’s mate they banished him.”

“Who the f**k does something like that” she growls. Harris pulls her into his arms and I can tell she is

trying to calm herself. Harris and Willow take a seat before Willow notices Jeremiah. “Who are you?”

“I’m River’s second in command and I’m just waiting so we can leave after he is done with your

mother.” I roll my eyes but I don’t correct him this time.” “I think you’re going to be waiting for some time

then because we just passed Fern and River walking toward her room” Levi says as he and Tracey join

us. “That’s awesome, moms getting some” Willow says. “Willow no way, we are not going to talk about

mom getting anything.” All the girls laugh and I can see the Jeremiah looks even more pissed. “Since

mom and River won’t be down anytime soon can we offer you a guest room for the night, Jeremiah.”

He stands “I will not stay here and watch your mother hurt River again.” “I will be back at the pack if he

is looking for me.” I link the guards to make sure he leaves the territory until I can talk to River. I hope

he doesn’t prove to be a problem. I really don’t need another a**hole to deal with.

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Sabrina POV

After Jeremiah leaves, we head upstairs to our floor and Lindsay is playing with Gabby in her room.

“Mama, I missed you today” I smile and she runs over to hug me. “I missed you too little one.” “Hey

what about me” Archer says. “I missed you too daddy.” Archer picks her up planting kisses all over her

face. “Are you hungry little one?” “No, Lindsay made me nuggets and fries.” “That was very nice of

Lindsay to make you dinner.” “Thank you, Lindsay.” “You’re welcome Luna, Alpha.” “I’ll get out of your

hair.” “Lindsay, can I ask you a question before you leave?” “Of course, Luna” she says. “Do you enjoy

working in the kitchen of the pack house?” “Working in the kitchen is important to the pack.” I laugh

“don’t give me the answer you think we want to hear Lindsay.” “Your allowed to have an opinion.” She

looks nervous but she finally answers. “No but I know we all have important parts to play in the pack

and that is mine.”

“How would you like to be Gabby’s nanny while I and the Alpha work?” She smiles like I offered her a

million dollars. “I would love that, Luna.” “Ok Archer is going to replace you in the kitchen so you can be

Gabby’s nanny full time.” She wraps her arms around me hugging me tight. “Thank you, Luna you

won’t regret this.” “I will protect her like she is my own pup.” “I have no doubt, that is why I’m trusting

you with her.” She heads downstairs and I take Gabby into the bathroom to get her ready for bed. Once

her bath is done and her pajamas are on, she heads out to a waiting Archer. This man has not missed

a story time despite running a pack and his work. Gabby kisses us both before she slides under the

covers. Once Archer finishes and Gabby is out like a light, we head to our room.

“That was amazing love what you did for Lindsay.” “I should have talked to you first but she has had her

so much I didn’t think you would mind.” “Sabrina, you are the Luna of this pack, you do not need my

permission to make decisions.” “If I was worried about her having our pup, I would absolutely tell you

love.” “That reminds me there will be an assortment of dresses brought tomorrow for you, Gabby, and

Tracey to go through.” “Have I told you how amazing you are.” “I would rather you show me but I don’t

mind hearing it” he chuckles. He pulls me into him and kisses me deeply. When he pulls back, I lead

him into our bathroom. Once I thoroughly show him how amazing he is we head to bed. I can’t wait to

see what happens with Fern and River tomorrow. I pray they accept each other and they will both get

the happiness they deserve.

Fern POV

When I wake in the morning, a warm body is wrapped around me and I’m surrounded by the scent of

lavender and vanilla. “Good morning, mate” he says and I smile. “Are you watching me sleep like a

creepier?” “I will watch you sleep every day for the rest of our lives Fern.” I lean over and kiss him

before I slide out of bed to head to the bathroom. Once I’m done, I head into the bedroom and River is

slipping on his pants. He stands and kisses me before he heads into the bathroom himself. I wonder

what will happen today. I know based on our conversation last night that he has a pack of rogues that

follow him. I don’t want to leave my pack, but I won’t live without him. I take a deep breath and I feel

strong arms wrap around me. “Fern, I can feel your worry through our bond.” “I promise you everything

is going to work out.” “I’m never letting you go.” I lean up and kiss him before we head downstairs to


When we walk into the dining room, everyone is already there. “Grandma” Gabby yells and everyone

turns to look at us. Willow rushes over to me and without warning pulls my shirt down, exposing my

mark. “What the hell Willow you could have just asked?” She pulls me into a hug. “I’m so happy for you

mom.” “Thank you, Willow.” “Willow, this is River” is all I get out of my mouth before she hugs him.

“Welcome to our family River.” She pulls back and we head to take our seats. I kiss Gabby’s forehead

before I sit down next to River. “Who is that little one” River asks. “Her name is Gabby and she is our

granddaughter.” The smile that spreads across his face is brilliant. “You’re my new grandpa.” “Yes,

sweet girl I am.” My heart melts all over again to hear him speak to Gabby. We finish breakfast and

head to Archer’s office to discuss River and his pack.

River POV

Last night was the best night of my life and I meant what I said to Fern, I’m never letting her go. Now I

just need to figure out what to do about the pack. Meeting my new family was amazing this morning. I

never got to have pups, because I didn’t want them with anyone but Fern. Archer and Willow are my

pups now. We head to Archer’s office and Fern and I take a seat. Sabrina and Archer are sitting behind

the desk. “River, I offered Jeremiah to stay so you could speak to him this morning but he was angry

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that you were with my mother and left.” “He told me to tell you he is back at the pack if you, are looking

for him.” “I knew he wasn’t going to take it well because he doesn’t know all the facts.” “I will talk to him

but he can get on board with me mating Fern or he can move on.” “He has been like a brother to me so

he needs to support my decision because this is not negotiable.”

“What are your plans for the pack River?” “I actually wanted to talk to you about that.” “Most of the

rogues in my pack were either born that way or ended up that way by circumstance.” “The pack

members are good people and we don’t steal or hurt others to survive.” Archer holds up his hand “any

member of your pack will be offered to become a member of the Scarlett Howl pack and your

banishment is officially lifted by this Alpha.” I never thought I would hear those words in my lifetime.

“Thank you, Archer, I am grateful for your offer and I will speak to the pack members to see who is

interested in joining.” “I have one more thing to ask of you when we fight your father and Lawrence.” “I

would like to be the one to end Thomas if it’s possible.” “After all he took from me and your mother, I

think it only fitting my eyes be the last thing he sees before he goes to the goddess for his punishment.”

“I couldn’t agree more” Archer says. Fern takes my hand and I squeeze it. “Thank you, Archer, for

making sure that we met despite what River wanted.” “I would do anything for your happiness, mom,

besides, I think River was hoping it would happen despite what he said.” “Deep down, your right, my

only fear was rejection, but I’m glad you gave me no choice.”

I stand “I’m going to go and meet with the pack and Jeremiah.” “I won’t be gone long.” “I hope you don’t

think I’m not coming with you.” “Fern, I don’t think that Jeremiah would ever go against me but I don’t

want you in any danger if I’m wrong.” Fern stands “I am not a weak women who can’t defend herself.”

“Now let’s go” she says before she walks out of the office. “Good luck my mother won’t take no for an

answer” Archer says and laughs. I rush to catch up with my mate. Once I’m at her side, I take her hand

in mine. I stop her “I know you are not weak I just can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you

after we just found each other.” She leans up and kisses me. “I’m not afraid and we can face anything

together.” We both shift, holding our clothes in our mouths, we take off to my land. Once we reach the

woods outside it we shift and dress. I take Fern’s hand and we approach one of the guards. “Welcome

back, River” he says baring his neck to me. We walk to the building we use as a pack house and head

directly to my office. Once we are inside, the door flies open and a very pissed-looking Jeremiah walks

in. Fern is standing next to me and I do not like the way he is looking at my mate.