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My Husband Is A Gary Stu

Chapter 591
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Chapter 591

She contacted Paula and got the people in the entertainment industry to deliberately let Sylvic get a film with a good production team and a huge investment. After Sylvie signed the contract, Genevieve got someone close to Cooper to invest in the film by using Cooper’s moncy, who then became the highest investor in the film.

After that, Genevieve sneakily arranged for two particular female actresses to take part in the film. They were the ones Sylvie had stolen projects from.

Although those two female actresses weren’t as established as Sylvie, they were still formidable individuals in the entertainment industry.

When Sylvic had gotten her hands on the script, she realized thosc two other female actresses were in it. Besides, only then did she know what her character had to do in the film. Immediately, she tried to quit the film. However, she had no choice but to proceed because the production company showed her the enormous amount of compensation she had to pay if she were to quit.

Not long after that, they started to shoot for the film.

Genevieve was told by someone on the production team that slapping scenes were shot on the first day of filming.

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Those two female actresses took the opportunity to take revenge by making mistakes in those scenes so that they could constantly slap Sylvie across the face. As if that wasn’t bad enough,

Sylvie had also fallen and broken her leg when she was doing stunts on a wire. As a result, the shooting was postponed.

Genevieve was uiterly satisfied when she found out about Sylvie’s misfortunes and the fact that Sylvie was in a hospital bed.

After Genevieve was done with her errands in the morning, she went to visit Johanna at the hospital.

When Genevieve arrived at the inpatient department, she bumped into the caregiver who was supposed to look after Johanna.

“Hey, where are you going?”

The caregiver answered, “Ms. Joule’s mom is here, and she said she wants to have a talk with Ms. Joule. Hence, I want to head back to cook.”

The caregiver’s daughter was a nurse at the hospital, and their house was just nearby.

Genevieve nodded and headed toward the elevator. While she was in the elevator, she thought about what Timothy had told her before. Ever since Johanna passed out, Vanessa had never visited her once. Why is she here all of a sudden? / lowever, she‘s Johanna‘s mom. Perhaps Vanessa felt guila, so she came to see her daughter

Upon arriving outside Johanna’s ward, Genevieve thought she would just wait outside. That was when she glanced inside the ward through the glass panel on the door by accident. There, she saw Vanessa injecting something into the infusion bag.

Shocked, Genevieve instantly pushed the door open and shouted, “What are you doing?”

Vanessa was caught by surprise, and her hands shuddered. The syringe fell under the bed.

Genevieve then rushed toward Vanessa and shovcil her aside. After yanking the tubes off of Johanna’s hand, she pressed a collon swab on hicr injection site.

“What did you want to inject into the infusion bag?” Genevieve turned toward Vanessa and glared at her.

“Just medicine. “Tlc nurse told me to do so.” Vanessa uuttered in a guilty tone and tricd to flcc with the infusion bas.

Genevieve reacted quickly and snatched the infusion bag from her to prevent her from destroying the evidence. “Is that so? I’ll get the doctors and the nurses to come here now. I want to know what’s inside the infusion bag!”

With that, Genevieve reached out to press the emergency button.

Vanessa stopped her and said, “It’s sibutramine.”

Genevieve was taken aback. She gritted her teeth and sumed, “Sibutramine is banned because it could lead to a heart attack! You’re ruthless! She’s your daughter!”

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“That’s exactly why I’m doing this. I don’t want her to live in pain!” Vanessa glanced at Johanna and uttered sorrowfully. “The doctors told me she could be in a vegetative state for the rest of her life. I’m doing this so that she could be free of it!”

“She’s a human. What makes you think that decision was yours to make? It’s not your call!” Genevieve trembled in anger.

“It’s my call because I’m her mother. I gave birth to her.”

Genevieve answered in a mocking tone, “So what? In order to get your fame and fortune, you abandoned her and left her to fend for herself when she was still a child. Are you worthy of being her mother?”

By then, Vanessa was pissed off as well. “If I did leave her to fend for herself, would I have sent her money every month? I was the one who got her into the famous fashion design school! If she were to follow her gambling father, she would most probably end up being a prostitute in the club to raise money for her father to gamble!”

Genevieve lost her cool and delivered a tight slap across Vanessa’s face.

Vanessa was stunned because she had just been slapped by someone so much younger than her.

“You’re not concerned with Jojo’s current situation, are you? You just think she’s standing in

Timothy’s way!” Genevieve shot Vanessa a cold stare.

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