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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 240
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Chapter 240

Lila’s POV

The finality of his tone made me realize that there was no point in arguing with him any further. His

point was made, and his decision was final. I stayed silent, feeling all sorts of defeated while Tiffany

Prescott bowed her head to him and apologized for the hundredth time.

I felt small and I wanted to sink into the seat and disappear.

“With that being said, I’d like to be more involved in this school. I do own it after all, and I believe that’s

only fair. Don’t you think, Miss Prescott?” Alpha Jonathan asked her, much to her surprise.

She nodded quickly.

“Of course, Alpha,” she said, trying hard not to look at me knowing how upset I was about this mural


“Great, I’m going to be building a house of my own here. That way I’ll have a place to live whenever I’m

on campus,” he continued to say making my heart. weigh heavily in my chest. I didn’t like where this

was going. “I was planning on doing some renovations around campus and I’m thinking about opening

a coffee shop near the cafeteria. Just a small café that’ll be run by students.”

“That’s a wonderful idea, Alpha,” Headmaster Prescott agreed.

“Which is why I wanted my daughter here; Sarah, get in here,” he ordered without even looking at the


I heard Sarah’s slow and uncertain movements as she stood from her seat and made her way into the

office. She didn’t bother looking at me, but she did glance up at her father with worry clear in her eyes.

“I’ve already discussed this previously with her,” Alpha Jonathan continued. “But now I’m formally

putting Sarah in charge of this Café. Of course, I still own it. But it will be her responsibility.”

Headmaster Prescott looked at Sarah with a questioning look in her eyes.

“Is that something you want to do?” She asked Sarah.

Sarah looked at her like she wanted to protest; she opened her mouth, but one look at her father and

she closed her mouth, giving a small nod.

“I’ve already connected with contractors, and they will be here first thing in the morning to take

measurements,” Alpha Jonathan continued.

“That sounds wonderful, Alpha,” Headmaster Prescott said, giving a very obviously forced smile in

return. She then looked at me, and her smile softened. “How about you get to class before you are

late? I’m sorry I couldn’t be much help to you, Lila. But I’m sure you can understand why your request

isn’t plausible.”

I nodded, though I didn’t like it. But I really just wanted to get out of there.


11:30 1

“Thank you for your time,” I managed to say as I stood to my feet.

“What request would that be?” Alpha Jonathan asked before I could walk away. “We have a new

student, Kayla, who just transferred from Emmerson. Unfortunately, there aren’t any rooms available

for her to live on campus, so she commutes from home,” Headmaster Prescott explained.

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“A student is commuting?” Jonathan asked, raising his brows. “What do you mean there’s no room for

her? We have plenty of students that don’t have roommates. My daughter included.”

“No one wants to room with her, Dad,” Sarah muttered, folding her arms across her chest. “She’s a


“A fairy you say?” Alpha Jonathan asked, his eyes widening.

“This school has always welcomed all who would like to learn, including fairies. Though, she is the first

fairy we’ve had at this school and the other students have concerns about rooming with her.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Prescott, but when I’m not here, who is in charge here?”

She was taken aback by his question and her face grew red.

“I am…”


“Then why are students allowed to refuse this girl as a roommate?” Alpha Jonathan asked, tightening

his jaw.

“I don’t want to force students to


“It seems you just don’t want to do your job,” he snapped, cutting her off once again. “This is a school,

and you are the headmaster. The students don’t get to pick their roommates and we certainly aren’t

going to deny a student a bed just because others are a little apprehensive over her. She wouldn’t be

allowed at this school if we thought she was unsafe to the other students.”

“I just didn’t want this girl to be uncomfortable-”

“By dis-including her you have already made her uncomfortable,” Alpha Jonathan snapped.

I hated agreeing with him, but he was kind of right about that.

“You’re right; I wasn’t thinking straight. I’ll connect with some students and-”

“Don’t bother. I already decided on a roommate for her,” Alpha Jonathan said, turning away from us.

Before anyone could say anything more, he continued. “My daughter will be her roommate.”

“What?” Sarah gasped just as her father reached the doorway.

Without turning around, he said, “You have a suite with an extra bedroom and two bathrooms. You can

give up the extra bedroom.”

“I’m using it as my closet,” she whined.

“I’m not arguing about this. This new girl will move in immediately. I expect that



room to be cleared out by nightfall. I’ll be checking on it,” he said, and, on that note, he left the office,

leaving us all standing quietly and stunned.

“This isn’t fair,” Sarah said, and it looked like she was on the verge of tears. “I don’t want a roommate

and I don’t want to run a stupid coffee shop.”

I wasn’t sure how I felt with someone as sweet as Kayla having Sarah as a roommate. It might have

been better if she just continued to commute from home.

“It doesn’t seem like any of us have a choice,” I murmured.

We all got

the short end of the stick during this conversation. What’s worse was that Alpha Jonathan was going to

be sticking around for a while. I had a feeling things were going to continue changing and these

changes weren’t going to be good.

“Lila, how about you find Kayla before class and let her know the news? Sarah now is a good time to

start clearing out that room,” Headmaster Prescott said, and I could tell she was trying hard to keep

herself together.

“Yes, mam,” I said as I walked toward the doorway.

I heard Sarah murmuring something behind me, but her voice drowned out the further I got from her. I

didn’t want to hear anything she had to say; I had such a headache.

I only had about 20 minutes before my next class started so I had to find Kayla quickly. Thankfully, it

didn’t take me long. When I didn’t see her in the student lounge or the library, I went into the cafeteria

and saw her sitting alone at a table, reading a book and eating a sandwich.

She looked extremely out of her element, and I felt badly for her but as I approached, she looked up at

me and gave me a warm and inviting smile. “Hey, Lila,” she said, putting her book down.

I sat beside her and returned her smile.

“I have some news,” I told her, sitting down beside her. “I’m not sure if it’s good or bad though.”

“What’s going on?” She asked, peering over at me through her long lashes.

“I spoke to the headmaster about your living arrangements, and she was able to get you a roommate,” I

said in a breath, purposely leaving out the fact that it was because of Alpha Jonathan that I was able to

accomplish this.

Her eyes widened and for a moment I thought she had stopped breathing. She stared at me with such

large eyes, that she almost looked like a bug.

“Are you serious?” She finally asked in nothing more than a whisper.

I nodded my head once, biting my bottom lip before continuing.

“Yes; the only issue is, your roommate will be Sarah.”

She raised her brows, and I could see the confusion in her eyes.


11:30 D

“Is that an issue? I’m not entirely sure who that is,” she said after a beat of silence. “Sarah isn’t exactly

a nice person,” I admitted. “She’s actually very mean and can be cruel. She doesn’t want to be your

roommate and will probably try to push you out.”

She now looked startled by this information.

“Then why would she agree to be my roommate?” She asked, furrowing her brows together.

“It wasn’t her choice. It was her father’s choice. He’s the owner of the school. You might have heard of

him, even in Emerson. Alpha Jonathan.”

“Of course, I have heard of him,” she said, sighing. “He owns a lot of businesses and he’s very rich. So,

he’s forcing her to room with me?”

I nodded my head once, meeting her eyes.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I’m so sorry, Kayla. I only wanted to help,” I told her, feeling defeated. I feel like I made her situation so

much worse.

She appeared to be deep in thought for a moment before relaxing her body and giving me a gentle


“It’s okay,” she finally said. “Maybe it won’t be that bad. At least I have got a room now and I can be

here all the time to work on my studies. My parents don’t have to worry about driving me here as well.”

“There’s also a nice forest that we are allowed to go to whenever we want,” I added. “I can take you

there sometimes.”

“I would love that,” she breathed. “Honestly, this will be fine. I’m sure it won’t be that bad. So, thank you

for doing this for me.”

“Of course,” I said, smiling widely at her. “Are we still on for later?”


pm, library,” she confirmed. “I’ll be there. In the meantime, I’m going to call my parents and tell them the

good news.”

“I have to get to class; but I’ll see you later, Kay,” I said as I stood to my feet.

We waved to one another as I left the dining hall.

Third Person POV

The school grew quiet as evening neared. Alpha Jonathan went for a stroll along the campus walls,

gaining some alone time before he went to Enzo’s faculty home to rest for the evening. He took his

phone out of his pocket and dialed the burner number he had created only a day ago.

“I was wondering when you were going to call me,” Jazzy said on the other end. “Are my men treating

you okay?” Jonathan asked.

Jazzy was currently living in his packhouse and being protected by his packhouse. Nobody, not even

her coven, knows or even suspects that she’s there.



“They are fine,” she murmurs. “Though I told them I’m going to need some supplies. They are being

difficult though.”

“Supplies for what?”

“I have been working on a new spell. It’ll block the use of magic in a specific area. Any spell cast prior

will demolish.”

Jonatha froze in his walk.

“Would it work for curses as well?”

“Unfortunately, no,” she muttered. “It won’t work for Volana’s either. But with some more testing that

might change. I figured we could use the spell in case we run into issues during our plan. But for now, I

need things to complete this spell.”

“I’ll make sure you get your supplies,” he told her.

“Make sure I get them soon, Alpha. I don’t like waiting…” she paused for a

moment before continuing. “My intuition is telling me that I need to test this spell out no later than
