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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 257
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Chapter 257

what do we need for this spell to work?” I asked as my mother and

ho were both reading the spell book intently,

ental candles, which I have back at home,” Hazel said as she

inued reading. I also need a bowl of rose petals, which I can get from the gardens.

Tll pick the roses,” my mother offered. “Should we have the ritual in the village center at sundown?”

Hazel nodded.

“That sounds great,” she agreed.

“What should I do?” I asked.

They both paused and looked at me.

“Return to Diana’s house and help them with dinner,” my mother said gently. “Make sure they are ready

to cast a spell tonight. We need them mentally ready because this spell is big and it’s going to take all

of us.” “Including Colton and his mother?” I asked.

Diana and my mother exchanged looks before turning back to me.

“For this spell to work, we are going to need all of us,” Diana said, giving me a small smile. “Your

mother is right, they need to be mentally alert and prepared for tonight. It could be draining for all of


“Okay. I’ll let them know,” I told them.

I hugged my mother tightly before heading back to Diana’s house. I paused at the door when I heard

the low rumble of music sounding from her small kitchen. It sounded similar to the music that Dee

listened to while cooking as well.

I walked through the living room and stepped into the kitchen, freezing at the doorway. I couldn’t help

the grin on my face as I watched Diana and Colton dancing and singing while they were cooking

alongside one another.

The entire kitchen smelled delicious, and my mouth started watering. Colton was working on the

mashed potatoes while Diana worked on browning the beef and sautéing the veggies.

16hed My Professor And He Liked It

It was nice seeing Colton so carefree and thriving with his mother, a rare sight indeed.

I walked further into the kitchen and without saying anything, I began to dance as well. I didn’t

recognize the song, but it was the same style of rock that Dee often listened to. I don’t need to know

the song to dance to the rhythm..

It only took a couple of minutes before Colton noticed me. At first, I thought he was going to stop

dancing. I found myself laughing at his dumbfounded expression. But then he smirked and strolled over

to me, taking me in his arms and twirling me around the kitchen as his mother chuckled.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Did Hazel find a spell?” Diana then asked over the músic.

“Yes. She said she’s going to need all of us in order for it to work though. So, we all have to be mentally

prepared,” I answered.

“Do you know what kind of spell?”

“Something about the guardians of the earth,” I said, shrugging.

Diana froze and snapped a look at me.

“The guardians are the protectors of our earth. She’s going to summon them?”

“According to Hazel, we are all going to summon them,” I answered, looking at her in return.

“Why? Is that a problem?” Colton asked, looking at his mother curiously and yet worriedly.

“They use a lot of power,” Diana said, looking up at her son. “We might not be strong enough to keep

them here.“”

“But they are the protectors of the earth. Wouldn’t they want to help us?” I asked.

“They are busy protecting the earth, yes,” Diana agreed. “Which means they aren’t going to want to

protect us unless we have enough powers to feed them.”

“They feed off our powers?” I asked, raising my brows.

The guardians survive off the power of the elements. The earth holds. each of those elements. When

we summon them, we are taking them from the earth where they can’t feed. So, whoever summons

them will need to keep them fed. If we aren’t powerful enough to feed them, they won’t stick around


Razel seems to think we could be strong enough,” I said,

“What would happen if they drain us?” Colton was the one to ask. “Would

No. the guardians would never kill. It would weaken us if we weren’t strong enough. If they sense we

aren’t strong enough right off the bat, then they most likely will leave and return to the earth without

giving us the time of day,” Diana explained, shaking her head sadly. “They will only survive based on

the energy we give it.”

So, we just have to wait and see if we have enough power to feed them.” I said, 1 sounded more

hopeful than I felt.

“My mother and I don’t have powers,” Colton reminded me.

“Maybe not physically; but she’s still a Volana wolf and you have Volana blood. That has to count for

something.” I said, touching his arm gently. “Hazel thinks this can work. We have to have faith in her or

else it won’t work at all. She needs us to be mentally prepared, which means we need to have faith.”

“She’s right,” Diana said, nodding her head. “We will have faith that Hazel knows what she’s doing. If

she says this will work, then I believe her.” Diana still looked uncertain though, which made me feel

uneasy. She turned back to the stove and continued to cook. I looked up at Colton and saw that he was

thinking intently about something; he was suddenly very quiet.

I grabbed hold of his hand and pressed my body against his in a loving


“You have faith, don’t you?” I asked.

He looked down at me and I saw the uncertainty in his eyes, but it was. soon replaced with love and

passion as he bent down and kissed the bridge of my nose gently.

“I have faith in you and if you believe this will work, then I believe it too.” he said against me.

It made me smile and my heartbeat rapidly against my chest. I hugged him just before releasing him

and letting him return to his mashed potatoes.

Dinner was ready within 30 minutes and by the time I finished setting the table, my mother and Hazel

were returning to the kitchen.

“The food smells delicious,” my mother said as she took a seat. “I’m so

ingry Fean’t wait to pat

“We made plenty of food Dians said with a smile as she served us each a plate of shepherds

Colon can beside me and his mother sat in front of him, my mother sat in front of me and Harel sat

beside her.

We have everything prepared for tonight’s ritual in the village center.” Harel began as we ate. “It will

begin at sundown”

Which is in about 30 minites, my mother continued for her. “Did Ella explain the ritual to you yet?”

“We are summoning the guardians, Diana said, staring at Hazel who met her eyes in return. “Are we

able to do this?

muly believe we can,” she said, nodding. “I can sense as a group we have a lot of power. I’m not

entirely sure where the power is coming from, but I can feel it. We are strong and it might be strong

enough to satisfy the guardians.”

“I trust you, friend,” Diana said with a fond smile.

“This food is delicious,” I said, taking a large bite.

“I agree.” Colton said, smiling at his mother.

“I’m glad you like it,” she beamed.

We talked a bit more as we ate and once, we were finished, I helped. Diana clear the table and clean

the dishes. The sun was starting to set over the horizon, and I knew that meant it was almost time for

the ritual.

I hoped I didn’t look as nervous as I felt.

Hazel and my mother had already gone to finish setting up in the village center. When we finished

cleaning, the rest of us joined them.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

In the Village center, I was amazed to see that Hazel and my mother set up a little campfire. Hazel held

a stone bowl in her hands and within the bowl lay rose petals. I also smelled something like lavender,

and it was such a calming scent, I instantly found myself relaxing.

There was a small table on the other side of the fire where candles sat and something that looked like a

grill lighter.

I noticed that each candle on the table was a different color. Red, yellow, blue, green, and purple. They

were tall with gold stems for holding. “Oh, good. You’ve arrived. We are all going to form a large circle

around this fire pit,” Hazel instructed as she rushed toward the table of candles.

grabbed the yellow candle and handed it to my mother “Luna

20 discustard, you ll represent the element air”

My mother took the candle and nodded, walking to her spot to start the formation of the circle. She

grabbed the red candle and walked over to

Thon, you will represent the element fire Stand right over there,” she sai, motioning for a spot further

away from my mother and across the Bre. He took the candle and glanced in my direction. I gave him a

peassuring smile and he returned it before going to his place in the circle. Hazel went back to the table

and grabbed two more candles, she walked over to Diana and handed her the blue candle. “You will

represent the vlement water,” she said, handing Diana the blue candle.

She took Diana’s arm and guided her to a place in the circle to stand. Then, she walked over to me,

holding the green candle.

“Earth?” I asked.

She smiled fondly and nodded.

“You will represent the element earth,” she said in agreement, handing me the candle. “Stand right over

here,” she said, guiding me to a spot. She went back to the table and grabbed the last candle, the

purple one. She also grabbed the sone bowl that was filled with rose petals and something that smelled

like lavender before she went to walk over to the center of the circle, standing beside the fire.

“I know some of you aren’t used to spell work like this but follow my lead and we will get through this,”

Hazel said to us all. “I will walk to each of you. I will recite the spell out loud so you can know it. You will

state the element you represent and light a rose petal on fire and then you’ll toss it into the fire pit

“Can we have an example?” Colton asked.

“Of course,” she answered, beaming at him. “For example, you will say the lines “Wise guardians of the

earth. With the element fire, I summon thee to bless and protect my home from darkness this night and

bring forth your elemental powers and light. Then using your candle, you will light a rose petal on fire

and toss it into the fire that sits before you.”

After a pause, she looked around at all our faces.

“Do you think we can handle this?” She asked.

“Yes,” I was the first to answer “1 ar